Bring your own model#

fcn-mip provides two options for bringing your own model/data. The first, is you can build your own script using one of the abstractions in Concepts and calling one of the inference functions (TODO add cross reference). See (examples/

However, sometimes it is more convenient to use the CLIs, especially when deploying in a cluster environment. Doing so requires creating a Model package. Under the hood, all the CLIs use earth2mip.networks.get_model().

One can modify the behavior of earth2mip.networks.get_model() by either:

  1. specifying an entrypoint which returns TimeLoop.

  2. specifying an archicture_entrypoint which returns a torch.nn.Module that will be wrapped with earth2mip.networks.Inference()

See Concepts for more on these methods, but the TimeLoop method is more general and often easier to implement. Frequently, your own model training code base will already have some time looping logic that can be repurposed.

Module Interface#

This is a lower level interface. It is selected using the architecture_entrypoint key of metadata.json file, and providing the other metadata.

For example, to implement a plugin for a persistence forecast you would create a file my_package/plugin containing:

# my_package/
import torch

class Persistence(torch.nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        return x

def load_persistence_module(package, pretrained=True, device=None):
    load a model package

        package: a fcn_mip.model_registry.Package, has package.get(path), and
            package.metadata() methods.
    # use package.get to open weights etc if needed.
    return Persistence()

Then, you can create a model package in /abs/path/to/persistence/

/abs/path/to/persistence/metadata.json should contain:

    "architecture_entrypoint": "my_package.plugin:load_persistence_module"
    "grid": "721x1440",
    "in_channels": [0, 1, 2],
    "out_channels": [0, 1, 2],


The values of entrypoint and architecture_entrypoint are loaded using Python entrypoints. They have the form package.module:function.

Finally, you should be able to load the model like this in python:

from earth2mip.networks import get_model
time_loop = get_model("file://abs/path/to/persistence")

Or if you have an environment variable MODEL_REGISTRY=/abs/path/to:

time_loop = get_model("persistence")

Once this is working you can pass the model package to one of the Command Line Utilities:

torchrun --nproc_per_node <ngpu> -m earth2mip.inference_medium_range -n 56 file://abs/path/to/persistence


This currently only supports loading data from the var73 and var34 channel sets.

Time Loop Interface#

This project contains examples of TimeLoop loaders for Pangu:

Python code:

the corresponding metadata.json file:

  "entrypoint": {
    "name": "earth2mip.networks.pangu:load",
    "kwargs": {
      "time_step_hours": 6

Loading an interleaved time loop:

the corresponding metadata.json file:

{"entrypoint": {"name": "earth2mip.networks.pangu:load_24substep6"}}

Bring you own data#

Implement a custom data source like earth2mip.initial_conditions.hdf5.DataSource