
Earth2 MIP has the following concepts:

  • Layered abstractions for wrapping machine learning models

  • Data Sources for loading initial conditions and scoring against.

  • Python APIs work with these abstractions to do things like scoring and ensemble inference.

  • Model packages allow reproducible loading of checkpoints from disk or the cloud. that work with these abstractions.

  • Command line tools that allow running scoring jobs in a parallel environment.

Model Wrappers#

The core model-related abstractions are

  1. Machine learning Module (e.g. torch.nn.Module)

  2. Time loop (earth2mip.time_loop.TimeLoop).

  3. Forecast (earth2mip.forecasts.Forecast)

Each of these presents increasingly minimal interface.

We will demonstrate each of these interfaces for the persistence forecast. A persistence forecast is one that always returns the initial condition. It is a common baseline for a weather forecast.

A design philosphy we follow is that model wrappers should take plain torch tensors as inputs and outputs and provide static metadata (e.g. grid, channel, time) about how those tensors map onto the planet. An alternative philosophy is to use some kind of metadata-aware container either custom-built or off-the-shelf like xarray. We avoid the latter approach since there is always a temptation to implement all of mathematics on some container type or hide the arrays under several layers of containers. At the end of the day, most ML models ultimately take and receive a single multi dimesional array of data. Finally, ML developers are all familiar with basic array-like data types. We already need to wrap our models in a stack of abstractions to provide a common interface, so we don’t need to make the data more complex.


At the root is a machine learning model with inputs/outputs that correspond to two-dimensional fields defined on the planet. These fields are reified as some array-like data structure, the names of the fields/channels, and grid object (earth2mip.grid.LatLongGrid). To use a Module, fcn-mip needs to be provided metadata about the Model’s inputs/outputs (see. earth2mip.schema.Model).

Here as how to implement the persistence forecast as module:

import torch.nn

class PersistenceModule(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        return x

This is a very simple, but has no metadata about the input or output, and from an outside perspective, can be difficult to use if x has more semantic meaning or requirements.

Time Stepper#

class earth2mip.time_loop.TimeStepper(*args, **kwargs)#

An functional interface that can be used for time stepping

state -> (state, output)

This uses a generic state, but concrete Tensors as input and output. This allows users to directly control the time-stepping logic and potentially modify the state in model-specific manner, but the basic initial conditions and running outputs are concrete torch Tensors.

One example is the graphcast time stepper. Graphcast uses jax and xarray to handle the state.

It should be used like this:

stepper = MyStepper()
state = stepper.initialize(x, time)

outputs = []
for i in range(10):
    state, output = stepper.step(state)

One benefit is that the state can be saved and reloaded trivially to restart the simulation.

initialize(x, time)#

x is described by self.input_info

  • x (Tensor) –

  • time (datetime) –

Return type:



step the state and return the ml output as a tensor

The output tensor is described by self.output_info


state (StateT) –

Return type:

tuple[StateT, Tensor]

Time Loop#

A Time Loop is a higher level interface encapsulating the Module, but also timestepping logic, data preprocessing, and output. earth2mip.time_loop.TimeLoop defines this interface, and earth2mip.networks.Inference is implements this interface and can turn a Module into a TimeLoop.

Here is a TimeLoop of the persistence forecast:

from earth2mip.time_loop import TimeLoop
from earth2mip.schema import Grid
import datetime

class PeristenceTimeLoop(TimeLoop):
    time_step = datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
    # 1 history level = only the current time as input
    n_history_levels = 1
    in_channel_names = ["a", "b", "c"]
    out_channel_names = ["a", "b", "c"]
    grid = Grid.grid_721x1440

    def __call__(self, time, x, restart=None):
        b, h, c, w, h == x.shape

        assert b == 1
        assert h == self.n_history_levels
        assert c == len(self.in_channel_names)
        assert (w, h) == self.grid.shape

        while True:
            yield time, x, None
            time += self.time_step

This encapsulates the time stepping, and exposes other needed metadata.


This time loop does not support restart capability.


Many scoring algorithms are most easily expressed as operations over 2D array of states that we call a Forecast Array. The rows of this array correspond to initial times, and the columns to lead times. The size of this array may be unbounded. For example, computing a lead time dependent metrics, such as RMSE corresponds to averaging the square difference of Forecast Arrays of observations and forecasts, and then averaging over the row dimension. This is defined by the earth2mip.forecasts.Forecast interface. Compared to a TimeLoop, a Forecast encapsulates any time handling and initialization logic. One advantage is that an archive of forecasts on disk can be represented as a Forecast (see earth2mip.forecasts.XarrayForecast). This allows using the same code to score both static and streaming forecasts.

Finally, here is a earth2mip.forecasts.Forecast implementation, for a persistence forecast beginning on Jan 1, 2018 and producing ICs every 12 hours and sampling forecasts every 12 hours:

from earth2mip.forecasts import Forecast
import datetime

class PeristenceForecast(Forecast):
    # only corresponds to out_channel_names
    channel_names = ["a", "b", "c"]

    def __init__(self, initial_data: Mapping[datetime.datetime, np.ndarray]):
        self.initial_data = initial_data

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        initial_time = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1)
        lead_dt = init_dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=12)

        time = initial_time + init_dt * i
        x = self.initial_data[time]
        while True:
            yield x

we can see that PeristenceForecast encapsulates the initialization, time and other logic.

Translating between Model Wrappers#

earth2mip provides implementations that translate between Model Wrappers.

To create a TimeLoop from a Module, use earth2mip.networks.Inference:

from earth2mip.networks import Inference

model = PersistenceModule()

# work around to not do any normalization
center = np.zeros([3])
scale = np.ones([3])
time_loop = Inference(
    # note n_history_levels == n_history + 1
    channel_names=["a", "b", "c"],

To create a forecast from a TimeLoop, you can use earth2mip.forecasts.TimeLoopForecast:

from earth2mip.forecasts import TimeLoopForecast

forecast = TimeLoopForecast(
        datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1): np.zeros([1, 1, 3, 721, 1440])

Data Source#


Model package#

A model package is a directory containing a metadata.json file following this schema and any other static data required to load the model. The model package typically contains model parameters, normalization constants, etc.