Earth2Studio is now OSS!

Output Handling#

While input data handling is primarily managed by the data sources in, output handling is managed by the IO backends available in These backends are designed to balance the ability for users to customize the arrays and metadata within the exposed backend while also making it easy to design reusable workflows.

The key extension of the typical (x, coords) data structure movement throughout the rest of the earth2studio code and output store compatibility is the notion of an array_name. Names distinguish between different arrays within the backend and are currently a requirement for storing Datasets in xarray, zarr, and netcdf. This means that the user must supply a name when adding an array to a store or when writing an array. A frequent pattern is to extract one dimension of an array, such as "variable" to act as individual arrays in the backend, see the examples below.

IO Backend Interface#

The full requirements for a standard IO backend are defined explicitly in the earth2studio/io/

class IOBackend(Protocol):
    """Interface for a generic IO backend."""

    def __init__(
    ) -> None:

    def add_array(
        self, coords: CoordSystem, array_name: str | list[str], **kwargs: dict[str, Any]
    ) -> None:
        Add an array with `array_name` to the existing IO backend object.

        coords : OrderedDict
            Ordered dictionary of representing the dimensions and coordinate data
            of x.
        array_name : str
            Name of the arrays that will be initialized with coordinates as dimensions.
        kwargs : dict[str, Any], optional
            Optional keyword arguments that will be passed to the IO backend constructor.

    def write(
        x: torch.Tensor | list[torch.Tensor],
        coords: CoordSystem,
        array_name: str | list[str],
    ) -> None:
        Write data to the current backend using the passed array_name.

        x : torch.Tensor | list[torch.Tensor]
            Tensor(s) to be written to zarr store.
        coords : OrderedDict
            Coordinates of the passed data.
        array_name : str | list[str]
            Name(s) of the array(s) that will be written to.


IO Backends do not need to inherit this protocol; this is simply used to define the required APIs. Some built-in IO backends also may offer additional functionality that is not universally supported (and hence not required).

There are two important methods that must be supported: add_array, which adds an array to the underlying store and any attached coordinates, and write, which explicitly stores the provided data in the backend. The write command may induce synchronization if the input tensor resides on the GPU and the store. Most stores make a conversion from PyTorch to numpy in this process. The backend has the option for storing data on the GPU, which can be done asynchronously.

Most data stores offer several additional utilities such as __contains__, __getitem__, __len__, and __iter__. For examples, see the implementation in

    ) -> None:

        if file_name is None:

        self.root =, **backend_kwargs)

        # Read data from file, if available
        self.coords: CoordSystem = OrderedDict({})
        self.chunks = chunks.copy()
        for array in self.root:
            dims = self.root[array].attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"]
            for dim in dims:
                if dim not in self.coords:
                    self.coords[dim] = self.root[dim]

        for array in self.root:
            if array not in self.coords:
                dims = self.root[array].attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"]
                for c, d in zip(self.root[array].chunks, dims):
                    self.chunks[d] = c

    def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool:
        """Checks if item in Zarr Group.


Because of datetime compatibility, we recommend using the ZarrBackend as a default.

Initializing a Store#

A common data pattern seen throughout our example workflows is to initialize the variables and dimensions of a backend using a complete CoordSystem. For example:

# Build a complete CoordSystem
total_coords = OrderedDict(
        'ensemble': ...,
        'time': ...,
        'lead_time': ...,
        'variable': ...,
        'lat': ...,
        'lon': ...

# Give an informative array name
array_name = 'fields'

# Initialize all dimensions in total_coords and the array 'fields'
io.add_array(total_coords, 'fields')

It can be tedious to define each coordinate and dimension, luckily if we have a prognostic or diagnostic model, most of this information is already available. Here is a robust example of such a use-case:

# Set up IO backend
# assume we have `prognostic model`, `time` and `array_name`
# Copy prognostic model output coordinates
total_coords = OrderedDict(
        k: v for k, v in prognostic.output_coords(prognostic.input_coords).items() if
        (k != "batch") and (v.shape != 0)
total_coords["time"] = time
total_coords["lead_time"] = np.asarray(
    [total_coords["lead_time"] * i for i in range(nsteps + 1)]
total_coords.move_to_end("lead_time", last=False)
total_coords.move_to_end("time", last=False)
io.add_array(total_coords, array_name)

Prognostic models, diagnostic models, statistics, and metrics are required to have a output_coords method which maps from an input coordinate to a corresponding output coordinate. This method is meant to simulate the result of __call__ without having to actually compute the forward call of the method. See the API documentation for more details.

Another common IO use-case is to extract a particular dimension (usually variable) as the array names.

# A modification of the previous example:
var_names = total_coords.pop("variable")
io.add_array(total_coords, var_names)

Writing to the store#

Once the data arrays have been initialized in the backend, writing to those arrays is a single line of code.

x, coords = model(x, coords)
io.write(x, coords, array_name)

If, as above, the user is extracting a dimension of the tensor to use as array names then they can make use of earth2studio.utils.coords.split_coords:

io.write(*split_coords(x, coords, dim = "variable"))