# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import random
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Generic, Optional
import torch
from ..base_state_dict import TensorAwareStateDict
from .group_utils import ExchangePlan, GroupWrapper, ProcessGroupLike, parse_group_sequence
from .utils import debug_time, debug_msg, zip_strict
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NoReplicasAvailableError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when no replicas are available for a requested ID."""
class ReplicationStrategy(ABC):
"""Abstract base class defining the interface for replication strategies."""
def replicate(
self, local_ckpt: TensorAwareStateDict, id_: str
) -> Tuple[List[TensorAwareStateDict], List[str]]:
"""Replicates the local checkpoint.
local_ckpt (TensorAwareStateDict): The local checkpoint to be replicated.
id_ (str): Identifier for the checkpoint.
A list of replicated checkpoints together with correspinding IDs
def retrieve_plan(
self, globally_available_ids: Mapping[int, List[str]], wanted: Sequence[str]
) -> ExchangePlan:
"""Generates a retrieval plan based on globally available IDs.
globally_available_ids (Mapping[int, List[str]]): Mapping of ranks to available IDs.
wanted (Sequence[str]): List of IDs to retrieve.
ExchangePlan: A plan detailing how to retrieve the requested IDs.
def retrieve_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Executes the retrieval plan."""
class CliqueReplicationStrategy(ReplicationStrategy):
"""Implements a replication strategy where all participants are in a single group.
This strategy replicates local checkpoints among all ranks in the local process group,
enabling efficient retrieval and communication of tensor data.
def __init__(self, local_group: ProcessGroupLike, target_device="cpu"):
self.local_group: GroupWrapper = GroupWrapper.wrap(local_group)
self.target_device = target_device
@debug_time('CliqueReplicationStrategy.replicate', logger)
def replicate(
self, local_ckpt: TensorAwareStateDict, id_: str
) -> Tuple[List[TensorAwareStateDict], List[str]]:
"""Replicates the local checkpoint and returns the replicated checkpoints with IDs.
This method splits the local checkpoint into a hollow state dictionary and its tensor data,
gathers replicated copies from other ranks, and reconstructs the state dictionaries.
local_ckpt (TensorAwareStateDict): The local checkpoint to replicate.
id_ (str): Identifier for the state dict.
Tuple[List[TensorAwareStateDict], List[str]]:
- List[TensorAwareStateDict]: A list of replicated checkpoints.
- List[str]: A list of identifiers for the replicated checkpoints.
sent_bytes = 0
recv_bytes = 0
# Note: it makes the original local_ckpt hollow
# Split local_ckpt into a list of tensors and a picklable hollow state dict
my_tensor_data = local_ckpt.pop_tensors()
# Send hollow state dicts and tensors separately
with debug_time("all_gather_hollow_ckpt"):
others_local_ckpts = self.local_group.all_gather_object(local_ckpt)
assert all(lch.is_hollow for lch in others_local_ckpts)
my_tensor_data_nbytes = sum(ten.nbytes for ten in my_tensor_data)
with debug_time("all_gather_others_tensor_data"):
others_tensor_data = self.local_group.all_gather_batch(
my_tensor_data, target_device=self.target_device
others_tensor_data_nbytes = sum(
[sum(ten.nbytes for ten in tensor_list) for tensor_list in others_tensor_data]
sent_bytes += my_tensor_data_nbytes
recv_bytes += others_tensor_data_nbytes - my_tensor_data_nbytes
# Assemble hollow state dicts and tensors back into whole state dicts
for lch, td in zip_strict(others_local_ckpts, others_tensor_data):
assert all(not lch.is_hollow for lch in others_local_ckpts)
# Label obtained state dicts with ids
with debug_time("all_gather_other_ids"):
other_ids = self.local_group.all_gather_object(id_)
assert local_ckpt.is_hollow
return others_local_ckpts, other_ids
@debug_time('CliqueReplicationStrategy.retrieve_plan', logger)
def retrieve_plan(
self, globally_available_ids: Mapping[int, List[str]], wanted: Sequence[str]
) -> ExchangePlan:
"""Creates a plan for retrieving the specified IDs from globally available replicas.
globally_available_ids (Mapping[int, List[str]]): Mapping of ranks to available IDs.
wanted (Sequence[str]): List of IDs to retrieve.
ExchangePlan: A plan detailing how to retrieve the requested IDs.
NoReplicasAvailableError: If no replicas are found for a requested ID.
# TODO: expand the function to multiple wanted IDs, and with smarter "routing"
rng = random.Random(0)
with debug_time("all_gather_wanted_ids"):
globally_wanted = self.local_group.all_gather_object(wanted)
result = ExchangePlan(group=self.local_group)
for receiver, currently_wanted in zip(self.local_group.ranks, globally_wanted):
for wanted_id in currently_wanted:
available = set(
for rank in self.local_group.ranks
if wanted_id in globally_available_ids[rank]
if not available:
raise NoReplicasAvailableError(
f"No replicated copies for id={wanted_id} found!"
if receiver in available:
sender = receiver
sender = rng.choice(sorted(list(available)))
result.plan(sender=sender, receiver=receiver, id_=wanted_id)
return result
@debug_time('CliqueReplicationStrategy.retrieve_execute', logger)
def retrieve_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Executes the retrieval plan using the local group.
