
High-level search and model design algorithms to help you optimize your model.



Profile statistics of the search space of a converted model or a regular model.


Search a given prunable model for the best sub-net and return the search model.

profile(model, dummy_input=None, constraints=None, deployment=None, strict=False, verbose=True, use_centroid=False)

Profile statistics of the search space of a converted model or a regular model.

  • model (Module) – The model to be profiled. Can be converted or not.

  • dummy_input (Any | Tuple | None) –

    Arguments of model.forward(). This is used for exporting and calculating inference-based metrics, such as latency/FLOPs. The format of dummy_inputs follows the convention of the args argument in torch.onnx.export. Specifically, dummy_input can be:

    1. a single argument (type(dummy_input) != tuple) corresponding to

    2. a tuple of arguments corresponding to

    3. a tuple of arguments such that type(dummy_input[-1]) == dict corresponding to

      model.forward(*dummy_input[:-1], **dummy_input[-1])


      In this case the model’s forward() method cannot contain keyword-only arguments (e.g. forward(..., *, kw_only_args)) or variable keyword arguments (e.g. forward(..., **kwargs)) since these cannot be sorted into positional arguments.


    In order to pass a dict as last non-keyword argument, you need to use a tuple as dummy_input and add an empty dict as the last element, e.g.,

    dummy_input = (x, {"y": y, "z": z}, {})

    The empty dict at the end will then be interpreted as the keyword args.

    See torch.onnx.export for more info.

    Note that if you provide a {arg_name} with batch size b, the results will be computed based on batch size b.

  • constraints (Dict[str, str | float | Dict | None] | ConstraintsFunc | None) –

    The dictionary from constraint name to upper bound the searched model has to satisfy. Currently, we support flops and params as constraints. The constraints dictionary generally takes the following form:

    constraints = {"params": 5.0e6, "flops": 4.5e8}


    We recommend to simply provide the most relevant constraint, e.g., flops:

    constraints = {"flops": 4.5e8}

    Note that you can also provide a percentage value instead of absolute value, e.g.,

    # search for a model with <= 60% of the original model flops
    constraints = {"flops": "60%"}

  • strict (bool) – Raise an error if constraints are not satisfiable.

  • verbose (bool) – Print detailed profiling results.

  • use_centroid (bool) – By default, profile reports median of the evaluation results from randomly sampled subnets (instead of the evaluation result from deterministic centroid subnet). Set use_centroid to True to use the deterministic centroid for profiling.

  • deployment (Dict[str, str] | None) –

Return type:

Tuple[bool, Dict[str, Dict]]

Returns: A tuple (is_all_sat, stats) where

is_all_sat is a bool indicating whether all constraints can be satisfied. stats is a dictionary containing statistics for the search space if the model is converted, e.g., the FLOPs and params for the min, centroid, max subnets and their max/min ratios, size of the search space, number of configurable hparams.

search(model, constraints, dummy_input, config=None)

Search a given prunable model for the best sub-net and return the search model.

The best sub-net maximizes the score given by score_func while satisfying the constraints.

  • model (Module) – The converted model to be searched.

  • constraints (Dict[str, str | float | Dict | None]) –

    The dictionary from constraint name to upper bound the searched model has to satisfy. Currently, we support flops and params as constraints. The constraints dictionary generally takes the following form:

    constraints = {"params": 5.0e6, "flops": 4.5e8}

    We recommend to simply provide the most relevant constraint, e.g., flops:

    constraints = {"flops": 4.5e8}

    You can also provide a percentage value instead of absolute value, e.g.,

    # search for a model with <= 60% of the original model flops
    constraints = {"flops": "60%"}

  • dummy_input (Any | Tuple) –

    Arguments of model.forward(). This is used for exporting and calculating inference-based metrics, such as latency/FLOPs. The format of dummy_inputs follows the convention of the args argument in torch.onnx.export. Specifically, dummy_input can be:

    1. a single argument (type(dummy_input) != tuple) corresponding to

    2. a tuple of arguments corresponding to

    3. a tuple of arguments such that type(dummy_input[-1]) == dict corresponding to

      model.forward(*dummy_input[:-1], **dummy_input[-1])


      In this case the model’s forward() method cannot contain keyword-only arguments (e.g. forward(..., *, kw_only_args)) or variable keyword arguments (e.g. forward(..., **kwargs)) since these cannot be sorted into positional arguments.


    In order to pass a dict as last non-keyword argument, you need to use a tuple as dummy_input and add an empty dict as the last element, e.g.,

    dummy_input = (x, {"y": y, "z": z}, {})

    The empty dict at the end will then be interpreted as the keyword args.

    See torch.onnx.export for more info.

    Note that if you provide a {arg_name} with batch size b, the results will be computed based on batch size b.

  • config (Dict[str, Any] | None) –

    Additional optional arguments to configure the search. Currently, we support:

    • checkpoint: Path to save/restore checkpoint with dictionary containing intermediate search state. If provided, the intermediate search state will be automatically restored before search (if exists) and stored/saved during search.

    • verbose: Whether to print detailed search space profiling and search stats during search.

    • forward_loop: A Callable that takes a model as input and runs a forward loop on it. It is recommended to choose the data loader used inside the forward loop carefully to reduce the runtime. Cannot be provided at the same time as data_loader and collect_func.

    • data_loader: An iterator yielding batches of data for calibrating the normalization layers in the model or compute gradient scores. It is recommended to use the same data loader as for training but with significantly fewer iterations. Cannot be provided at the same time as forward_loop.

    • collect_func: A Callable that takes a batch of data from the data loader as input and returns the input to model.forward() as described in run_forward_loop. Cannot be provided at the same time as forward_loop.

    • max_iter_data_loader: Maximum number of iterations to run the data loader.

    • score_func: A callable taking the model as input and returning a single accuracy/score metric (float). This metric will be maximized during search.


      The score_func is required for autonas and fastnas modes. It will be evaluated on models in eval mode (model.eval()).

    • loss_func: A Callable which takes the model output (i.e output of model.forward()) and the batch of data as its inputs and returns a scalar loss. This is a required argument if the model is converted via gradnas mode.

      It should be possible to run a backward pass on the loss value returned by this method.

      collect_func will be used to gather the inputs to model.forward() from a batch of data yielded by``data_loader``.

      loss_func should support the following usage:

      for i, batch in enumerate(data_loader):
          if i >= max_iter_data_loader:
          # Assuming collect_func returns a tuple of arguments
          output = model(*collect_func(batch))
          loss = loss_func(output, batch)


    Additional configuration options may be added by individual algorithms. Please refer to the documentation of the individual algorithms for more information.

Return type:

Tuple[Module, Dict[str, Any]]

Returns: A tuple (subnet, state_dict) where

subnet is the searched subnet (nn.Module), which can be used for subsequent tasks like fine-tuning, state_dict contains the history and detailed stats of the search procedure.


The given model is modified (exported) in-place to match the best subnet found by the search algorithm. The returned subnet is thus a reference to the same model instance as the input model.