Extending CUDA Quantum with a new Simulator

Backend circuit simulation in CUDA Quantum is enabled via the NVQIR library (libnvqir). CUDA Quantum code is ultimately lowered to the LLVM IR in a manner that is adherent to the QIR specification. NVQIR provides function implementations for the various declared functions in the specification, which in turn delegate to an extensible simulation architecture.

The primary extension point for NVQIR is the CircuitSimulator class. This class exposes an API that enables qubit allocation and deallocation, quantum operation invocation, and measurement and sampling. Subtypes of this class are free to override these methods to affect simulation of the quantum code in any simulation strategy specific manner (e.g. state vector, tensor network, etc.). Moreover, subtypes are free to implement simulators that leverage classical accelerated computing.

In this document, we’ll detail this simulator interface and walk through how one might extend it for new types of simulation.


The CircuitSimulator type is defined in runtime/nvqir/CircuitSimulator.h. It handles a lot of the base functionality required for allocating and deallocated qubits, as well as measurement, sampling, and observation under a number of execution contexts.

Actual definition of the quantum state data structure, and its overall evolution are left as tasks for subclasses. Examples of simulation subtypes can be found in runtime/nvqir/qpp/QppCircuitSimulator.cpp or runtime/nvqir/custatevec/CuStateVecCircuitSimulator.cpp. The QppCircuitSimulator models the state vector using the Q++ library, which boils down to an Eigen::Matrix type and leverages OpenMP threading for matrix-vector operations. The CuStateVecCircuitSimulator type models the state vector on an NVIDIA GPU device by leveraging the cuQuantum library.

The key methods that need to be overridden by subtypes of CircuitSimulator are as follows:

Required Circuit Simulator Subtype Method Overrides

Method Name

Method Arguments

Method Description



Add a qubit to the underlying state representation.


qubitIdx : std::size_t

Reset the state of the qubit at the given index to |0>



Clear the entire state representation (reset to 0 qubits).

Quantum Operation Methods

varies per overload - target qubit index, control qubit index (indices), rotation parameters

Apply the unitary described by the operation with given method name. (e.g. h(qubitIdx), apply hadamard on qubit with index qubitIdx)


qubitIdx : std::size_t -> bool (returns bit result as bool)

Measure the qubit, produce a bit result, collapse the state.


qubitIdxs : std::vector<std::size_t>, shots : int

Sample the current multi-qubit state on the provided qubit indices over a certain number of shots



Return the name of this CircuitSimulator, must be the same as the name used in nvq++ -qpu NAME ...

The strategy for extending this class is to create a new cpp implementation file with the same name as your subtype class name. In this file, you will subclass the CircuitSimulator and implement the methods in the above table. Finally, the subclass must be registered with the NVQIR library so that it can be picked up and used when a user specifies nvq++ -qpu mySimulator ... from the command line (or cudaq.set_qpu('mySimulator') in Python.) Type registration can be performed with a provided NVQIR macro

NVQIR_REGISTER_SIMULATOR(MySimulatorClassName, mySimulator)

where MySimulatorClassName is the name of your subtype, and mySimulator is the same name as what MySimulatorClassName::name() returns, and what you desire the -qpu NAME name to be.

A further requirement is that the code be compiled into its own standalone shared library with name libnvqir-NAME.{so,dylib}, where NAME is the same name as what MySimulatorClassName::name() returns, and what you desire the -qpu NAME name to be. You will also need to create a NAME.config file that contains the following contents


The library must be installed in $CUDA_QUANTUM_PATH/lib and the configuration file must be installed to $CUDA_QUANTUM_PATH/platforms.

Let’s see this in action

CUDA Quantum provides some CMake utilities to make the creation of your new simulation library easier. Specifically, but using find_package(NVQIR), you’ll get access to a nvqir_add_backend function that will automate a lot of the boilerplate for creating your library and config file.

Let’s assume you want a simulation subtype named MySimulator. You can create a folder or repository for this code called my-simulator and add MySimulator.cpp and CMakeLists.txt files. Fill the CMake file with the following

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18 FATAL_ERROR)
project(DemoCreateNVQIRBackend VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX)
find_package(NVQIR REQUIRED)
nvqir_add_backend(MySimulator MySimulator.cpp)

and then fill out your MySimulator.cpp file with your subtype implementation, something like

#include "CircuitSimulator.h"

namespace {

  class MySimulator : public nvqir::CircuitSimulator {

    /// @brief Grow the state vector by one qubit.
    void addQubitToState() override { ... }

    /// @brief Reset the qubit state.
    void resetQubitStateImpl() override { ... }

    MySimulator() = default;
    virtual ~MySimulator() = default;

  /// The one-qubit overrides
  #define ONE_QUBIT_METHOD_OVERRIDE(NAME)                                        \
    using CircuitSimulator::NAME;                                                \
    virtual void NAME(std::vector<std::size_t> &controls, std::size_t &qubitIdx) \
        override { ... }


  /// The one-qubit parameterized overrides
  #define ONE_QUBIT_ONE_PARAM_METHOD_OVERRIDE(NAME)                         \
  using CircuitSimulator::NAME;                                             \
  virtual void NAME(double &angle, std::vector<std::size_t> &controls,      \
                   std::size_t &qubitIdx) override { ... }


  /// @brief U2 operation
  using CircuitSimulator::u2;
  void u2(double &phi, double &lambda, std::vector<std::size_t> &controls,
      std::size_t &qubitIdx) override { ... }

  /// @brief U3 operation
  using CircuitSimulator::u3;
  void u3(double &theta, double &phi, double &lambda,
      std::vector<std::size_t> &controls, std::size_t &qubitIdx) override { ... }

  /// @brief Swap operation
  using CircuitSimulator::swap;
  void swap(std::vector<std::size_t> &ctrlBits, std::size_t &srcIdx,
        std::size_t &tgtIdx) override { ... }

  bool measureQubit(std::size_t qubitIdx) override { ... }

  void resetQubit(std::size_t &qubitIdx) override { ... }

  cudaq::SampleResult sample(std::vector<std::size_t> &measuredBits,
                          int shots) override { ... }

  const std::string_view name() const override { return "MySimulator"; }

} // namespace

/// Register this Simulator with NVQIR.

To build, install, and use this simulation backend, run the following from the top-level of my-simulator

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -G Ninja -DNVQIR_DIR="$CUDA_QUANTUM_PATH/lib/cmake/nvqir"
ninja install

Then given any CUDA Quantum source file, you can compile and target your backend simulator with

nvq++ file.cpp --qpu MySimulator