The result of executing the retrieval plan.
return self.local_group.execute_plan(*args, **kwargs)
@debug_time('CliqueReplicationStrategy.from_replication_params', logger)
def from_replication_params(
cls, replication_jump: int = torch.cuda.device_count(), replication_factor: int = 2
) -> 'CliqueReplicationStrategy':
"""Instantiates process groups necessary for checkpoint replication.
Training ranks are divided into `W // F` distinct groups of size `F`, where
`W` is the world size
and `F` is the `replication_factor`.
Each group consists of ranks:
`n`, `n + J`, `n + 2J`, ..., `n + (F - 1)J`,
where `J` is the `replication_jump` and `n = aJF + b`, with:
- `a = 0, 1, ..., (W / (JF)) - 1`
- `b = 0, 1, ..., J - 1`.
Checkpoint shards are exchanged and fully replicated within each group.
**Important:** The world size (`W`) must be divisible by `J * F`.
This grouping enables replication across different failure domains by specifying
`J` equal to the failure blast radius.
For a world size of 32, `replication_jump = 8`, and `replication_factor = 2`,
the replication groups (cliques) are:
0-8, 1-9, 2-10, 3-11, 4-12, 5-13, 6-14, 7-15,
16-24, 17-25, 18-26, 19-27, 20-28, 21-29, 22-30, 23-31
replication_jump (int, optional): `J` in the formula above. Represents the gap between
successive ranks storing replicas of a given rank's data.
replication_factor (int, optional): `F` in the formula above. Denotes the number of
ranks storing replicas of a given rank's data.
logger.debug(f'Initializing {cls.__name__}')
repl_process_groups_ranks: List[List[int]] = parse_group_sequence(
repl_process_groups: List[torch.distributed.ProcessGroup] = [
torch.distributed.new_group(g) for g in repl_process_groups_ranks
my_process_group = GroupWrapper.from_list_of_groups(repl_process_groups)
return cls(my_process_group, target_device="cpu")
EagerT = TypeVar('EagerT')
class LazyReplicationStrategyBuilder(ReplicationStrategy, ABC, Generic[EagerT]):
"""Represents an uninitialized replication strategy.
Replication strategy needs process groups which can be impossible to initialize
and the time of instantiation of the ReplicationStrategy class.
This class allows for a lazy initialization of an instance of `EagerT` type:
>>> lazy_repl_strategy = LazyReplicationStrategyBuilder()
>>> ...
>>> lazy_repl_strategy.replicate(...) # performs lazy init transparently
>>> lazy_repl_strategy.retrieve_execute(...) # reuses previously initialized instance transparently
def __init__(self):
self._replication_strategy: Optional[EagerT] = None
def replication_strategy(self) -> EagerT:
"""Lazy build on demand."""
if self._replication_strategy is None:
self._replication_strategy = self._eager_build()
return self._replication_strategy
def replicate(
self, local_ckpt: TensorAwareStateDict, id_: str
) -> Tuple[List[TensorAwareStateDict], List[str]]:
"""Delegate to the underlying replication strategy."""
return self.replication_strategy.replicate(local_ckpt, id_)
def retrieve_plan(
self, globally_available_ids: Mapping[int, List[str]], wanted: Sequence[str]
) -> ExchangePlan:
"""Delegate to the underlying replication strategy."""
return self.replication_strategy.retrieve_plan(globally_available_ids, wanted)
def retrieve_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Delegate to the underlying replication strategy."""
return self.replication_strategy.retrieve_execute(*args, **kwargs)
def _eager_build(self) -> EagerT:
"""Instantiates the eager class."""
class LazyCliqueReplicationStrategy(LazyReplicationStrategyBuilder[CliqueReplicationStrategy]):
"""Lazy version of CliqueReplicationStrategy allowing to delay process group formation.
Training ranks are divided into `W // F` distinct groups of size `F`, where
`W` is the world size
and `F` is the `replication_factor`.
Each group consists of ranks:
`n`, `n + J`, `n + 2J`, ..., `n + (F - 1)J`,
where `J` is the `replication_jump` and `n = aJF + b`, with:
- `a = 0, 1, ..., (W / (JF)) - 1`
- `b = 0, 1, ..., J - 1`.
Checkpoint shards are exchanged and fully replicated within each group.
**Important:** The world size (`W`) must be divisible by `J * F`.
This grouping enables replication across different failure domains by specifying
`J` equal to the failure blast radius.
For a world size of 32, `replication_jump = 8`, and `replication_factor = 2`,
the replication groups (cliques) are:
0-8, 1-9, 2-10, 3-11, 4-12, 5-13, 6-14, 7-15,
16-24, 17-25, 18-26, 19-27, 20-28, 21-29, 22-30, 23-31
replication_jump (int, optional): `J` in the formula above. Represents the gap between
successive ranks storing replicas of a given rank's data.
replication_factor (int, optional): `F` in the formula above. Denotes the number of
ranks storing replicas of a given rank's data.
def __init__(
self, replication_jump: int = torch.cuda.device_count(), replication_factor: int = 2
self.replication_jump = replication_jump
self.replication_factor = replication_factor
def _eager_build(self):
return CliqueReplicationStrategy.from_replication_params(
self.replication_jump, self.replication_factor