This config can be used to prepare Corpus of Regional African American Language (CORAAL) dataset in the NeMo format. It produces 3 manifests for train/dev/test splits as well as a single manifest with all the data. The original data does not contain any splits, so we provide a custom way to split the data based on the speaker identity (so each split has a unique set of speakers).

CORAAL dataset is distributed as a number of long audio files alongside the transcriptions with timestamps. Some of the transcriptions contain only pauses and in many cases the transcription for a single speaker is split into multiple timestamps, which can be grouped together. See below for the details of how this is done in this config.

This config performs the following data processing.

  1. Downloads CORAAL data based on the official file list. There are a couple of errors in the links there, which are fixed in our code.

  2. Drops all utterances which contain only pauses. Set drop_pauses=False to undo.

  3. Groups all consecutive segments from the same speaker until 20 seconds duration is reached. The duration can be controlled with the group_duration_threshold parameter.

  4. Drops all utterances that are shorter than 2 seconds or longer than 30 seconds. You can directly change the config file to control this.

  5. Drops all utterances from interviewers (which speak standard American English). Set drop_interviewers=False to undo.

  6. Replaces common transcription errors as well as “non-linguistic”, “unintelligible” and “redacted” flags.

  7. Lower-cases all text and drops everything with non-english characters.

  8. Splits the data based on the speaker ids into custom train/dev/test sets.

Required arguments.

  • workspace_dir: specify the workspace folder where all audio files will be stored.

Note that you can customize any part of this config either directly or from command-line. Here are some common customizations to consider:

  • drop_pauses: set to False if you want to retain silence-only segments. Defaults to True.

  • group_duration_threshold: controls the maximum duration to use for merging consecutive segments from the same speaker. Defaults to 20.0.

  • drop_interviewers: set to False if you want to retain interviewers speech (standard American English). Defaults to True.

Output format.

This config generates multiple output manifest files:

  • ${workspace_dir}/full_manifest.json - full manifest with all the data.

  • ${workspace_dir}/train_manifest.json - training subset of the data.

  • ${workspace_dir}/dev_manifest.json - validation subset of the data.

  • ${workspace_dir}/test_manifest.json - test subset of the data.

All output manifests contain the following fields:

  • audio_filepath (str): relative path to the audio files.

  • text (str): transcription (lower-case without punctuation).

  • duration (float): audio duration in seconds.

Config link: dataset_configs/english/coraal/config.yaml