- class nvidia_resiliency_ext.checkpointing.local.replication.strategies.CliqueReplicationStrategy(local_group, target_device='cpu')[source]
Implements a replication strategy where all participants are in a single group.
This strategy replicates local checkpoints among all ranks in the local process group, enabling efficient retrieval and communication of tensor data.
- Parameters:
local_group (GroupWrapper | ProcessGroup)
- classmethod from_replication_params(replication_jump=0, replication_factor=2)[source]
Instantiates process groups necessary for checkpoint replication.
Training ranks are divided into W // F distinct groups of size F, where W is the world size and F is the replication_factor. Each group consists of ranks:
n, n + J, n + 2J, …, n + (F - 1)J,
- where J is the replication_jump and n = aJF + b, with:
a = 0, 1, …, (W / (JF)) - 1
b = 0, 1, …, J - 1.
Checkpoint shards are exchanged and fully replicated within each group.
Important: The world size (W) must be divisible by J * F.
This grouping enables replication across different failure domains by specifying J equal to the failure blast radius.
Example: For a world size of 32, replication_jump = 8, and replication_factor = 2, the replication groups (cliques) are:
0-8, 1-9, 2-10, 3-11, 4-12, 5-13, 6-14, 7-15, 16-24, 17-25, 18-26, 19-27, 20-28, 21-29, 22-30, 23-31
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- replicate(local_ckpt, id_)[source]
Replicates the local checkpoint and returns the replicated checkpoints with IDs.
This method splits the local checkpoint into a hollow state dictionary and its tensor data, gathers replicated copies from other ranks, and reconstructs the state dictionaries.
- Parameters:
local_ckpt (TensorAwareStateDict) – The local checkpoint to replicate.
id (str) – Identifier for the state dict.
id_ (str)
- Returns:
List[TensorAwareStateDict]: A list of replicated checkpoints.
List[str]: A list of identifiers for the replicated checkpoints.
- Return type:
Tuple[List[TensorAwareStateDict], List[str]]
- retrieve_execute(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Executes the retrieval plan using the local group.
- Returns:
The result of executing the retrieval plan.
- retrieve_plan(globally_available_ids, wanted)[source]
Creates a plan for retrieving the specified IDs from globally available replicas.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
A plan detailing how to retrieve the requested IDs.
- Return type:
- Raises:
NoReplicasAvailableError – If no replicas are found for a requested ID.
- class nvidia_resiliency_ext.checkpointing.local.replication.strategies.LazyCliqueReplicationStrategy(replication_jump=0, replication_factor=2)[source]
]Lazy version of CliqueReplicationStrategy allowing to delay process group formation.
Training ranks are divided into W // F distinct groups of size F, where W is the world size and F is the replication_factor. Each group consists of ranks:
n, n + J, n + 2J, …, n + (F - 1)J,
- where J is the replication_jump and n = aJF + b, with:
a = 0, 1, …, (W / (JF)) - 1
b = 0, 1, …, J - 1.
Checkpoint shards are exchanged and fully replicated within each group.
Important: The world size (W) must be divisible by J * F.
This grouping enables replication across different failure domains by specifying J equal to the failure blast radius.
Example: For a world size of 32, replication_jump = 8, and replication_factor = 2, the replication groups (cliques) are:
0-8, 1-9, 2-10, 3-11, 4-12, 5-13, 6-14, 7-15, 16-24, 17-25, 18-26, 19-27, 20-28, 21-29, 22-30, 23-31
- class nvidia_resiliency_ext.checkpointing.local.replication.strategies.LazyReplicationStrategyBuilder[source]
]Represents an uninitialized replication strategy.
Replication strategy needs process groups which can be impossible to initialize and the time of instantiation of the ReplicationStrategy class.
This class allows for a lazy initialization of an instance of EagerT type: >>> lazy_repl_strategy = LazyReplicationStrategyBuilder() >>> … >>> lazy_repl_strategy.replicate(…) # performs lazy init transparently >>> lazy_repl_strategy.retrieve_execute(…) # reuses previously initialized instance transparently
- replicate(local_ckpt, id_)[source]
Delegate to the underlying replication strategy.
- Parameters:
local_ckpt (TensorAwareStateDict)
id_ (str)
- Return type:
- property replication_strategy: EagerT
Lazy build on demand.
- exception nvidia_resiliency_ext.checkpointing.local.replication.strategies.NoReplicasAvailableError[source]
Exception raised when no replicas are available for a requested ID.
- class nvidia_resiliency_ext.checkpointing.local.replication.strategies.ReplicationStrategy[source]
Abstract base class defining the interface for replication strategies.
- abstract replicate(local_ckpt, id_)[source]
Replicates the local checkpoint.
- Parameters:
local_ckpt (TensorAwareStateDict) – The local checkpoint to be replicated.
id (str) – Identifier for the checkpoint.
id_ (str)
- Returns:
A list of replicated checkpoints together with correspinding IDs
- Return type: