Utility functions related to onnx.
Duplicate constant tensors if they are shared. |
Function to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes. |
This function generates random inputs for an onnx model. |
This function returns the inputs names of the given onnx model. |
Returns the batch size of the given onnx model. |
Returns the batch size of the given onnx model. |
Returns list of output consumer nodes for the given node. |
This function returns the external inputs names of the given onnx model. |
This function returns the inputs names of the given onnx model in bytes. |
This function returns the inputs shapes for the given onnx model. |
This function returns the input shapes of the given onnx model in bytes. |
This function returns all node names from the given onnx model. |
This function returns all node names from the given onnx model in bytes. |
This function returns the output names of the given onnx model. |
This function returns the output names of the given onnx model in bytes. |
This function returns the output shapes for the given onnx model. |
Returns list of input producer nodes for the given node. |
Returns the variable inputs of the given Node. |
Checks if the given file is a valid ONNX model. |
Assigns name to the onnx nodes if not present and return the modified status. |
Parse shapes spec and returns them in a dictionary. |
Assigns random values to the onnx model weights. |
Assigns random values to the onnx model weights. |
Removes raw weight data from the onnx model. |
Save an ONNX model to given path. |
Saves the onnx bytes to a directory with specified file name. |
Updates the domain of all the nodes of the specified op_type to the specified domain. |
Returns True if all the model inputs has batch dimension equal to batch_size. |
Returns True if the onnx_bytes is valid, else False. |
Duplicate constant tensors if they are shared.
- Parameters:
onnx_model (ModelProto) –
- Return type:
tuple[ModelProto, bool]
- find_lowest_common_ancestor(node1, node2)
Function to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes.
- Parameters:
node1 (Node) – First node name.
node2 (Node) – Second node name.
- Returns:
LCA node. Distance from first node. Distance from second node.
- Return type:
tuple[str | None, int, int]
- gen_random_inputs(model, shapes_spec=None)
This function generates random inputs for an onnx model.
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) – Loaded in-memory onnx ModelProto.
shapes_spec (str) – A string representing the shape of each input tensors. The format is
"<tensor1> – <d1>x<d2>,<tensor2>:<d1>,…”. If the shape is not provided for an input tensor, the shape is
directly (inferred from the onnx model) –
1. (with all the unknown dims filled with) –
- Returns:
Dictionary of numpy tensors.
- Return type:
dict[str, ndarray]
- get_all_input_names(model)
This function returns the inputs names of the given onnx model.
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) –
- Return type:
- get_batch_size(model)
Returns the batch size of the given onnx model.
Assertion will fail if batch size is not same over all the inputs.
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) –
- Return type:
- get_batch_size_from_bytes(onnx_bytes)
Returns the batch size of the given onnx model.
Assertion will fail if batch size is not same over all the inputs.
- Parameters:
onnx_bytes (bytes) –
- Return type:
- get_child_nodes(node)
Returns list of output consumer nodes for the given node.
- Parameters:
node (Node) –
- Return type:
- get_input_names(model, external_inputs_only=True)
This function returns the external inputs names of the given onnx model.
Note: external_input_names = input_names - initializer_names
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) – Loaded in-memory onnx ModelProto.
external_inputs_only (bool) –
- Returns:
List of external input names of the model.
- Return type:
- get_input_names_from_bytes(model_bytes, external_inputs_only=True)
This function returns the inputs names of the given onnx model in bytes.
- Parameters:
model_bytes (bytes) – Onnx model in bytes.
external_inputs_only (bool) –
- Returns:
List of input names of the model.
- Return type:
- get_input_shapes(model, external_inputs_only=True)
This function returns the inputs shapes for the given onnx model.
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) –
external_inputs_only (bool) –
- Return type:
dict[str, list[int]]
- get_input_shapes_from_bytes(model_bytes)
This function returns the input shapes of the given onnx model in bytes.
- Parameters:
model_bytes (bytes) – Onnx model in bytes.
- Returns:
Dictionary of inputs names and shapes.
- Return type:
dict[str, list[int]]
- get_node_names(model)
This function returns all node names from the given onnx model.
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) – Loaded in-memory onnx ModelProto.
- Returns:
List of node names of the model.
- Return type:
- get_node_names_from_bytes(model_bytes)
This function returns all node names from the given onnx model in bytes.
- Parameters:
model – onnx model in bytes.
model_bytes (bytes) –
- Returns:
List of node names of the model.
- Return type:
- get_output_names(model)
This function returns the output names of the given onnx model.
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) – Loaded in-memory onnx ModelProto.
- Returns:
List of output names of the model.
- Return type:
- get_output_names_from_bytes(model_bytes)
This function returns the output names of the given onnx model in bytes.
- Parameters:
model_bytes (bytes) – Onnx model in bytes.
- Returns:
List of output names of the model.
- Return type:
- get_output_shapes(model)
This function returns the output shapes for the given onnx model.
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) –
- Return type:
dict[str, list[int]]
- get_parent_nodes(node)
Returns list of input producer nodes for the given node.
- Parameters:
node (Node) –
- Return type:
- get_variable_inputs(node)
Returns the variable inputs of the given Node.
- Parameters:
node (Node) –
- Return type:
- is_valid_onnx_model(file_path)
Checks if the given file is a valid ONNX model.
- name_onnx_nodes(graph)
Assigns name to the onnx nodes if not present and return the modified status.
- Parameters:
graph (GraphProto) –
- Return type:
- parse_shapes_spec(shapes_spec)
Parse shapes spec and returns them in a dictionary.
Example shapes spec: input0:1x3x256x256,input1:1x3x128x128
- Parameters:
shapes_spec (str) –
- Return type:
dict[str, list[int]]
- randomize_weights(onnx_path)
Assigns random values to the onnx model weights.
- Parameters:
onnx_path (str) –
- Return type:
- randomize_weights_onnx_bytes(onnx_bytes, seed=0)
Assigns random values to the onnx model weights.
- Parameters:
onnx_bytes (bytes) –
seed (int) –
- Return type:
- remove_weights_data(onnx_bytes)
Removes raw weight data from the onnx model.
- Parameters:
onnx_bytes (bytes) –
- Return type:
- save_onnx(model, onnx_path, save_as_external_data=False)
Save an ONNX model to given path. If a model is larger than 2GB, will save with external data.
- Parameters:
model (ModelProto) –
onnx_path (str) –
save_as_external_data (bool) –
- save_onnx_bytes_to_dir(onnx_bytes, onnx_dir, onnx_name)
Saves the onnx bytes to a directory with specified file name.
- Parameters:
onnx_bytes (bytes) –
onnx_dir (str) –
onnx_name (str) –
- Return type:
- udpate_domain(onnx_model, op_type, domain)
Updates the domain of all the nodes of the specified op_type to the specified domain.
- Parameters:
onnx_model (ModelProto) –
op_type (str) –
domain (str) –
- Return type:
- validate_batch_size(onnx_bytes, batch_size)
Returns True if all the model inputs has batch dimension equal to batch_size.
- Parameters:
onnx_bytes (bytes) –
batch_size (int) –
- Return type:
- validate_onnx(onnx_bytes)
Returns True if the onnx_bytes is valid, else False.
- Parameters:
onnx_bytes (bytes) –
- Return type: