AlignScore Deployment#


The recommended way to use AlignScore with NeMo Guardrails is using the provided Dockerfile. For more details, check out how to build and use the image.

In order to deploy an AlignScore server, follow these steps:


Installing AlignScore is not supported on Python 3.11.

  1. Install the alignscore package from the GitHub repository:

git clone
cd AlignScore
pip install .
  1. Install Pytorch version 2.0.1.

pip install torch==2.0.1
  1. Download the Spacy en_core_web_sm model:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  1. Download the one or both of the AlignScore checkpoints:

curl -OL
curl -OL
  1. Set the ALIGN_SCORE_PATH environment variable to point to the path where the checkpoints have been downloaded.

  2. Set the ALIGN_SCORE_DEVICE environment variable to "cpu" to run the AlignScore model on CPU, or to the corresponding GPU device, e.g. "cuda:0".

export ALIGN_SCORE_PATH=<path/to/folder_containing_ckpt>
export ALIGN_SCORE_DEVICE="cuda:0"
  1. Start the AlignScore server.

python -m nemoguardrails.library.factchecking.align_score.server --port 5000 --models=base

By default, the AlignScore server listens on port 5000. You can change the port using the --port option. Also, by default, the AlignScore server loads only the base model. You can load only the large model using --models=large or both using --models=base --models=large.