
/* tuple is a class template that can be instantiated with up to ten arguments. Each template argument specifies the type of element in the tuple. Consequently, tuples are heterogeneous, fixed-size collections of values. An instantiation of tuple with two arguments is similar to an instantiation of pair with the same two arguments. Individual elements of a tuple may be accessed with the get function. */template <class... T> using tuple = see below;


Type Alias tuple

template <class... T> using tuple = ::cuda::std::tuple< T... >; tuple is a class template that can be instantiated with up to ten arguments. Each template argument specifies the type of element in the tuple. Consequently, tuples are heterogeneous, fixed-size collections of values. An instantiation of tuple with two arguments is similar to an instantiation of pair with the same two arguments. Individual elements of a tuple may be accessed with the get function.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a new tuple object and inspect and modify the value of its elements.

#include <thrust/tuple.h>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  // Create a tuple containing an `int`, a `float`, and a string.
  thrust::tuple<int, float, const char*> t(13, 0.1f, "thrust");

  // Individual members are accessed with the free function `get`.
  std::cout << "The first element's value is " << thrust::get<0>(t) << std::endl;

  // ... or the member function `get`.
  std::cout << "The second element's value is " << t.get<1>() << std::endl;

  // We can also modify elements with the same function.
  thrust::get<0>(t) += 10;

Template Parameters: TN: The type of the Ntuple element. Thrust’s tuple type currently supports up to ten elements.


  • Pair
  • get
  • make_tuple
  • tuple_element
  • tuple_size
  • tie