
Quantized RNN.



Base class for quantized RNN modules.


Quantized RNN with input quantizer.


A single layer of rnn modules.


Reimplement the _VF rnn calls with python to enable input quantizers.



Construct the forward call for different rnn cells.


Construct the forward call for packed sequence.


Construct the forward call for packed sequence in the reversed direction.


Currently the _VF.lstm_cell doesn't accept projected inputs.


Call input quantizer before calling cell.

class QuantRNNBase

Bases: DynamicModule

Base class for quantized RNN modules.

property all_input_quantizers_disabled

Check if all input quantizer are disabled.

default_quant_desc_input = QuantizerAttributeConfig(enable=True, num_bits=8, axis=None, fake_quant=True, unsigned=False, narrow_range=False, learn_amax=False, type='static', block_sizes=None, trt_high_precision_dtype='Float', calibrator='max')
default_quant_desc_weight = QuantizerAttributeConfig(enable=True, num_bits=8, axis=None, fake_quant=True, unsigned=False, narrow_range=False, learn_amax=False, type='static', block_sizes=None, trt_high_precision_dtype='Float', calibrator='max')
forward(input, *args, **kwargs)

Quantize the input and the weight before calling the original forward method.

property functionals_to_replace: Iterator[Tuple[module, str, Callable]]

Replace functions of packages on the fly.


Context in which self.weight is quantized.

weight_quantizer: TensorQuantizer | SequentialQuantizer
class QuantRNNFullBase

Bases: QuantRNNBase

Quantized RNN with input quantizer.

class RNNLayerForward

Bases: object

A single layer of rnn modules.

__init__(cell, reverse=False, variable_len=False)

Init the layer forward for different cells, directions, and inputs.

class VFRNNForward

Bases: object

Reimplement the _VF rnn calls with python to enable input quantizers.

It’s less efficient compared to oringinal calls.

__init__(mode, bidirectional, num_layers, has_proj, has_bias, input_quantizers, proj_input_quantizers=None, batch_first=False)

Pre-construct necessary parameters for vf calls to reduce overhead.

Refer to torch RNN modules for parameter informations.

  • mode (str) –

  • bidirectional (bool) –

  • num_layers (int) –

  • has_proj (bool) –

  • has_bias (bool) –

  • input_quantizers (List[TensorQuantizer]) –

  • proj_input_quantizers (List[TensorQuantizer] | None) –

  • batch_first (bool | None) –

forward(layer_forwards, input, flat_weights, hidden, dropout=0, training=True, batch_sizes=None)

This this the core implementation of vf rnn calls.

  • layer_forwards (Tuple[Callable]) –

  • input (Tensor) –

  • flat_weights (List[Tensor]) –

  • hidden (Tensor | Tuple[Tensor]) –

  • dropout (float | None) –

  • training (bool | None) –

  • batch_sizes (Tensor | None) –

get_quantized_rnn_layer_forward(cell, reverse=False)

Construct the forward call for different rnn cells.

Note that batch_sizes is here for keeping a consistant signature with the forward of variable length.


Construct the forward call for packed sequence.


Construct the forward call for packed sequence in the reversed direction.

lstm_cell_with_proj(input, hidden, *weights, proj_input_quantizer=None)

Currently the _VF.lstm_cell doesn’t accept projected inputs. i.e. h_n and c_n must be same shape.

This implementation is not optimized for cuda compared to _VF.lstm_cell, so we only use it when projection exists.

quantized_cell_forward(cell, input, hidden, weights, input_quantizer, proj_input_quantizer=None)

Call input quantizer before calling cell.