Numerics Library

Any Standard C++ header not listed below is omitted.





Access, manipulate, and process individual bits and bit sequences.

libcu++ 1.8.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 11.7


Complex number type

libcu++ 1.4.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 11.4


C complex number arithmetic

libcu++ 1.4.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 11.4


Compile-time rational arthimetic

libcu++ 1.1.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 11.0


Limits of floating point types

libcu++ 1.0.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 10.2


Limits of integral types

libcu++ 1.0.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 10.2


Fixed-width integer types

libcu++ 1.0.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 10.2


Numeric algorithms

CCCL 2.5.0