CUDA Quantum Simulation Backends

The simulation backends that are currently available in CUDA Quantum are as follows.

State Vector Simulators

cuQuantum single-GPU

The nvidia target provides a state vector simulator accelerated with the cuStateVec library.

To specify the use of the nvidia target, pass the following command line options to nvq++

nvq++ --target nvidia src.cpp ...

In python, this can be specified with


By default, this will leverage FP32 floating point types for the simulation. To switch to FP64, specify the nvidia-fp64 target instead.

cuQuantum multi-node multi-GPU

The nvidia-mgpu target provides a state vector simulator accelerated with the cuStateVec library but with support for Multi-Node, Multi-GPU distribution of the state vector.

To specify the use of the nvidia-mgpu target, pass the following command line options to nvq++

nvq++ --target nvidia-mgpu src.cpp ...

In python, this can be specified with


OpenMP CPU-only

The default target provides a state vector simulator based on the CPU-only, OpenMP threaded Q++ library. This is the default target, so if the code is compiled without any --target flags, this is the simulator that will be used.

Tensor Network Simulators

cuQuantum multi-node multi-GPU

The tensornet target provides a tensor-network simulator accelerated with the cuTensorNet library. This backend is currently available for use from C++ and supports Multi-Node, Multi-GPU distribution of tensor operations required to evaluate and simulate the circuit.

This backend exposes a set of environment variables to configure specific aspects of the simulation:

  • `CUDAQ_CUTN_HOST_RAM=8`: Prescribes the size of the CPU Host RAM allocated by each MPI process (defaults to 4 GB). A rule of thumb is to give each MPI process the same amount of CPU Host RAM as the RAM size of the GPU assigned to it. If there is more CPU RAM available, it is fine to further increase this number.

  • `CUDAQ_CUTN_REDUCED_PRECISION=1`: Activates reduced precision arithmetic, specifically reduces the precision from FP64 to FP32.

  • `CUDAQ_CUTN_LOG_LEVEL=1`: Activates logging (for debugging purposes), the larger the integer, the more detailed the logging will be.

  • `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=X`: Makes the process only see GPU X on multi-GPU nodes. Each MPI process must only see its own dedicated GPU. For example, if you run 8 MPI processes on a DGX system with 8 GPUs, each MPI process should be assigned its own dedicated GPU via CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES when invoking mpirun (or mpiexec) commands. This can be done via invoking a bash script instead of the binary directly, and then using MPI library specific environment variables inside that script (e.g., OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_RANK).

  • `OMP_PLACES=cores`: Set this environment variable to improve CPU parallelization.


A note on CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: This environment variable should always be set before using the tensornet backend if you have multiple GPUs available. With OpenMPI, you can run a multi-GPU quantum circuit simulation like this:

mpiexec -n 8 sh -c 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_RANK} binary.x > tensornet.${OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK}.log'

This command will assign a unique GPU to each MPI process within the node with 8 GPUs and produce a separate output for each MPI process.

To specify the use of the tensornet target, pass the following command line options to nvq++

nvq++ --target tensornet src.cpp ...