Utility Library

Any Standard C++ header not listed below is omitted. Some of the Standard C++ facilities in this header are omitted, see the information about the individual features for details.





Fixed-size sequence of bits

CCCL 2.8.0


Optional value with error channel

CCCL 2.3.0 / CUDA 12.4


General-purpose polymorphic function wrapper

CCCL 2.9.0 / CUDA 12.9


Function objects and function wrappers

libcu++ 1.1.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 11.2


Optional value

CCCL 2.3.0 / CUDA 12.4


Fixed-sized heterogeneous container

libcu++ 1.3.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 11.2


Compile-time type introspection

libcu++ 1.0.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 10.2


Various utility components

libcu++ 1.3.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 11.2


Type safe union type

CCCL 2.4.0 / CUDA 12.5


Compile-time version information and feature test macros

libcu++ 1.2.0 / CCCL 2.0.0 / CUDA 11.1