Configuration Guide#

A guardrails configuration includes the following:

  • General Options: which LLM(s) to use, general instructions (similar to system prompts), sample conversation, which rails are active, specific rails configuration options, etc.; these options are typically placed in a config.yml file.

  • Rails: Colang flows implementing the rails; these are typically placed in a rails folder.

  • Actions: custom actions implemented in Python; these are typically placed in an module in the root of the config or in an actions sub-package.

  • Knowledge Base Documents: documents that can be used in a RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) scenario using the built-in Knowledge Base support; these documents are typically placed in a kb folder.

  • Initialization Code: custom Python code performing additional initialization, e.g. registering a new type of LLM.

These files are typically included in a config folder, which is referenced when initializing a RailsConfig instance or when starting the CLI Chat or Server.

├── config
│   ├── rails
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── ...
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── config.yml

The custom actions can be placed either in an module in the root of the config or in an actions sub-package:

├── config
│   ├── rails
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── actions
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── ...
│   ├──
│   └── config.yml

Custom Initialization#

If present, the module is loaded before initializing the LLMRails instance.

If the module contains an init function, it gets called as part of the initialization of the LLMRails instance. For example, you can use the init function to initialize the connection to a database and register it as a custom action parameter using the register_action_param(...) function:

from nemoguardrails import LLMRails

def init(app: LLMRails):
    # Initialize the database connection
    db = ...

    # Register the action parameter
    app.register_action_param("db", db)

Custom action parameters are passed on to the custom actions when they are invoked.

General Options#

The following subsections describe all the configuration options you can use in the config.yml file.

The LLM Model#

To configure the main LLM model that will be used by the guardrails configuration, you set the models key as shown below:

  - type: main
    engine: openai
    model: gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct

The meaning of the attributes is as follows:

  • type: is set to “main” indicating the main LLM model.

  • engine: the LLM provider, e.g., openai, huggingface_endpoint, self_hosted, etc.

  • model: the name of the model, e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct.

  • parameters: any additional parameters, e.g., temperature, top_k, etc.

Supported LLM Providers#

You can use any LLM provider that is supported by LangChain, e.g., ai21, aleph_alpha, anthropic, anyscale, azure, cohere, huggingface_endpoint, huggingface_hub, openai, self_hosted, self_hosted_hugging_face. Check out the LangChain official documentation for the full list.

In addition to the above LangChain providers, connecting to Nvidia NIMs is supported using the engine nvidia_ai_endpoints or synonymously nim, for both Nvidia hosted NIMs (accessible through an Nvidia AI Enterprise license) and for locally downloaded and elf-hosted NIM containers.


To use any of the providers, you must install additional packages; when you first try to use a configuration with a new provider, you typically receive an error from LangChain that instructs which packages you should install.


Although you can instantiate any of the previously mentioned LLM providers, depending on the capabilities of the model, the NeMo Guardrails toolkit works better with some providers than others. The toolkit includes prompts that have been optimized for certain types of models, such as openai and nemollm. For others, you can optimize the prompts yourself following the information in the LLM Prompts section.

Using LLMs with Reasoning Traces#

To use an LLM that outputs the reasoning traces as part of the response (e.g. DeepSeek-R1), the following model config should be used:

  - type: main
    engine: deepseek
    model: deepseek-reasoner
      remove_thinking_traces: True
      start_token: "<think>"
      end_token: "</think>"

The reasoning_config attribute for a model contains all the required configuration for a reasoning model that outputs reasoning traces. In most of the cases, the reasoning traces need to be removed and the guardrails runtime will only process the actual responses from the LLM.

The attributes that can be configured for a reasoning model are:

  • remove_thinking_traces: if the reasoning traces should be ignored (defaults to True.

  • start_token: the start token for the reasoning process (e.g. <think> for DeepSeek-R1).

  • end_token: the end token for the reasoning process (e.g. </think> for DeepSeek-R1).

NIM for LLMs#

NVIDIA NIM is a set of easy-to-use microservices designed to accelerate the deployment of generative AI models across the cloud, data center, and workstations. NVIDIA NIM for LLMs brings the power of state-of-the-art LLMs to enterprise applications, providing unmatched natural language processing and understanding capabilities. Learn more about NIMs.

NIMs can be self hosted, using downloadable containers, or Nvidia hosted and accessible through an Nvidia AI Enterprise (NVAIE) licesnse.

NeMo Guardrails supports connecting to NIMs as follows:

Self-hosted NIMs#

To connect to self-hosted NIMs, set the engine to nim. Also make sure the model name matches one of the model names the hosted NIM supports (you can get a list of supported models using a GET request to v1/models endpoint).

  - type: main
    engine: nim
    model: <MODEL_NAME>
      base_url: <NIM_ENDPOINT_URL>

For example, to connect to a locally deployed meta/llama3-8b-instruct model, on port 8000, use the following model configuration:

  - type: main
    engine: nim
    model: meta/llama3-8b-instruct
      base_url: http://localhost:8000/v1
NVIDIA AI Endpoints#

NVIDIA AI Endpoints give users easy access to NVIDIA hosted API endpoints for NVIDIA AI Foundation Models such as Llama 3, Mixtral 8x7B, and Stable Diffusion. These models, hosted on the NVIDIA API catalog, are optimized, tested, and hosted on the NVIDIA AI platform, making them fast and easy to evaluate, further customize, and seamlessly run at peak performance on any accelerated stack.

To use an LLM model through the NVIDIA AI Endpoints, use the following model configuration:

  - type: main
    engine: nim
    model: <MODEL_NAME>

For example, to use the llama3-8b-instruct model, use the following model configuration:

  - type: main
    engine: nim
    model: meta/llama3-8b-instruct


To use the nvidia_ai_endpoints or nim LLM provider, you must install the langchain-nvidia-ai-endpoints package using the command pip install langchain-nvidia-ai-endpoints, and configure a valid NVIDIA_API_KEY.

For further information, see the user guide.

Here’s an example configuration for using llama3 model with Ollama:

  - type: main
    engine: ollama
    model: llama3
      base_url: http://your_base_url

NeMo LLM Service#

In addition to the LLM providers supported by LangChain, NeMo Guardrails also supports NeMo LLM Service. For example, to use the GPT-43B-905 model as the main LLM, you should use the following configuration:

  - type: main
    engine: nemollm
    model: gpt-43b-905

You can also use customized NeMo LLM models for specific tasks, e.g., self-checking the user input or the bot output. For example:

  # ...
  - type: self_check_input
    engine: nemollm
    model: gpt-43b-002
      tokens_to_generate: 10
      customization_id: 6e5361fa-f878-4f00-8bc6-d7fbaaada915

You can specify additional parameters when using NeMo LLM models using the parameters key. The supported parameters are:

  • temperature: the temperature that should be used for making the calls;

  • api_host: points to the NeMo LLM Service host (default ‘’);

  • api_key: the NeMo LLM Service key that should be used;

  • organization_id: the NeMo LLM Service organization ID that should be used;

  • tokens_to_generate: the maximum number of tokens to generate;

  • stop: the list of stop words that should be used;

  • customization_id: if a customization is used, the id should be specified.

The api_host, api_key, and organization_id are fetched automatically from the environment variables NGC_API_HOST, NGC_API_KEY, and NGC_ORGANIZATION_ID, respectively.

For more details, please refer to the NeMo LLM Service documentation and check out the NeMo LLM example configuration.


NeMo Guardrails also supports connecting to a TRT-LLM server.

  - type: main
    engine: trt_llm
    model: <MODEL_NAME>

Below is the list of supported parameters with their default values. Please refer to TRT-LLM documentation for more details.

