Working with the CUDA Quantum IR

Let’s see the output of nvq++ in verbose mode. Given a simple code like

#include <cudaq.h>

struct ghz {
  void operator()(int N) __qpu__ {
    cudaq::qreg q(N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
      x<cudaq::ctrl>(q[i], q[i + 1]);

int main() { ... }

saved to file simple.cpp, we see the following output from nvq++ verbose mode (up to some absolute paths)

$ nvq++ simple.cpp -v --save-temps

cudaq-quake --emit-llvm-file simple.cpp -o simple.qke
cudaq-opt --pass-pipeline=builtin.module(canonicalize,lambda-lifting,canonicalize,apply-op-specialization,kernel-execution,inline{default-pipeline=func.func(indirect-to-direct-calls)},func.func(quake-add-metadata),device-code-loader{use-quake=1},expand-measurements,func.func(lower-to-cfg),canonicalize,cse) simple.qke -o simple.qke.LpsXpu
cudaq-translate --convert-to=qir simple.qke.LpsXpu -o simple.ll.p3De4L simple.qke simple.ll
llc --relocation-model=pic --filetype=obj -O2 simple.ll.p3De4L -o simple.qke.o
llc --relocation-model=pic --filetype=obj -O2 simple.ll -o simple.classic.o
clang++ -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11 -L/usr/lib64 -L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/lib64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/lib -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs -r simple.qke.o simple.classic.o -o simple.o
clang++ -Wl,-rpath,lib -Llib -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11 -L/usr/lib64 -L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/lib64 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/lib -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs simple.o -lcudaq -lcudaq-common -lcudaq-mlir-runtime -lcudaq-builder -lcudaq-ensmallen -lcudaq-nlopt -lcudaq-spin -lcudaq-qpud-client -lcudaq-em-qir -lcudaq-platform-default -lnvqir -lnvqir-qpp

The workflow orchestrated above is best visualized in the following figure.


We start by mapping CUDA Quantum C++ kernel representations (structs, lambdas, and free functions) to the Quake dialect. Since we added --save-temps, we can look at the IR code that was produced. simple.qke contains

module attributes {qtx.mangled_name_map = {__nvqpp__mlirgen__ghz = "_ZN3ghzclEi"}} {
    func.func @__nvqpp__mlirgen__ghz(%arg0: i32) attributes {"cudaq-entrypoint", "cudaq-kernel"} {
        %alloca = memref.alloca() : memref<i32> %arg0, %alloca[] : memref<i32>
        %0 = memref.load %alloca[] : memref<i32>
        %1 = arith.extsi %0 : i32 to i64
        %2 = quake.alloca(%1 : i64) : !quake.qvec<?>
        %c0_i32 = arith.constant 0 : i32
        %3 = arith.extsi %c0_i32 : i32 to i64
        %4 = quake.qextract %2[%3] : !quake.qvec<?>[i64] -> !quake.qref
        quake.h (%4)
        cc.scope {
        %c0_i32_0 = arith.constant 0 : i32
        %alloca_1 = memref.alloca() : memref<i32> %c0_i32_0, %alloca_1[] : memref<i32>
        cc.loop while {
            %6 = memref.load %alloca_1[] : memref<i32>
            %7 = memref.load %alloca[] : memref<i32>
            %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
            %8 = arith.subi %7, %c1_i32 : i32
            %9 = arith.cmpi slt, %6, %8 : i32
            cc.condition %9
        } do {
            cc.scope {
            %6 = memref.load %alloca_1[] : memref<i32>
            %7 = arith.extsi %6 : i32 to i64
            %8 = quake.qextract %2[%7] : !quake.qvec<?>[i64] -> !quake.qref
            %9 = memref.load %alloca_1[] : memref<i32>
            %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
            %10 = arith.addi %9, %c1_i32 : i32
            %11 = arith.extsi %10 : i32 to i64
            %12 = quake.qextract %2[%11] : !quake.qvec<?>[i64] -> !quake.qref
            quake.x [%8 : !quake.qref] (%12)
        } step {
            %6 = memref.load %alloca_1[] : memref<i32>
            %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
            %7 = arith.addi %6, %c1_i32 : i32
   %7, %alloca_1[] : memref<i32>
        %5 = : !quake.qvec<?>) : !cc.stdvec<i1>

This is the base Quake file, unoptimized and unchanged. It is produced by the cudaq-quake tool, which also allows us to output the full LLVM IR representation for the code. This LLVM IR is classical-only, and is directly produced by clang++ code-generation. The LLVM IR file simple.ll contains the CUDA Quantum kernel operator()(Args...) LLVM function, with a mangled name. Ultimately, we want to replace this function with our own MLIR-generated function.

Next, the cudaq-opt tool is invoked on the simple.qke file. This runs an MLIR pass-pipeline that canonicalizes and optimizes the code. It will also process quantum lambdas, lift those lambdas to functions, and synthesis adjoint and controlled versions of CUDA Quantum kernel functions if necessary. The most important pass this this step applies is the kernel-execution pass, which synthesizes a new entry point LLVM function with the same name and signature as the original operator()(Args...) call function in the classical simple.ll file. We also extract all Quake code representations as strings and register them with the CUDA Quantum runtime for runtime IR introspection.

