Source code for data.data_layer

# Copyright (c) 2017 NVIDIA Corporation
"""Data layer classes"""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import copy

import six
import tensorflow as tf

from open_seq2seq.utils.utils import check_params

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class DataLayer: """Abstract class from which all data layers must inherit."""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_required_params(): """Static method with description of required parameters. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing all the parameters that **have to** be included into the ``params`` parameter of the class :meth:`__init__` method. """ return { 'mode': ['train', 'eval', 'infer'], }
[docs] @staticmethod def get_optional_params(): """Static method with description of optional parameters. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing all the parameters that **can** be included into the ``params`` parameter of the class :meth:`__init__` method. """ return { 'batch_size': int, 'shuffle': bool, 'repeat': bool, 'dtype': [tf.float32, tf.float16], 'interactive': bool, 'cache_features': bool, 'cache_format': str, 'cache_regenerate': bool }
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, params, model, num_workers, worker_id): """Data layer constructor. The TensorFlow graph should not be created here, but rather in the :meth:`self.build_graph() <build_graph>` method. Args: params (dict): parameters describing the data layer. All supported parameters are listed in :meth:`get_required_params`, :meth:`get_optional_params` functions. model (instance of a class derived from :class:`Model<models.model.Model>`): parent model that created this data layer. Could be None if no model access is required for the use case. num_workers (int): number of Horovod processes or number of GPUs if Horovod is not used. worker_id (int): Horovod process id or GPU id if Horovod is not used. Config parameters: * **shuffle** (bool) --- whether to shuffle dataset after an epoch. Typically will be True for train and False for inference and evaluation. * **dtype** --- data dtype. Could be either ``tf.float16`` or ``tf.float32``. """ check_params(params, self.get_required_params(), self.get_optional_params()) self._params = copy.deepcopy(params) self._model = model if 'dtype' not in self._params: if self._model: self._params['dtype'] = self._model.get_tf_dtype() else: self._params['dtype'] = tf.float32 if 'shuffle' not in params: self._params['shuffle'] = (self._params['mode'] == 'train') if self._params['mode'] != 'train' and self._params['shuffle']: raise ValueError("Shuffle should not be performed in eval or infer modes") # should be used for correct evaluation on multiple GPUs self._num_workers = num_workers self._worker_id = worker_id
@property def params(self): """Parameters used to construct the data layer (dictionary).""" return self._params
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def build_graph(self): """Here all TensorFlow graph construction should happen.""" pass
@property @abc.abstractmethod def iterator(self): """```` iterator. Should be created by :meth:`self.build_graph()<build_graph>`. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def input_tensors(self): """Dictionary containing input tensors. This dictionary has to define the following keys: `source_tensors`, which should contain all tensors describing the input object (i.e. tensors that are passed to the encoder, e.g. input sequence and input length). And when ``self.params['mode'] != "infer"`` data layer should also define `target_tensors` which is the list of all tensors related to the corresponding target object (i.e. tensors taht are passed to the decoder and loss, e.g. target sequence and target length). Note that all tensors have to be created inside :meth:`self.build_graph()<build_graph>` method. """ pass
[docs] def create_interactive_placeholders(self): """A function that must be defined for data layers that support interactive infer. This function is intended to create placeholders that will be passed to self._input_tensors that will be passed to the model. """ pass
[docs] def create_feed_dict(self, model_in): """A function that must be defined for data layers that support interactive infer. Given input which is an abstract data element to be defined by the data layer. The intended use is for the user to build and pass model_in from the jupyter notebook. Given model_in, the data layer must preprocess the raw data, and create the feed dict that defines the placeholders defined in create_interactive_placeholders(). """ pass
[docs] def get_size_in_samples(self): """Should return the dataset size in samples. That is, the number of objects in the dataset. This method is used to calculate a valid epoch size. If this method is not defined, you will need to make sure that your dataset for evaluation is created only for one epoch. You will also not be able to use ``num_epochs`` parameter in the base config. Returns: int: dataset size in samples. """ return None