Earth2Studio is now OSS!


Earth2Studio offers a selection of pre-trained model checkpoints. The fetching and caching of the model’s checkpoint files is the responsibility of the and classes. Understanding how these classes work can help users customize where model checkpoints are stored as well as how to add their own pre-trained model to the package.

Model weights for Earth2Studio can be stored in a variety of locations that make them publicly accessible to users. When contributing a model, reach out with an issue to discuss the storage of such files. Providing all checkpoint files is a requirement for any pre-trained model. The following are the suggested locations in order of preference:

  • NGC Model Registry - If a model is supported/developed by Nvidia Modulus team, the checkpoint can be uploaded on the NGC model registry. This is the preferred location for Nvidia supported models that have gone under a more rigorous internal evaluation. Private registries are also supported.

  • Huggingface Model Registry - Huggingface offers model registries that any user can upload and share checkpoint files with. This is the method used for model files of several models that are not developed / trained by Nvidia.

  • S3 Object Storage - Providing model checkpoints with a S3 bucket is also another viable object assuming the egress cost for downloads are covered by the owner.


The class provides the interface that pre-trained models in Earth2Studio use. Any automodel in Earth2Studio needs to implement both the load_default_package() and load_model() functions.


Abstract class that defines the utils needed auto loading / instantiating models

classmethod load_default_package()[source]

Loads the default model package


Model package, file system, object

Return type:


classmethod load_model(package)[source]

Instantiates and loads default model object from provided model package


package (Package) – Model package, file system, to fetch assets

Return type:


load_default_package() is typically simple to implement, typically a single line of code that creates the object. load_model() does the heavy lifting, instantiating the model and loading the pre-trained weights. All pre-trained models in Earth2Studio implement these methods. For example, have a look at the FourCastNet implementations:

    def load_default_package(cls) -> Package:
        """Load prognostic package"""
        return Package(
                "cache_storage": Package.default_cache("fcn"),
                "same_names": True,
    def load_model(
        package: Package,
    ) -> PrognosticModel:
        """Load prognostic from package"""
        fcn_zip = Path(package.resolve(""))
        # Have to manually unzip here. Should not zip checkpoints in the future
        with zipfile.ZipFile(fcn_zip, "r") as zip_ref:

        model = AFNO.from_checkpoint(str(fcn_zip.parent / Path("fcn/fcn.mdlus")))

        local_center = torch.Tensor(
            np.load(str(fcn_zip.parent / Path("fcn/global_means.npy")))
        local_std = torch.Tensor(
            np.load(str(fcn_zip.parent / Path("fcn/global_stds.npy")))
        return cls(model, center=local_center, scale=local_std)


The load_default_package() doesn’t perform any downloading. Rather, it creates a pointer to the directory the checkpoint files exist in, offering a primitive abstract filesystem. load_model() triggers the download of any files when the path is accessed using package.get("local/dir/to/file").


The class is an abstract representation of a storage location that contains some artifacts used to load a pre-trained model. This class abstracts away the download and caching of files on the local machine. Given that a supported remote store type is used, the use of the package class is as follows:

from import Package

# Instantiate package by pointing it to a remote folder
package = Package("ngc://models/nvidia/modulus/modulus_fcn@v0.2")

# Fetch a file from the remote store using the get method
cached_path_to_file = package.resolve("")

# Open a buffered reader of the file
opened_file ="")

In this example, when calling open, the asset at ngc://models/nvidia/modulus/modulus_fcn@v0.2\ will be fetched and caches on the local machine. A file buffer will then be returned pointing to the cached version of the file. The cached path is a directory on the local file system which can be configured via environment variables. See Configuration section for details.


Earth2Studio file system borrows uses Fsspec caching for files in packages. We encourage users that are interested in this type of utility to learn more about Fsspec and the specification it defines for advanced usage.