
Defined in thrust/replace.h

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename T>
OutputIterator thrust::replace_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result, const T &old_value, const T &new_value)

replace_copy copies elements from the range [first, last) to the range [result, result + (last-first)), except that any element equal to old_value is not copied; new_value is copied instead.

More precisely, for every integer n such that 0 <= n < last-first, replace_copy performs the assignment *(result+n) = new_value if *(first+n) == old_value, and *(result+n) = *(first+n) otherwise.

#include <thrust/replace.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
thrust::device_vector<int> A(4);
A[0] = 1;
A[1] = 2;
A[2] = 3;
A[3] = 1;

thrust::device_vector<int> B(4);

thrust::replace_copy(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), 1, 99);

// B contains [99, 2, 3, 99]

See also


See also


See also


See also


  • first – The beginning of the sequence to copy from.

  • last – The end of the sequence to copy from.

  • result – The beginning of the sequence to copy to.

  • old_value – The value to replace.

  • new_value – The replacement value for which *i == old_value evaluates to true.

Template Parameters

result + (last-first)


first may equal result, but the ranges [first, last) and [result, result + (last - first)) shall not overlap otherwise.