Fundamental Core Flows (

The core library that contains all relevant flows related to user and bot utterance events and actions.

User Event Flows#

user said $text -> $transcript

Wait for a user to have said the provided text using an exact match.


import core

flow main
    # Only matches exactly "hello"
    user said "hello"
    bot say "hi"
> hi
> hello
user said something -> $transcript

Wait for a user to have said something matching any transcript.


import core

flow main
    $transcript = await user said something
    bot say "You said: {$transcript}"
> I can say whatever I want
You said: I can say whatever I want
user saying $text -> $transcript

Wait for a user to say the given text while talking (this matches the partial transcript of the user utterance even if the utterance is not finished yet).


import core

flow main
    # Provide verbal feedback while the user is writing / speaking
    while True
        when user saying "sad"
            bot say "oooh"
        or when user saying "great"
            bot say "nice!"
> /UtteranceUserAction.TranscriptUpdated(interim_transcript="this is a ")
> /UtteranceUserAction.TranscriptUpdated(interim_transcript="this is a sad story")
> /UtteranceUserAction.TranscriptUpdated(interim_transcript="this is a sad story that has a great ending")
user saying something -> $transcript

Wait for any ongoing user utterance (partial transcripts).


import core
import avatars

flow main
    user saying something
    bot gesture "nod"
> /UtteranceUserAction.TranscriptUpdated(interim_transcript="anything")
Gesture: nod
user started saying something

Wait for start of user utterance


import core
import avatars

flow main
    # Start a bot posture as soon as the user starts talking
    user started saying something
    start bot posture "listening" as $ref

    # Stop the posture when the user is done talking
    user said something
    send $ref.Stop()
> /UtteranceUserAction.Started()
Posture: listening
> /UtteranceUserAction.TranscriptUpdated(interim_transcript="I am starting to talk")
> /UtteranceUserAction.Finished(final_transcript="anything")
bot posture (stop)
user said something unexpected -> $transcript

Wait for a user to have said something unexpected (no active match statement for the user utterance that matches the incoming event). This is a rather technical flow. If you are looking for a way to react to a wide variety of user messages check out the flows in


import core

flow handling welcome
    user said "hi" or user said "hello"
    bot say "hello"

flow main
    activate handling welcome

    # If the user utterance is anything else except "hi" and "hello" this will advance
    user said something unexpected
    bot say "you said something unexpected"
> hi
> how are you
you said something unexpected

Bot Action Flows#

bot say $text

Execute a bot utterance with the provided text and wait until the utterance is completed (e.g. for a voice bot this flow will finish once the bot audio has finished).


import core

flow main
    user said something
    bot say "Hello world!"
> anything
Hello world!

Semantic variants

For more expressive interaction histories and more advance use cases the library provides several semantic wrappers for bot say. You can use them anywhere instead of a bot say to annotated the purpose of the bot utterance.

# Trigger the bot to inform about something
flow bot inform $text

# Trigger the bot to ask something
flow bot ask $text

# Trigger the bot to express something
flow bot express $text

# Trigger the bot to respond with given text
flow bot respond $text

# Trigger the bot to clarify something
flow bot clarify $text

# Trigger the bot to suggest something
flow bot suggest $text

Bot Event Flows#

bot started saying $text

Wait for the bot starting with the given utterance


import core

flow reacting to bot utterances
    bot started saying "hi"
    send CustomEvent()

flow main
    activate reacting to bot utterances

    user said something
    bot say "hi"
> hello
Event: CustomEvent
bot started saying something

Wait for the bot starting with any utterance


import core
import avatars

flow handling talking posture
    bot started saying something
    bot posture "talking"
    bot said something

flow main
    activate handling talking posture

    user said something
    bot say "hi"
> something
Posture: talking
bot posture (stop)
bot said $text

