Taking Advantage of the Underlying Quantum Platform

The CUDA Quantum machine model elucidates the various devices considered in the broader quantum-classical compute node context. One will have one or many host CPUs, zero or many NVIDIA GPUs, a classical QPU control space, and the quantum register itself. Moreover, the specification notes that the underlying platform may expose multiple QPUs. In the near-term, this will be unlikely with physical QPU instantiations, but the availability of GPU-based circuit simulators on NVIDIA multi-GPU architectures does give one an opportunity to think about programming such a multi-QPU architecture in the near-term. CUDA Quantum starts by enabling one to query information about the underlying quantum platform via the quantum_platform abstraction. This type exposes a num_qpus() method that can be used to query the number of available QPUs for asynchronous CUDA Quantum kernel and cudaq:: function invocations. Each available QPU is assigned a logical index, and programmers can launch specific asynchronous function invocations targeting a desired QPU.

Here is a simple example demonstrating this

auto kernelToBeSampled = [](int runtimeParam) __qpu__ {
  cudaq::qreg q(runtimeParam);

// Get the quantum_platform singleton
auto& platform = cudaq::get_platform();

// Query the number of QPUs in the system
auto num_qpus = platform.num_qpus();

// We will launch asynchronous sampling tasks
// and will store the results immediately as a future
// we can query at some later point
std::vector<cudaq::async_sample_result> countFutures;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_qpus; i++) {
  countFutures.emplace_back(cudaq::sample_async(i, kernelToBeSampled, 5 /*runtimeParam*/));

// Go do other work, asynchronous execution of sample tasks on-going

// Get the results, note future::get() will kick off a wait
// if the results are not yet available.
for (auto& counts : countsFutures) {

CUDA Quantum exposes asynchronous versions of the default cudaq:: algorithmic primitive functions like sample and observe.