Kazakh Speech Dataset (KSD)#
This config is designed for the Kazakh Speech Dataset (KSD) dataset.
It performs the following data processing.
Downloads specified audio datsets in zipped format from the website, extracts them and converts all data to the specified manifest format.
Gets audio durations and then keeps only instances with the duration greater than 0.
Performs replacement of certain punctuation marks and characters.
Converts visually identical cyrrilic letters to latin equivalent ones.
Drops any data that contains symbols not in the supported alphabet.
If required removes punctuation marks and makes utterances lowercase.
Splits all the data into test, dev and test split and takes only specified in the config data_split.
Required arguments.
workspace_dir: specify the workspace folder where all audio files will be stored.
data_split: should be “train”, “dev” or “test”.
Note that you can customize any part of this config either directly or from command-line. Here are some common customizations to consider:
remove_pc: set to True if P&C is not needed. Defaults to False.
remove_hyphen: set to True if hyphens is not needed. Defaults to False.
Output format.
This config dumps the final manifest at ${workspace_dir}/${data_split}_manifest.json
The output manifest contains the following fields:
audio_filepath (str): relative path to the audio files.
text (str): transcription, including punctuation “.,?” and capitalization.
duration (float): audio duration in seconds.
Config link: dataset_configs/kazakh/slr140/config.yaml