  - type: main
    engine: trt_llm
    model: <MODEL_NAME>
      server_url: <SERVER_URL>
      temperature: 1.0
      top_p: 0
      top_k: 1
      tokens: 100
      beam_width: 1
      repetition_penalty: 1.0
      length_penalty: 1.0

Custom LLM Models#

To register a custom LLM provider, you need to create a class that inherits from BaseLanguageModel and register it using register_llm_provider.

It is important to implement the following methods:


  • _call

  • _llm_type


  • _acall

  • _astream

  • _stream

  • _identifying_params

In other words, to create your custom LLM provider, you need to implement the following interface methods: _call, _llm_type, and optionally _acall, _astream, _stream, and _identifying_params. Here’s how you can do it:

from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Optional

from langchain.base_language import BaseLanguageModel
from langchain_core.callbacks.manager import (
from langchain_core.outputs import GenerationChunk

from nemoguardrails.llm.providers import register_llm_provider

class MyCustomLLM(BaseLanguageModel):

    def _call(
        prompt: str,
        stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None,
    ) -> str:

    async def _acall(
        prompt: str,
        stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        run_manager: Optional[AsyncCallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None,
    ) -> str:

    def _stream(
        prompt: str,
        stop: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Iterator[GenerationChunk]:

    # rest of the implementation

register_llm_provider("custom_llm", MyCustomLLM)

You can then use the custom LLM provider in your configuration:

  - type: main
    engine: custom_llm

Configuring LLMs per Task#

The interaction with the LLM is structured in a task-oriented manner. Each invocation of the LLM is associated with a specific task. These tasks are integral to the guardrail process and include:

  1. generate_user_intent: This task transforms the raw user utterance into a canonical form. For instance, “Hello there” might be converted to express greeting.

  2. generate_next_steps: This task determines the bot’s response or the action to be executed. Examples include bot express greeting or bot respond to question.

  3. generate_bot_message: This task decides the exact bot message to be returned.

  4. general: This task generates the next bot message based on the history of user and bot messages. It is used when there are no dialog rails defined (i.e., no user message canonical forms).

For a comprehensive list of tasks, refer to the Task type.

You can use different LLM models for specific tasks. For example, you can use a different model for the self_check_input and self_check_output tasks from various providers. Here’s an example configuration:

  - type: main
    model: meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct
    engine: nim
  - type: self_check_input
    model: meta/llama3-8b-instruct
    engine: nim
  - type: self_check_output
    model: meta/llama-3.1-70b-instruct
    engine: nim

In the previous example, the self_check_input and self_check_output tasks use different models. It is even possible to get more granular and use different models for a task like generate_user_intent:

  - type: main
    model: meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct
    engine: nim
  - type: self_check_input
    model: meta/llama3-8b-instruct
    engine: nim
  - type: self_check_output
    model: meta/llama-3.1-70b-instruct
    engine: nim
  - type: generate_user_intent
    model: meta/llama-3.1-8b-instruct
    engine: nim


Remember, the best model for your needs will depend on your specific requirements and constraints. It’s often a good idea to experiment with different models to see which one works best for your specific use case.

The Embeddings Model#

To configure the embedding model used for the various steps in the guardrails process, such as canonical form generation and next step generation, add a model configuration in the models key as shown in the following configuration file:

  - ...
  - type: embeddings
    engine: FastEmbed
    model: all-MiniLM-L6-v2

The FastEmbed engine is the default one and uses the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model. NeMo Guardrails also supports using OpenAI models for computing the embeddings, e.g.:

  - ...
  - type: embeddings
    engine: openai
    model: text-embedding-ada-002

Supported Embedding Providers#

The following tables lists the supported embedding providers:

Provider Name



FastEmbed (default)


all-MiniLM-L6-v2 (default), etc.



text-embedding-ada-002, etc.



all-MiniLM-L6-v2, etc.

NVIDIA AI Endpoints


nv-embed-v1, etc.


You can use any of the supported models for any of the supported embedding providers. The previous table includes an example of a model that can be used.

Custom Embedding Provider#

You can also register a custom embedding provider by using the LLMRails.register_embedding_provider function.

