
Runtime Requirements

cuda.core is supported on all platforms that CUDA is supported. Specific dependencies are as follows:



CUDA Toolkit [1]

11.2 - 11.8

12.0 - 12.6


450.80.02+ (Linux), 452.39+ (Windows)

525.60.13+ (Linux), 527.41+ (Windows)

cuda.core supports Python 3.9 - 3.12, on Linux (x86-64, arm64) and Windows (x86-64).

Installing from PyPI

cuda.core works with cuda.bindings (part of cuda-python) 11 or 12. For example with CUDA 12:

$ pip install cuda-core[cu12]

and likewise use [cu11] for CUDA 11.

Note that using cuda.core with NVRTC or nvJitLink installed from PyPI via pip install is currently not supported. This will be fixed in a future release.

Installing from Conda (conda-forge)

Same as above, cuda.core can be installed in a CUDA 11 or 12 environment. For example with CUDA 12:

$ conda install -c conda-forge cuda-core cuda-version=12

and likewise use cuda-version=11 for CUDA 11.

Note that to use cuda.core with nvJitLink installed from conda-forge currently requires it to be separately installed:

$ conda install -c conda-forge libnvjitlink

(can be combined with the command above). This extra step will be removed in a future release.

Installing from Source

$ git clone
$ cd cuda-python/cuda_core
$ pip install .

For now cuda-python (cuda-bindings later) 11.x or 12.x is a required dependency.