After cudaq-opt, the cudaq-translate tool is used to lower the transformed Quake representation to an LLVM IR representation, specifically the QIR. We finish by lowering this representation to object code via standard LLVM tools (e.g. llc), and merge all object files into a single object file, ensuring that our new mangled operator()(Args...) call is injected first, thereby over-writing the original. Finally, based on user compile flags, we configure the link line with specific libraries that implement the quantum_platform (here the and NVQIR circuit simulator backend (the Q++ CPU-only simulation backend). These latter libraries are controlled via the --platform and --qpu compiler flags.


The above figure demonstrate the MLIR dialects involved and the overall workflow mapping high-level language constructs to lower-level MLIR dialect code, and ultimately LLVM IR.

CUDA Quantum also provides value-semantics dialect for static circuit representation called Quantum Thread Execution (QTX). This dialect directly enables robust circuit optimizations via data-flow analysis of the representative circuit. This dialect is typically produced just-in-time when the structure of the circuit is fully known.

You will notice that there are a number of CUDA Quantum executable tools installed as part of this open beta release. These tools are directly related to the generation, processing, optimization, and lowering of the core NVQ++ compiler representations. The tools available are

  1. cudaq-quake - Lower C++ to Quake, can also output classical LLVM IR file

  2. cudaq-opt - Process Quake with various MLIR Passes, convert to QTX

  3. cudaq-translate - Lower Quake or QTX to external representations like QIR (or Base Profile QIR)

CUDA Quantum and NVQ++ rely on Quake and QTX for the core quantum intermediate representation. Quake represents an IR closer to the CUDA Quantum source language and models qubits and quantum instructions via memory semantics. Quake can be fully dynamic and in that sense represents a quantum circuit template or generator. With runtime arguments fully specified, Quake code generates or synthesizes a fully-known quantum circuit. QTX is a dialect that sits below Quake and does not allow any dynamic or runtime parameterization. It is a representation for fully-known or synthesized quantum circuits. Its utility, therefore, lies in its ability to optimize quantum code. It departs from the memory semantics model of Quake and relies fully on the SSA-nature of the MLIR, a value-semantics model. This approach makes it easier for finding circuit patterns and leveraging it for common optimization tasks.

To demonstrate how these tools work together, let’s take the simple GHZ CUDA Quantum program and lower the kernel from C++ to Quake, synthesize that Quake code, and produce QIR. Recall the code snippet for the kernel

// Define a quantum kernel
struct ghz {
  auto operator()() __qpu__ {
    cudaq::qreg q(5);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      x<cudaq::ctrl>(q[i], q[i + 1]);

Using the toolchain, we can lower this to directly to QIR

cudaq-quake simple.cpp | cudaq-opt --canonicalize | cudaq-translate --convert-to=qir

which prints

; ModuleID = 'LLVMDialectModule'
source_filename = "LLVMDialectModule"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"

%Array = type opaque
%Qubit = type opaque
%Result = type opaque

declare void @invokeWithControlQubits(i64, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)*, ...) local_unnamed_addr

declare void @__quantum__qis__x__ctl(%Array*, %Qubit*)

declare %Result* @__quantum__qis__mz(%Qubit*) local_unnamed_addr

declare void @__quantum__rt__qubit_release_array(%Array*) local_unnamed_addr

declare i64 @__quantum__rt__array_get_size_1d(%Array*) local_unnamed_addr

declare void @__quantum__qis__h(%Qubit*) local_unnamed_addr

declare i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array*, i64) local_unnamed_addr

