
This module contains the mode descriptor for the quantization mode.



Class to describe the "eagle" mode.


Class to describe the "medusa" mode.


Class to describe the "redrafter" mode.

class EagleModeDescriptor

Bases: _ModeDescriptor

Class to describe the "eagle" mode.

The properties of this mode can be inspected via the source code.

property config_class: type[ModeloptBaseConfig]

Specifies the config class for the mode.

property convert: Callable[[Module, ModeloptBaseConfig], tuple[Module, dict[str, Any]]]

The mode’s entrypoint for converting a model.

property name: str

Returns the value (str representation) of the mode.

property restore: Callable[[Module, ModeloptBaseConfig, dict[str, Any]], Module]

The mode’s entrypoint for restoring a model.

class MedusaModeDescriptor

Bases: _ModeDescriptor

Class to describe the "medusa" mode.

The properties of this mode can be inspected via the source code.

property config_class: type[ModeloptBaseConfig]

Specifies the config class for the mode.

property convert: Callable[[Module, ModeloptBaseConfig], tuple[Module, dict[str, Any]]]

The mode’s entrypoint for converting a model.

property name: str

Returns the value (str representation) of the mode.

property restore: Callable[[Module, ModeloptBaseConfig, dict[str, Any]], Module]

The mode’s entrypoint for restoring a model.

class RedrafterModeDescriptor

Bases: _ModeDescriptor

Class to describe the "redrafter" mode.

The properties of this mode can be inspected via the source code.

property config_class: type[ModeloptBaseConfig]

Specifies the config class for the mode.

property convert: Callable[[Module, ModeloptBaseConfig], tuple[Module, dict[str, Any]]]

The mode’s entrypoint for converting a model.

property name: str

Returns the value (str representation) of the mode.

property restore: Callable[[Module, ModeloptBaseConfig, dict[str, Any]], Module]

The mode’s entrypoint for restoring a model.