Multi-GPU Workflows

There are many backends available with CUDA-Q which enable seamless switching between GPUs, QPUs and CPUs and also allow for workflows involving multiple architectures working in tandem.

Available Targets

  • `qpp-cpu`: The QPP based CPU backend which is multithreaded to maximize the usage of available cores on your system.

  • `nvidia`: GPU-accelerated state-vector based backend which accelerates quantum circuit simulation on NVIDIA GPUs powered by cuQuantum.

  • `nvidia-mgpu`: Allows for scaling circuit simulation on multiple GPUs.

  • `nvidia-mqpu`: Enables users to program workflows utilizing multiple virtual quantum processors in parallel, where each QPU is simulated by the nvidia backend.

  • `remote-mqpu`: Enables users to program workflows utilizing multiple virtual quantum processors in parallel, where the backend used to simulate each QPU is configurable.

Please see CUDA-Q Backends for a full list of all available backends. Below we explore how to effectively utilize multiple CUDA-Q targets with the same GHZ state preparation code

import cudaq

def ghz_state(qubit_count: int):
    qubits = cudaq.qvector(qubit_count)
    for i in range(1, qubit_count):
        cx(qubits[0], qubits[i])

def sample_ghz_state(qubit_count, target):
    """A function that will sample a variable sized GHZ state."""
    result = cudaq.sample(ghz_state, qubit_count, shots_count=1000)
    return result

You can execute the code by running a statevector simulator on your CPU:

cpu_result = sample_ghz_state(qubit_count=2, target="qpp-cpu")
{ 00:475 11:525 }

You will notice a speedup of up to 2500x in executing the circuit below on NVIDIA GPUs vs CPUs:

if cudaq.num_available_gpus() > 0:
    gpu_result = sample_ghz_state(qubit_count=25, target="nvidia")
{ 0000000000000000000000000:510 1111111111111111111111111:490 }

If one incrementally increases the qubit count, we reach a limit where the memory required is beyond the capabilities of a single GPU: A \(n\) qubit quantum state has \(2^n\) complex amplitudes, each of which require 8 bytes of memory to store. Hence the total memory required to store a \(n\) qubit quantum state is \(8\) bytes \(\times 2^n\). For \(n = 30\) qubits, this is roughly \(8\) GB but for \(n = 40\), this exponentially increases to 8700 GB.

Parallelization across Multiple Processors

The nvidia-mgpu target allows for memory from additional GPUs to be pooled enabling qubit counts to be scaled. Execution on the nvidia-mgpu backend is enabled via mpirun. Users need to create a .py file with their code and run the command below in terminal:

mpirun -np 4 python3

where 4 is the number of GPUs one has access to and test is the file name chosen.

The nvidia-mqpu target uses a statevector simulator to simulate execution on each virtual QPU. The remote-mqpu platform allows to freely configure what backend is used for each platform QPU. For more information about the different platform targets, please take a look at Multi-Processor Platforms.

Batching Hamiltonian Terms

Expectation value computations of multi-term Hamiltonians can be asynchronously processed via the mqpu platform.


For workflows involving multiple GPUs, save the code below in a file and execute via: mpirun -np n python3 where n is an integer specifying the number of GPUs you have access to.

import cudaq
from cudaq import spin

if cudaq.num_available_gpus() == 0:
    print("This example requires a GPU to run. No GPU detected.")

cudaq.set_target("nvidia", option="mqpu")

qubit_count = 15
term_count = 100000

kernel = cudaq.make_kernel()
qubits = kernel.qalloc(qubit_count)
for i in range(1, qubit_count):[0], qubits[i])

# We create a random Hamiltonian
hamiltonian = cudaq.SpinOperator.random(qubit_count, term_count)

# The observe calls allows us to calculate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian with respect to a specified kernel.

# Single node, single GPU.
result = cudaq.observe(kernel, hamiltonian)

# If we have multiple GPUs/ QPUs available, we can parallelize the workflow with the addition of an argument in the observe call.

# Single node, multi-GPU.
result = cudaq.observe(kernel, hamiltonian, execution=cudaq.parallel.thread)

# Multi-node, multi-GPU.
result = cudaq.observe(kernel, hamiltonian, execution=cudaq.parallel.mpi)

mpi is initialized?  True
rank 0 num_ranks 1

Circuit Batching

Execution of parameterized circuits with different parameters can be executed asynchronously via the mqpu platform.

import cudaq
from cudaq import spin
import numpy as np

if cudaq.num_available_gpus() == 0:
    print("This example requires a GPU to run. No GPU detected.")

cudaq.set_target("nvidia", option="mqpu")

qubit_count = 5
sample_count = 10000
h = spin.z(0)
parameter_count = qubit_count

# Below we run a circuit for 10000 different input parameters.
parameters = np.random.default_rng(13).uniform(low=0,

kernel, params = cudaq.make_kernel(list)

qubits = kernel.qalloc(qubit_count)
qubits_list = list(range(qubit_count))

for i in range(qubit_count):
    kernel.rx(params[i], qubits[i])

Let’s time the execution on single GPU.

import timeit

timeit.timeit(lambda: cudaq.observe(kernel, h, parameters),
              number=1)  # Single GPU result.
31.7 s ± 990 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Now let’s try to time multi GPU run.

print('We have', parameters.shape[0],
      'parameters which we would like to execute')

xi = np.split(
    4)  # We split our parameters into 4 arrays since we have 4 GPUs available.

print('We split this into', len(xi), 'batches of', xi[0].shape[0], ',',
      xi[1].shape[0], ',', xi[2].shape[0], ',', xi[3].shape[0])
We have 10000 parameters which we would like to execute
We split this into 4 batches of 2500 , 2500 , 2500 , 2500
# Timing the execution on a single GPU vs 4 GPUs,
# one will see a 4x performance improvement if 4 GPUs are available.

asyncresults = []
num_gpus = cudaq.num_available_gpus()

for i in range(len(xi)):
    for j in range(xi[i].shape[0]):
        qpu_id = i * num_gpus // len(xi)
            cudaq.observe_async(kernel, h, xi[i][j, :], qpu_id=qpu_id))

result = [res.get() for res in asyncresults]
85.3 ms ± 2.36 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)