declare %Array* @__quantum__rt__qubit_allocate_array(i64) local_unnamed_addr

define void @__nvqpp__mlirgen__ghz() local_unnamed_addr {
    %0 = tail call %Array* @__quantum__rt__qubit_allocate_array(i64 5)
    %1 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 0)
    %2 = bitcast i8* %1 to %Qubit**
    %3 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %2, align 8
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__h(%Qubit* %3)
    %4 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 0)
    %5 = bitcast i8* %4 to %Qubit**
    %6 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %5, align 8
    %7 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 1)
    %8 = bitcast i8* %7 to %Qubit**
    %9 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %8, align 8
    tail call void (i64, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)*, ...) @invokeWithControlQubits(i64 1, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)* nonnull @__quantum__qis__x__ctl, %Qubit* %6, %Qubit* %9)
    %10 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 1)
    %11 = bitcast i8* %10 to %Qubit**
    %12 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %11, align 8
    %13 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 2)
    %14 = bitcast i8* %13 to %Qubit**
    %15 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %14, align 8
    tail call void (i64, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)*, ...) @invokeWithControlQubits(i64 1, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)* nonnull @__quantum__qis__x__ctl, %Qubit* %12, %Qubit* %15)
    %16 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 2)
    %17 = bitcast i8* %16 to %Qubit**
    %18 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %17, align 8
    %19 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 3)
    %20 = bitcast i8* %19 to %Qubit**
    %21 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %20, align 8
    tail call void (i64, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)*, ...) @invokeWithControlQubits(i64 1, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)* nonnull @__quantum__qis__x__ctl, %Qubit* %18, %Qubit* %21)
    %22 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 3)
    %23 = bitcast i8* %22 to %Qubit**
    %24 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %23, align 8
    %25 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 4)
    %26 = bitcast i8* %25 to %Qubit**
    %27 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %26, align 8
    tail call void (i64, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)*, ...) @invokeWithControlQubits(i64 1, void (%Array*, %Qubit*)* nonnull @__quantum__qis__x__ctl, %Qubit* %24, %Qubit* %27)
    %28 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 0)
    %29 = bitcast i8* %28 to %Qubit**
    %30 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %29, align 8
    %31 = tail call %Result* @__quantum__qis__mz(%Qubit* %30)
    %32 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 1)
    %33 = bitcast i8* %32 to %Qubit**
    %34 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %33, align 8
    %35 = tail call %Result* @__quantum__qis__mz(%Qubit* %34)
    %36 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 2)
    %37 = bitcast i8* %36 to %Qubit**
    %38 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %37, align 8
    %39 = tail call %Result* @__quantum__qis__mz(%Qubit* %38)
    %40 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 3)
    %41 = bitcast i8* %40 to %Qubit**
    %42 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %41, align 8
    %43 = tail call %Result* @__quantum__qis__mz(%Qubit* %42)
    %44 = tail call i8* @__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(%Array* %0, i64 4)
    %45 = bitcast i8* %44 to %Qubit**
    %46 = load %Qubit*, %Qubit** %45, align 8
    %47 = tail call %Result* @__quantum__qis__mz(%Qubit* %46)
    tail call void @__quantum__rt__qubit_release_array(%Array* %0)
    ret void

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}

We could also lower to the QIR Base Profile

cudaq-quake simple.cpp | cudaq-opt --canonicalize --expand-measurements --canonicalize --cc-loop-unroll --canonicalize | cudaq-translate --convert-to=qir-base

which prints

; ModuleID = 'LLVMDialectModule'
source_filename = "LLVMDialectModule"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"

%Qubit = type opaque
%Result = type opaque

declare void @__quantum__qis__h__body(%Qubit*) local_unnamed_addr

declare void @__quantum__qis__cnot__body(%Qubit*, %Qubit*) local_unnamed_addr

declare void @__quantum__rt__result_record_output(%Result*, i8*) local_unnamed_addr

declare void @__quantum__rt__array_end_record_output() local_unnamed_addr

declare void @__quantum__rt__array_start_record_output() local_unnamed_addr

declare i1 @__quantum__qis__read_result__body(%Result*) local_unnamed_addr

declare void @__quantum__qis__mz__body(%Qubit*, %Result*) local_unnamed_addr

define void @__nvqpp__mlirgen__ghz() local_unnamed_addr #0 {
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__h__body(%Qubit* null)
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__cnot__body(%Qubit* null, %Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 1 to %Qubit*))
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__cnot__body(%Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 1 to %Qubit*), %Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 2 to %Qubit*))
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__cnot__body(%Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 2 to %Qubit*), %Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 3 to %Qubit*))
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__cnot__body(%Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 3 to %Qubit*), %Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 4 to %Qubit*))
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__mz__body(%Qubit* null, %Result* null)
    %1 = tail call i1 @__quantum__qis__read_result__body(%Result* null)
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__mz__body(%Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 1 to %Qubit*), %Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 1 to %Result*))
    %2 = tail call i1 @__quantum__qis__read_result__body(%Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 1 to %Result*))
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__mz__body(%Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 2 to %Qubit*), %Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 2 to %Result*))
    %3 = tail call i1 @__quantum__qis__read_result__body(%Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 2 to %Result*))
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__mz__body(%Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 3 to %Qubit*), %Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 3 to %Result*))
    %4 = tail call i1 @__quantum__qis__read_result__body(%Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 3 to %Result*))
    tail call void @__quantum__qis__mz__body(%Qubit* nonnull inttoptr (i64 4 to %Qubit*), %Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 4 to %Result*))
    %5 = tail call i1 @__quantum__qis__read_result__body(%Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 4 to %Result*))
    tail call void @__quantum__rt__array_start_record_output()
    tail call void @__quantum__rt__result_record_output(%Result* null, i8* null)
    tail call void @__quantum__rt__result_record_output(%Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 1 to %Result*), i8* null)
    tail call void @__quantum__rt__result_record_output(%Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 2 to %Result*), i8* null)
    tail call void @__quantum__rt__result_record_output(%Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 3 to %Result*), i8* null)
    tail call void @__quantum__rt__result_record_output(%Result* nonnull inttoptr (i64 4 to %Result*), i8* null)
    tail call void @__quantum__rt__array_end_record_output()
    ret void

attributes #0 = { "EntryPoint" "requiredQubits"="5" "requiredResults"="5" }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}

!0 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}

Note that the results of each tool can be piped to futher tools, creating a composable pipeline of compiler lowering tools.