Earth2Studio is now OSS!


This guide assumes you have looked at the repository and are familiar with the majority information found in the User Guide.

Environment Setup#

When developing Earth2Studio, it’s suggested a docker environment is used detailed in the install environments section. Clone the repo and use an editable install of Earth2Studio with the dev option:

git clone

cd earth2-inference-studio

pip install -e .[dev]

To install documentation dependencies, use:

pip install .[docs]


When working with models, additional optional dependencies may be required. See the model dependencies section for details.


For Earth2Studio development, pre-commit is required. This will not only help developers pass the CI pipeline, but also accelerate reviews. Contributions that have not used pre-commit will not be reviewed.

To install pre-commit run the following inside the Earth2Studio repository folder:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

>>> pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

Once the above commands are executed, the pre-commit hooks will be activated and all the commits will be checked for appropriate formatting, linting, etc.