Concepts Library





Fundamental library concepts

CCCL 2.1.0 / CUDA 12.2


  • All library features are available from C++14 onwards. The concepts can be used like type traits prior to C++20.

template<cuda::std::integral Integer>
void do_something_with_integers_in_cpp20(Integer&& i) {...}

template<class Integer, cuda::std::enable_if_t<cuda::std::integral<Integer>, int> = 0>
void do_something_with_integers_in_cpp17(Integer&& i) {...}

template<class Integer, cuda::std::enable_if_t<cuda::std::integral<Integer>, int> = 0>
void do_something_with_integers_in_cpp14(Integer&& i) {...}


  • Subsumption does not work prior to C++20

template<class Integer, cuda::std::enable_if_t<subsuming_concept<Integer> && true, int> = 0>
void would_be_preferred_overload_in_cpp20(Integer&& i) {...}

template<class Integer, cuda::std::enable_if_t<cuda::std::integral<Integer>, int> = 0>
void is_always_ambiguous_in_cpp17(Integer&& i) {...}
  • Subsumption is only partially implemented in the compiler until nvcc 12.4

nvcc has issues detecting subsumption of concepts that are composed of multiple concepts