
Milano is a tool for automating hyper-parameters search for your models on a backend of your choice.



Getting started

You can use this toolkit with any script that has some hyperparameters that need to be tuned.

In order to use Milano you need to do the following things:

  1. Prepare your script (or wrap your function in a script) such that it will accept all hyperparameters as command line arguments and print the resulting validation score in some “recognizable” way (i.e. it should print the result after some pattern, e.g. “Validation score: 0.23”). It should be possible to execute your script with ./<script_name> in the backend environment (see below), but there are no other requirements for what your script should do or in what language it should be written.

  2. Prepare the Python configuration file. Look at the comments in examples/os2s/ or at other provided configs for examples on how to write the configuration file. In general it should specify the following:
    • Path to the script that need to be tuned.
    • Which parameters to tune and in which ranges. Supported parameter types are
    • “range”: this parameter should be sampled uniformly from min to max values.
    • “log_range”: this parameter should be sampled “logarithmically” from min to max values. This means that a uniform value will be sampled between [log(min), log(max)] and then it will be exponentiated.
    • “values”: this parameter can be one of the supplied values. * Backend through which your script is going to be executed and workers configuration. Make sure that it is possible to execute your script in the backend, for example, you can run it from the environment where Azkaban is launched.
  3. Start script to tune your hyperparameters and look at the results.csv (can be changed with --output_file cmd argument) file for the results. You don’t need to wait for all jobs to finish, results.csv will be updated iteratively on the go. Run python --help to see the list of all available configurations. Example command to train toy speech-to-text model with OpenSeq2Seq using Azkaban:
    python --config=examples/os2s/cifar10/ --verbose 3

Config options

For the full list of supported config options see !!TODO!!

All of the SearchAlgorithm’s support num_evals parameter which specifies how many jobs you want to run (or equivalently, how many function evaluations you want to do) and random_seed. Currently the following SearchAlgorithm’s are available:


Python >= 3.5 with packages listed in requirements.txt file. To execute or additionally matplotlib Python package is required.