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cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor > Struct Template Reference

Partial specialization for row-major.

#include <volta_tensor_op_policy.h>

Public Types

using WarpShape = WarpShape_
using InterleavedTileShape = gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >
using ElementC = float
using Layout = layout::RowMajor
using InstructionShape = gemm::GemmShape< 16, 16, 4 >
 Shape of one warp-levelinstruction. More...
using MmaIterations = MatrixShape< InterleavedTileShape::kM/InstructionShape::kM, InterleavedTileShape::kN/InstructionShape::kN >
 Number of mma operations performed for one 32x32x4 interleaved tile. More...
using TileIterations = MatrixShape< WarpShape::kM/InterleavedTileShape::kM, WarpShape::kN/InterleavedTileShape::kN >
 Number of 32x32x4 interleaved tiles performed to cover the warp-level GEMM shape. More...
using AccessType = AlignedArray< ElementC, kElementsPerAccess >
 Array type for aligned memory accesses. More...
using Fragment = Array< ElementC, kElementsPerAccess *kAccessesPerInterleavedTile *TileIterations::kColumn >
 This is the fragment size produced by one access of the iterator. More...
using AccumulatorTile = Array< ElementC, TileIterations::kCount *MmaIterations::kCount *kElementsPerMma >
 This is the complete warp-level accumulator tile. More...

Static Public Attributes

static int const kElementsPerMma = 8
 Number of accumulator elements owned by each thread per Mma. More...
static int const kRowsPerIteration = 16
static int const kElementsPerAccess = 2
 Number of accumulator elements stored per memory instruction to shared memory. More...
static int const kAccessesPerInterleavedTile = 8
 Number of accesses performed per interleaved tile. More...
static int const kRowsPerMmaTile = 2
 Number of rows per interleaved tile. More...
static int const kIterations = TileIterations::kRow * MmaIterations::kRow
 Total number of iterations needed to cover the entire tile. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::AccessType = AlignedArray<ElementC, kElementsPerAccess>
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::AccumulatorTile = Array< ElementC, TileIterations::kCount * MmaIterations::kCount * kElementsPerMma>
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::ElementC = float
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::Fragment = Array< ElementC, kElementsPerAccess * kAccessesPerInterleavedTile * TileIterations::kColumn>
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::InstructionShape = gemm::GemmShape<16, 16, 4>
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::InterleavedTileShape = gemm::GemmShape<32, 32, 4>
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::Layout = layout::RowMajor
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::MmaIterations = MatrixShape< InterleavedTileShape::kM / InstructionShape::kM, InterleavedTileShape::kN / InstructionShape::kN >
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::TileIterations = MatrixShape< WarpShape::kM / InterleavedTileShape::kM, WarpShape::kN / InterleavedTileShape::kN >
template<typename WarpShape_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::WarpShape = WarpShape_

Member Data Documentation

template<typename WarpShape_ >
int const cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::kAccessesPerInterleavedTile = 8
template<typename WarpShape_ >
int const cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::kElementsPerAccess = 2
template<typename WarpShape_ >
int const cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::kElementsPerMma = 8
template<typename WarpShape_ >
int const cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::kIterations = TileIterations::kRow * MmaIterations::kRow
template<typename WarpShape_ >
int const cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::kRowsPerIteration = 16
template<typename WarpShape_ >
int const cutlass::epilogue::warp::VoltaTensorOpPolicy< WarpShape_, gemm::GemmShape< 32, 32, 4 >, float, layout::RowMajor >::kRowsPerMmaTile = 2

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