To register a custom LLM provider, create a class that inherits from EmbeddingModel and register it in your

from typing import List
from nemoguardrails.embeddings.providers.base import EmbeddingModel
from nemoguardrails import LLMRails

class CustomEmbeddingModel(EmbeddingModel):
    """An implementation of a custom embedding provider."""
    engine_name = "CustomEmbeddingModel"

    def __init__(self, embedding_model: str):
        # Initialize the model

    async def encode_async(self, documents: List[str]) -> List[List[float]]:
        """Encode the provided documents into embeddings.

            documents (List[str]): The list of documents for which embeddings should be created.

            List[List[float]]: The list of embeddings corresponding to the input documents.

    def encode(self, documents: List[str]) -> List[List[float]]:
        """Encode the provided documents into embeddings.

            documents (List[str]): The list of documents for which embeddings should be created.

            List[List[float]]: The list of embeddings corresponding to the input documents.

def init(app: LLMRails):
    """Initialization function in your"""
    app.register_embedding_provider(CustomEmbeddingModel, "CustomEmbeddingModel")

You can then use the custom embedding provider in your configuration:

  # ...
  - type: embeddings
    engine: SomeCustomName
    model: SomeModelName      # supported by the provider.

Embedding Search Provider#

NeMo Guardrails uses embedding search, also called vector databases, for implementing the guardrails process and for the knowledge base functionality. The default embedding search uses FastEmbed for computing the embeddings (the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model) and Annoy for performing the search. As shown in the previous section, the embeddings model supports both FastEmbed and OpenAI. SentenceTransformers is also supported.

For advanced use cases or integrations with existing knowledge bases, you can provide a custom embedding search provider.

General Instructions#

The general instructions (similar to a system prompt) get appended at the beginning of every prompt, and you can configure them as shown below:

  - type: general
    content: |
      Below is a conversation between the NeMo Guardrails bot and a user.
      The bot is talkative and provides lots of specific details from its context.
      If the bot does not know the answer to a question, it truthfully says it does not know.

In the future, multiple types of instructions will be supported, hence the type attribute and the array structure.

Sample Conversation#

The sample conversation sets the tone for how the conversation between the user and the bot should go. It will help the LLM learn better the format, the tone of the conversation, and how verbose responses should be. This section should have a minimum of two turns. Since we append this sample conversation to every prompt, it is recommended to keep it short and relevant.

sample_conversation: |
  user "Hello there!"
    express greeting
  bot express greeting
    "Hello! How can I assist you today?"
  user "What can you do for me?"
    ask about capabilities
  bot respond about capabilities
    "As an AI assistant, I can help provide more information on NeMo Guardrails toolkit. This includes question answering on how to set it up, use it, and customize it for your application."
  user "Tell me a bit about the what the toolkit can do?"
    ask general question
  bot response for general question
    "NeMo Guardrails provides a range of options for quickly and easily adding programmable guardrails to LLM-based conversational systems. The toolkit includes examples on how you can create custom guardrails and compose them together."
  user "what kind of rails can I include?"
    request more information
  bot provide more information
    "You can include guardrails for detecting and preventing offensive language, helping the bot stay on topic, do fact checking, perform output moderation. Basically, if you want to control the output of the bot, you can do it with guardrails."
  user "thanks"
    express appreciation
  bot express appreciation and offer additional help
    "You're welcome. If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask."

Actions Server URL#

If an actions server is used, the URL must be configured in the config.yml:

actions_server_url: ACTIONS_SERVER_URL

LLM Prompts#

You can customize the prompts that are used for the various LLM tasks (e.g., generate user intent, generate next step, generate bot message) using the prompts key. For example, to override the prompt used for the generate_user_intent task for the openai/gpt-3.5-turbo model:

  - task: generate_user_intent
      - openai/gpt-3.5-turbo
    max_length: 3000
    output_parser: user_intent
    content: |-
      <<This is a placeholder for a custom prompt for generating the user intent>>

For each task, you can also specify the maximum length of the prompt to be used for the LLM call in terms of the number of characters. This is useful if you want to limit the number of tokens used by the LLM or when you want to make sure that the prompt length does not exceed the maximum context length. When the maximum length is exceeded, the prompt is truncated by removing older turns from the conversation history until the length of the prompt is less than or equal to the maximum length. The default maximum length is 16000 characters.

