
Earth-2 MIP is a Python package and can be installed from source using pip. However, we suggest setting up a dedicated run environment for Earth-2 MIP.

Install from Release Wheel#

Built Python wheels can be accessed in Earth-2 MIPs releases on Github:

curl -L > earth2mip-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

pip install earth2mip-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

Installing from PyPi#

Presently Earth-2 MIP is not on PyPi. Install from source in the mean time.

Earth-2 MIP Environments#

When running Earth-2 MIP, it is highly encouraged to do so in a dedicated environment to mitigate the chance of unforseen package conflicts. Docker is the preferred environment, but if you are not familiar with docker or cannnot run a docker container Conda is typically a suitable alternative.

Conda Environment#

Start with installing Miniconda / Anaconda. Once installed we will create a new conda enviorment for Earth-2 MIP:

conda create --name earth2mip python=3.10
conda activate earth2mip

Next we can install Earth-2 MIP using one of the listed methods above. E.g.

git clone

cd earth2mip && pip install .

If you are interested in running Jupyter Notebooks (such as the provided examples), create a iPython kernel using the environment to use in Jupyter lab:

pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=earth2mip-kernel

Docker Environment#

For the most consistent environment, we suggest using the Modulus docker container that is avaiable on the Nvidia container registry. Launch the Modulus docker container with port mapping as below:

docker run --rm --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 --runtime nvidia -p 8888:8888 -it


The above command maps the port 8888 inside the docker container to the port 8888 on local machine. This is a requirement needed when using Jupyter Lab to run the notebook examples.

Once inside the container install Earth-2 MIP, using your preferred method. Note you will have to pip install every time you run the container. Alternatively, you can not use --rm in the run command and keep the stopped container to then start again in the future.

Singularity / Apptainer Environment#

On many systems, singularity/apptainer is the containerize environment solution of choice, typically due to better security. The modulus docker container can be converted into a singularity container with the following definition file being placed in the root of the Earth-2 MIP repository:

Bootstrap: docker

    earth2mip/* /workspace/earth2mip/earth2mip/ /workspace/earth2mip/
    setup.cfg /workspace/earth2mip/setup.cfg /workspace/earth2mip/ /workspace/earth2mip/
    LICENSE.txt /workspace/earth2mip/LICENSE.txt
    examples/ /workspace/earth2mip/examples/

    cd /workspace/earth2mip && pip3 install .
    pip3 install cartopy

    export HOME=/workspace/earth2mip/

    cd ~

    AUTHOR NVIDIA Earth-2 and Modulus Team

A Singularity Image Format (sif) file can get built with the following command:

singularity build --fakeroot --sandbox earth2mip.sif earth2mip.def

This can then be ran using the following execute command:

singularity exec -B ${PWD}:/workspace/earth2mip --nv earth2mip.sif bash -c 'cd ~'


The following translates easily to apptainer where the commands / definition file can be translated easily. See migration guide for additional details.


Singularity / Apptainer containers are not recommended for running Jupyter lab. Instead consider a conda environment.

Optional Dependicies#

Earth-2 MIP has a number of optional dependencies that can be installed depending on the use case.


Install optional dependencies for Pangu weather:

pip install .[pangu]

Install optional dependencies for Graphcast:

pip install .[graphcast]
pip install -r requirements.txt


Install development packages for linting/formating/etc:

pip install .[dev]

Install packages for building documentation:

pip install .[docs]