Wait for the bot to finish saying given utterance


import core
import avatars

flow creating gestures
    when bot said "yes"
        bot gesture "thumbs up"
    or when bot said "no"
        bot gesture "shake head"

flow answering cat dog questions
    when user said "Do you like cats?"
        bot say "yes"
    or when user said "Do you like dogs?"
        bot say "no"

flow main
    activate creating gestures
    activate answering cat dog questions

    wait indefinitely

> Do you like cats?
Gesture: thumbs up
> Do you like dogs?
Gesture: shake head
bot said something -> $text

Wait for the bot to finish with any utterance


import core
import avatars

flow handling talking posture
    bot started saying something
    bot posture "talking"
    bot said something

flow main
    activate handling talking posture

    user said something
    bot say "hi"
> something
Posture: talking
bot posture (stop)

Semantic variants

You may react to specific semantic wrappers for bot say that are defined in the library

# Wait for the bot to finish informing about something
flow bot informed something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish asking about something
flow bot asked something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish expressing something
flow bot expressed something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish responding something
flow bot responded something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish clarifying something
flow bot clarified something -> $text

# Wait for the bot to finish suggesting something
flow bot suggested something -> $text


wait indefinitely

Helper flow to wait indefinitely. This is often used at the end of the main flow to make sure the interaction is not restarted.


import core

flow main
    bot say "hello"
    wait indefinitely

it finished

Wait until a flow or action has finished. This will also check the action’s or flow’s state and if it has already finished, continue immediately. If the awaited flow has already failed instead of finished, this flow will also fail.

Note: Actions can never fail, even if stopped, but will always finish. If an action was stopped, the ActionFinished event will have a was_stopped=True argument.


# import core

# flow bot greet
#   bot say "hello"

# flow test0
#   user said "hi"
#   await UtteranceBotAction(script="hello") as $ref
#   await it finished $ref

# flow test1
#   user said "hi"
#   await bot greet as $ref
#   await it finished $ref

# flow test2
#   user said "hi"
#   start bot greet as $ref
#   send $ref.Stop()
#   await it finished $ref

# flow main
#   await test0
#   bot say "test0 success"

#   start test1 as $ref
#   match $ref.Finished()
#   bot say "test1 success"

#   start test2 as $ref
#   match $ref.Failed()
#   bot say "test2 success"

# > hi
# hello
# test0 success
# > hi
# hello
# test1 success
# > hi
# hello
# Event: StopUtteranceBotAction
# test2 success

State Tracking Flows#

These are flows that track bot and user states in global variables.

tracking bot talking state

Track bot talking state in global variable $bot_talking_state, $last_bot_script.


import core

flow main
    global $bot_talking_state
    activate tracking bot talking state

    user said something
    if $bot_talking_state
        bot gesture "show ignorance to user speech"
        bot say "responding to user question"

> hello there
responding to user question
tracking user talking state

Track user utterance state in global variables: $user_talking_state, $last_user_transcript.


import core

flow main
    global $last_user_transcript
    activate tracking user talking state

    user said something
    bot say "I remembered {$last_user_transcript}"

> my favorite color is red
I remembered my favorite color is red

Development Helper Flows#

notification of colang errors

A flow to notify about any runtime Colang errors


import core

# We need to create an artificial error.
# We need to create this in a separate flow as otherwise the main flow will fail upon the error.
flow creating an error
    user said something
    $number = 3
    print $number.error

flow main
    activate notification of colang errors

    creating an error
    wait indefinitely

> test
Excuse me, there was an internal Colang error.
notification of undefined flow start

A flow to notify about the start of an undefined flow


import core

flow main
    activate notification of undefined flow start

    # We are misspelling the `bot say` flow to trigger a undefined flow start.
    user said something
    bot sayy "hello"

> test
Failed to start an undefined flow!
notification of unexpected user utterance

A flow to notify about an unhandled user utterance


import core

flow reacting to user requests
    user said "hi" or user said "hello"
    bot say "hi there"

flow main
    activate notification of unexpected user utterance
    activate reacting to user requests

> hello
hi there
> what is your name
I don't know how to respond to that!