The full list of tasks used by the NeMo Guardrails toolkit is the following:

  • general: generate the next bot message, when no canonical forms are used;

  • generate_user_intent: generate the canonical user message;

  • generate_next_steps: generate the next thing the bot should do/say;

  • generate_bot_message: generate the next bot message;

  • generate_value: generate the value for a context variable (a.k.a. extract user-provided values);

  • self_check_facts: check the facts from the bot response against the provided evidence;

  • self_check_input: check if the input from the user should be allowed;

  • self_check_output: check if bot response should be allowed;

  • self_check_hallucination: check if the bot response is a hallucination.

You can check the default prompts in the prompts folder.

Multi-step Generation#

With a large language model (LLM) that is fine-tuned for instruction following, particularly those exceeding 100 billion parameters, it’s possible to enable the generation of complex, multi-step flows.

EXPERIMENTAL: this feature is experimental and should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes.

enable_multi_step_generation: True

Lowest Temperature#

This temperature will be used for the tasks that require deterministic behavior (e.g., dolly-v2-3b requires a strictly positive one).

lowest_temperature: 0.1

Event Source ID#

This ID will be used as the source_uid for all events emitted by the Colang runtime. Setting this to something else than the default value (default value is NeMoGuardrails-Colang-2.x) is useful if you need to distinguish multiple Colang runtimes in your system (e.g. in a multi-agent scenario).

event_source_uid : colang-agent-1

Custom Data#

If you need to pass additional configuration data to any custom component for your configuration, you can use the custom_data field.

  custom_config_field: "some_value"

For example, you can access the custom configuration inside the init function in your (see Custom Initialization).

def init(app: LLMRails):
    config = app.config

    # Do something with config.custom_data

Guardrails Definitions#

Guardrails (or rails for short) are implemented through flows. Depending on their role, rails can be split into several main categories:

  1. Input rails: triggered when a new input from the user is received.

  2. Output rails: triggered when a new output should be sent to the user.

  3. Dialog rails: triggered after a user message is interpreted, i.e., a canonical form has been identified.

  4. Retrieval rails: triggered after the retrieval step has been performed (i.e., the retrieve_relevant_chunks action has finished).

  5. Execution rails: triggered before and after an action is invoked.

The active rails are configured using the rails key in config.yml. Below is a quick example:

  # Input rails are invoked when a new message from the user is received.
      - check jailbreak
      - check input sensitive data
      - check toxicity
      - ... # Other input rails

  # Output rails are triggered after a bot message has been generated.
      - self check facts
      - self check hallucination
      - check output sensitive data
      - ... # Other output rails

  # Retrieval rails are invoked once `$relevant_chunks` are computed.
      - check retrieval sensitive data

All the flows that are not input, output, or retrieval flows are considered dialog rails and execution rails, i.e., flows that dictate how the dialog should go and when and how to invoke actions. Dialog/execution rail flows don’t need to be enumerated explicitly in the config. However, there are a few other configuration options that can be used to control their behavior.

  # Dialog rails are triggered after user message is interpreted, i.e., its canonical form
  # has been computed.
    # Whether to try to use a single LLM call for generating the user intent, next step and bot message.
      enabled: False

      # If a single call fails, whether to fall back to multiple LLM calls.
      fallback_to_multiple_calls: True

      # Whether to use only the embeddings when interpreting the user's message
      embeddings_only: False

Input Rails#

Input rails process the message from the user. For example:

define flow self check input
  $allowed = execute self_check_input

  if not $allowed
    bot refuse to respond

Input rails can alter the input by changing the $user_message context variable.

