Timing Flows (timing.co)#

Flows related to timing and reacting to periods of silence.

wait $time_s $timer_id="wait_timer_{uid()}"

Wait the specified number of seconds before continuing


import timing
import core

flow delayed bot say $text
    wait 0.5
    bot say $text

flow main
    user said something
    start delayed bot say "I say this later"
    start bot say "I say this first"

    wait indefinitely

> hello
I say this first
I say this later
repeating timer $timer_id $interval_s

Start a repeating timer


import timing
import core

flow reacting to my timer
    match TimerBotAction.Finished(timer_name="my_timer")
    bot say "tick"

flow main
    activate reacting to my timer

    user said something
    repeating timer "my_timer" 0.4 or wait 1.0
    wait indefinitely

> test
user was silent $time_s

Wait for when the user was silent for $time_s seconds


import timing
import core

flow reacting to user silence
    user was silent 5.0
    bot say "Can I help you with anything else?"

flow main
    activate reacting to user silence

    while True
        user said something
        bot say "sounds interesting"

> I am going to the zoo
sounds interesting
# (Wait for more than 5 seconds)
Can I help you with anything else?
user didnt respond $time_s

Wait for when the user was silent for $time_s seconds while the bot was silent


import timing
import core

flow repeating if no user response
    global $last_bot_script
    user didnt respond 5.0
    bot say $last_bot_script

flow main
    activate tracking bot talking state
    activate repeating if no user response

    user said something
    bot say "How can I help you today?"
    user said something

> hi
How can I help you today?
# (Wait for more than 5 seconds)
How can I help you today?
bot was silent $time_s

Wait for the bot to be silent (no utterance) for given time


import timing
import core

flow inform processing time
    user said something
    bot was silent 2.0
    bot say "This is taking a bit longer"

flow processing user request
    user said "place the order"
    wait 4.0
    bot say "order was placed successfully"

flow main
    activate inform processing time
    activate processing user request

> place the order
# After about 2 seconds:
This is taking a bit longer
# After and additional 2 seconds:
order was placed successfully