#include <batched_reduction_traits.h>
typedef BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ > | This_ |
typedef cutlass::reduction::BatchedReduction< This_ > | KernelClass |
| The struct that consumes this Traits. More...
typedef OutputTile_ | OutputTile |
typedef SubTile_ | SubTile |
typedef ThreadShape_ | ThreadShape |
typedef ScalarA_ | ScalarA |
| The input pointer type. More...
typedef ScalarC_ | ScalarC |
typedef ScalarD_ | ScalarD |
| The output pointer type. More...
typedef ScalarAlphaBeta_ | ScalarAlphaBeta |
| The alpha beta type. More...
typedef ScalarAccum_ | ScalarAccum |
| The type for accumulation. More...
typedef Index_ | Index |
| The index. More...
typedef BlockSwizzle_ | BlockSwizzle |
| The thread block swizzle. More...
typedef Functor_ | Functor |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef BlockSwizzle_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::BlockSwizzle |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef Functor_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::Functor |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef Index_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::Index |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef cutlass::reduction::BatchedReduction<This_> cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::KernelClass |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef OutputTile_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::OutputTile |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef ScalarA_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::ScalarA |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef ScalarAccum_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::ScalarAccum |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef ScalarAlphaBeta_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::ScalarAlphaBeta |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef ScalarC_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::ScalarC |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef ScalarD_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::ScalarD |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef SubTile_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::SubTile |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef BatchedReductionTraits<ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_> cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::This_ |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
typedef ThreadShape_ cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::ThreadShape |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
int const cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::kThreads = SubTile::kW / ThreadShape::kW |
static |
Parameteres object constructable on the host The number of threads per thread block. can be deduced
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
int const cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::maxInReg = maxInReg_ |
static |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
int const cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::maxOutReg = maxOutReg_ |
static |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
const int cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::ReductionSize = ReductionSize_ |
static |
template<typename ScalarA_ , typename ScalarC_ , typename ScalarD_ , typename ScalarAlphaBeta_ , typename ScalarAccum_ , int ReductionSize_ = 1, typename OutputTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 128>, typename SubTile_ = Shape<1, 1, 64>, typename ThreadShape_ = Shape<1, 1, 2>, typename Index_ = int, typename BlockSwizzle_ = DefaultBlockSwizzle, int maxInReg_ = 160, int maxOutReg_ = 64, typename Functor_ = typename cutlass::gemm::LinearScaling<ScalarAlphaBeta_, typename cutlass::gemm::FragmentMultiplyAdd<ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, (ThreadShape_::kW % 2 == 0)> >>
const bool cutlass::reduction::BatchedReductionTraits< ScalarA_, ScalarC_, ScalarD_, ScalarAlphaBeta_, ScalarAccum_, ReductionSize_, OutputTile_, SubTile_, ThreadShape_, Index_, BlockSwizzle_, maxInReg_, maxOutReg_, Functor_ >::ThreadShapeMultiple2 = (ThreadShape::kW % 2 == 0) |
static |
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