cuda.core.experimental API Reference

All of the APIs listed (or cross-referenced from) below are considered experimental and subject to future changes without deprecation notice. Once stablized they will be moved out of the experimental namespace.

CUDA runtime


Represent a GPU and act as an entry point for cuda.core features.

launch(stream, config, kernel, *kernel_args)

Launches a Kernel object with launch-time configuration.

EventOptions([enable_timing, ...])

Customizable Event options.

StreamOptions([nonblocking, priority])

Customizable Stream options.

LaunchConfig([grid, cluster, block, shmem_size])

Customizable launch options.

CUDA compilation toolchain

Program(code, code_type[, options])

Represent a compilation machinery to process programs into ObjectCode.

Linker(*object_codes[, options])

Represent a linking machinery to link one or multiple object codes into ObjectCode with the specified options.

ObjectCode(*args, **kwargs)

Represent a compiled program to be loaded onto the device.

ProgramOptions([arch, ...])

Customizable options for configuring Program.

LinkerOptions([arch, max_register_count, ...])

Customizable Linker options.

CUDA system information

property System.driver_version: Tuple[int, int]

Query the CUDA driver version.


tuple of int

A 2-tuple of (major, minor) version numbers.

property System.num_devices: int

Query the number of available GPUs.



The number of available GPU devices.

property System.devices: tuple

Query the available device instances.


tuple of Device

A tuple containing instances of available devices.

Utility functions


Decorator to create proxy objects to StridedMemoryView for the specified positional arguments.

StridedMemoryView([obj, stream_ptr])

A dataclass holding metadata of a strided dense array/tensor.