Output Rails#

Output rails process a bot message. The message to be processed is available in the context variable $bot_message. Output rails can alter the $bot_message variable, e.g., to mask sensitive information.

You can deactivate output rails temporarily for the next bot message, by setting the $skip_output_rails context variable to True.

Streaming Output Configuration#

By default, the response from an output rail is synchronous. You can enable streaming to begin receiving responses from the output rail sooner.

You must set the top-level streaming: True field in your config.yml file.

For each output rail, add the streaming field and configuration parameters.

    - rail name
    chunk_size: 200
    context_size: 50
    stream_first: True

streaming: True

When streaming is enabled, the toolkit applies output rails to chunks of tokens. If a rail blocks a chunk of tokens, the toolkit returns a string in the following format:

{"event": "ABORT", "data": {"reason": "Blocked by <rail-name> rails.}}

The following table describes the subfields for the streaming field:



Default Value


Specifies the number of tokens for each chunk. The toolkit applies output guardrails on each chunk of tokens.

Larger values provide more meaningful information for the rail to assess, but can add latency while accumulating tokens for a full chunk. The risk of higher latency is especially true if you specify stream_first: False.



Specifies the number of tokens to keep from the previous chunk to provide context and continuity in processing.

Larger values provide continuity across chunks with minimal impact on latency. Small values might fail to detect cross-chunk violations. Specifying approximately 25% of chunk_size provides a good compromise.



When set to False, the toolkit applies the output rails to the chunks before streaming them to the client. If you set this field to False, you can avoid streaming chunks of blocked content.

By default, the toolkit streams the chunks as soon as possible and before applying output rails to them.


The following table shows how the number of tokens, chunk size, and context size interact to trigger the number of rails invocations.

Input Length

Chunk Size

Context Size

Rails Invocations

































Refer to Streaming Output for a code sample.

Retrieval Rails#

Retrieval rails process the retrieved chunks, i.e., the $relevant_chunks variable.

Dialog Rails#

Dialog rails enforce specific predefined conversational paths. To use dialog rails, you must define canonical form forms for various user messages and use them to trigger the dialog flows. Check out the Hello World bot for a quick example. For a slightly more advanced example, check out the ABC bot, where dialog rails are used to ensure the bot does not talk about specific topics.

The use of dialog rails requires a three-step process:

  1. Generate canonical user message

  2. Decide next step(s) and execute them

  3. Generate bot utterance(s)

For a detailed description, check out The Guardrails Process.

Each of the above steps may require an LLM call.

Single Call Mode#

As of version 0.6.0, NeMo Guardrails also supports a “single call” mode, in which all three steps are performed using a single LLM call. To enable it, you must set the single_call.enabled flag to True as shown below.

    # Whether to try to use a single LLM call for generating the user intent, next step and bot message.
      enabled: True

      # If a single call fails, whether to fall back to multiple LLM calls.
      fallback_to_multiple_calls: True

On a typical RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) scenario, using this option brings a 3x improvement in terms of latency and uses 37% fewer tokens.

IMPORTANT: currently, the Single Call Mode can only predict bot messages as next steps. This means that if you want the LLM to generalize and decide to execute an action on a dynamically generated user canonical form message, it will not work.

Embeddings Only#

Another option to speed up the dialog rails is to use only the embeddings of the predefined user messages to decide the canonical form for the user input. To enable this option, you have to set the embeddings_only flag, as shown below:

      # Whether to use only the embeddings when interpreting the user's message
      embeddings_only: True
      # Use only the embeddings when the similarity is above the specified threshold.
      embeddings_only_similarity_threshold: 0.75
      # When the fallback is set to None, if the similarity is below the threshold, the user intent is computed normally using the LLM.
      # When it is set to a string value, that string value will be used as the intent.
      embeddings_only_fallback_intent: None

IMPORTANT: This is recommended only when enough examples are provided. The threshold used here is 0.75, which triggers an LLM call for user intent generation if the similarity is below this value. If you encounter false positives, consider increasing the threshold to 0.8. Note that the threshold is model dependent.


NeMo Guardrails supports raising exceptions from within flows. An exception is an event whose name ends with Exception, e.g., InputRailException. When an exception is raised, the final output is a message with the role set to exception and the content set to additional information about the exception. For example:

define flow input rail example
  # ...
  create event InputRailException(message="Input not allowed.")
  "role": "exception",
  "content": {
    "type": "InputRailException",
    "uid": "45a452fa-588e-49a5-af7a-0bab5234dcc3",
    "event_created_at": "9999-99-99999:24:30.093749+00:00",
    "source_uid": "NeMoGuardrails",
    "message": "Input not allowed."

Guardrails Library Exception#

By default, all the guardrails included in the Guardrails Library return a predefined message when a rail is triggered. You can change this behavior by setting the enable_rails_exceptions key to True in your config.yml file:

enable_rails_exceptions: True

When this setting is enabled, the rails are triggered, they will return an exception message. To understand better what is happening under the hood, here’s how the self check input rail is implemented:

define flow self check input
  $allowed = execute self_check_input
  if not $allowed
    if $config.enable_rails_exceptions
      create event InputRailException(message="Input not allowed. The input was blocked by the 'self check input' flow.")
      bot refuse to respond


In Colang 2.x, you must change $config.enable_rails_exceptions to $system.config.enable_rails_exceptions and create event to send.

When the self check input rail is triggered, the following exception is returned.

  "role": "exception",
  "content": {
    "type": "InputRailException",
    "uid": "45a452fa-588e-49a5-af7a-0bab5234dcc3",
    "event_created_at": "9999-99-99999:24:30.093749+00:00",
    "source_uid": "NeMoGuardrails",
    "message": "Input not allowed. The input was blocked by the 'self check input' flow."


NeMo Guardrails includes a tracing feature that allows you to monitor and log interactions for better observability and debugging. Tracing can be easily configured via the existing config.yml file. Below are the steps to enable and configure tracing in your project.

Enabling Tracing#

To enable tracing, set the enabled flag to true under the tracing section in your config.yml:

  enabled: true


You must install the necessary dependencies to use tracing adapters.

  pip install "opentelemetry-api opentelemetry-sdk aiofiles"

Configuring Tracing Adapters#

Tracing supports multiple adapters that determine how and where the interaction logs are exported. You can configure one or more adapters by specifying them under the adapters list. Below are examples of configuring the built-in OpenTelemetry and FileSystem adapters:

  enabled: true
    - name: OpenTelemetry
      service_name: "nemo_guardrails_service"
      exporter: "console"  # Options: "console", "zipkin", etc.
        env: "production"
    - name: FileSystem
      filepath: './traces/traces.jsonl'


The “console” is intended for debugging and demonstration purposes only and should not be used in production environments. Using this exporter will output tracing information directly to the console, which can interfere with application output, distort the user interface, degrade performance, and potentially expose sensitive information. For production use, please configure a suitable exporter that sends tracing data to a dedicated backend or monitoring system.

OpenTelemetry Adapter#

The OpenTelemetry adapter integrates with the OpenTelemetry framework, allowing you to export traces to various backends. Key configuration options include:

service_name: The name of your service. • exporter: The type of exporter to use (e.g., console, zipkin). • resource_attributes: Additional attributes to include in the trace resource (e.g., environment).

FileSystem Adapter#

The FileSystem adapter exports interaction logs to a local JSON Lines file. Key configuration options include:

filepath: The path to the file where traces will be stored. If not specified, it defaults to ./.traces/trace.jsonl.

Example Configuration#

Below is a comprehensive example of a config.yml file with both OpenTelemetry and FileSystem adapters enabled:

  enabled: true
    - name: OpenTelemetry
      service_name: "nemo_guardrails_service"
      exporter: "zipkin"
        env: "production"
    - name: FileSystem
      filepath: './traces/traces.jsonl'

To use this configuration, you must ensure that Zipkin is running locally or is accessible via the network.

Using Zipkin as an Exporter#

To use Zipkin as an exporter, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Zipkin exporter for OpenTelemetry:

    pip install opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin
  2. Run the Zipkin server using Docker:

    docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

Registering OpenTelemetry Exporters#

You can also use other OpenTelemetry exporters by registering them in the file. To do so you need to use register_otel_exporter and register the exporter class.Below is an example of registering the Jaeger exporter:

# This assumes that Jaeger exporter is installed
# pip install opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger

from opentelemetry.exporter.jaeger.thrift import JaegerExporter
from nemoguardrails.tracing.adapters.opentelemetry import register_otel_exporter

register_otel_exporter(JaegerExporter, "jaeger")

Then you can use it in the config.yml file as follows:

  enabled: true
    - name: OpenTelemetry
      service_name: "nemo_guardrails_service"
      exporter: "jaeger"
        env: "production"

Custom InteractionLogAdapters#

NeMo Guardrails allows you to extend its tracing capabilities by creating custom InteractionLogAdapter classes. This flexibility enables you to transform and export interaction logs to any backend or format that suits your needs.

Implementing a Custom Adapter#

To create a custom adapter, you need to implement the InteractionLogAdapter abstract base class. Below is the interface you must follow:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from nemoguardrails.tracing import InteractionLog

class InteractionLogAdapter(ABC):
    name: Optional[str] = None

    async def transform_async(self, interaction_log: InteractionLog):
        """Transforms the InteractionLog into the backend-specific format asynchronously."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    async def close(self):
        """Placeholder for any cleanup actions if needed."""

    async def __aenter__(self):
        """Enter the runtime context related to this object."""
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        """Exit the runtime context related to this object."""
        await self.close()

Registering Your Custom Adapter#

After implementing your custom adapter, you need to register it so that NemoGuardrails can recognize and utilize it. This is done by adding a registration call in your

from nemoguardrails.tracing.adapters.registry import register_log_adapter
from import YourCustomAdapter

register_log_adapter(YourCustomAdapter, "CustomLogAdapter")

Example: Creating a Custom Adapter#

Here’s a simple example of a custom adapter that logs interaction logs to a custom backend:

from nemoguardrails.tracing.adapters.base import InteractionLogAdapter
from nemoguardrails.tracing import InteractionLog

class MyCustomLogAdapter(InteractionLogAdapter):
    name = "MyCustomLogAdapter"

    def __init__(self, custom_option1: str, custom_option2: str):
      self.custom_option1 = custom_option1
      self.custom_option2 = custom

    def transform(self, interaction_log: InteractionLog):
        # Implement your transformation logic here
        custom_format = convert_to_custom_format(interaction_log)

    async def transform_async(self, interaction_log: InteractionLog):
        # Implement your asynchronous transformation logic here
        custom_format = convert_to_custom_format(interaction_log)
        await send_to_custom_backend_async(custom_format)

    async def close(self):
        # Implement any necessary cleanup here
        await cleanup_custom_resources()

Updating config.yml with Your CustomLogAdapter

Once registered, you can configure your custom adapter in the config.yml like any other adapter:

  enabled: true
    - name: MyCustomLogAdapter
      custom_option1: "value1"
      custom_option2: "value2"

By following these steps, you can leverage the built-in tracing adapters or create and integrate your own custom adapters to enhance the observability of your NeMo Guardrails powered applications. Whether you choose to export logs to the filesystem, integrate with OpenTelemetry, or implement a bespoke logging solution, tracing provides the flexibility to meet your requirements.

Knowledge base Documents#

By default, an LLMRails instance supports using a set of documents as context for generating the bot responses. To include documents as part of your knowledge base, you must place them in the kb folder inside your config folder:

├── config
│   └── kb
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └── ...

Currently, only the Markdown format is supported. Support for other formats will be added in the near future.