Source code for data.speech2text.speech2text

# Copyright (c) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation
"""Data Layer for Speech-to-Text models"""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import six
import math
import librosa
from six import string_types
from six.moves import range

from import DataLayer
from import load_pre_existing_vocabulary
from .speech_utils import get_speech_features_from_file, get_speech_features
import sentencepiece as spm

# numpy.fft MKL bug:
if hasattr(np.fft, 'restore_all'):

[docs]class Speech2TextDataLayer(DataLayer): """Speech-to-text data layer class."""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_required_params(): return dict(DataLayer.get_required_params(), **{ 'num_audio_features': int, 'input_type': ['spectrogram', 'mfcc', 'logfbank'], 'vocab_file': str, 'dataset_files': list, })
[docs] @staticmethod def get_optional_params(): return dict(DataLayer.get_optional_params(), **{ 'backend': ['psf', 'librosa'], 'augmentation': dict, 'pad_to': int, 'max_duration': float, 'min_duration': float, 'bpe': bool, 'autoregressive': bool, 'syn_enable': bool, 'syn_subdirs': list, 'window_size': float, 'window_stride': float, 'dither': float, 'norm_per_feature': bool, 'window': ['hanning', 'hamming', 'none'], 'num_fft': int, 'precompute_mel_basis': bool, 'sample_freq': int, })
[docs] def __init__(self, params, model, num_workers, worker_id): """Speech-to-text data layer constructor. See parent class for arguments description. Config parameters: * **backend** (str) --- audio pre-processing backend ('psf' [default] or librosa [recommended]). * **num_audio_features** (int) --- number of audio features to extract. * **input_type** (str) --- could be either "spectrogram" or "mfcc". * **vocab_file** (str) --- path to vocabulary file or sentencepiece model. * **dataset_files** (list) --- list with paths to all dataset .csv files. * **augmentation** (dict) --- optional dictionary with data augmentation parameters. Can contain "speed_perturbation_ratio", "noise_level_min" and "noise_level_max" parameters, e.g.:: { 'speed_perturbation_ratio': 0.05, 'noise_level_min': -90, 'noise_level_max': -60, } For additional details on these parameters see :func:`data.speech2text.speech_utils.augment_audio_signal` function. * **pad_to** (int) --- align audio sequence length to pad_to value. * **max_duration** (float) --- drop all samples longer than **max_duration** (seconds) * **min_duration** (float) --- drop all samples shorter than **min_duration** (seconds) * **bpe** (bool) --- use BPE encodings * **autoregressive** (bool) --- boolean indicating whether the model is autoregressive. * **syn_enable** (bool) --- boolean indicating whether the model is using synthetic data. * **syn_subdirs** (list) --- must be defined if using synthetic mode. Contains a list of subdirectories that hold the synthetica wav files. * **window_size** (float) --- window's duration (in seconds) * **window_stride** (float) --- window's stride (in seconds) * **dither** (float) --- weight of Gaussian noise to apply to input signal for dithering/preventing quantization noise * **num_fft** (int) --- size of fft window to use if features require fft, defaults to smallest power of 2 larger than window size * **norm_per_feature** (bool) --- if True, the output features will be normalized (whitened) individually. if False, a global mean/std over all features will be used for normalization. * **window** (str) --- window function to apply before FFT ('hanning', 'hamming', 'none') * **num_fft** (int) --- optional FFT size * **precompute_mel_basis** (bool) --- compute and store mel basis. If False, it will compute it for every get_speech_features call. Default: False * **sample_freq** (int) --- required for precompute_mel_basis """ super(Speech2TextDataLayer, self).__init__(params, model, num_workers, worker_id) self.params['autoregressive'] = self.params.get('autoregressive', False) self.autoregressive = self.params['autoregressive'] self.params['bpe'] = self.params.get('bpe', False) if self.params['bpe']: self.sp = spm.SentencePieceProcessor() self.sp.Load(self.params['vocab_file']) self.params['tgt_vocab_size'] = len(self.sp) + 1 else: self.params['char2idx'] = load_pre_existing_vocabulary( self.params['vocab_file'], read_chars=True, ) if not self.autoregressive: # add one for implied blank token self.params['tgt_vocab_size'] = len(self.params['char2idx']) + 1 else: num_chars_orig = len(self.params['char2idx']) self.params['tgt_vocab_size'] = num_chars_orig + 2 self.start_index = num_chars_orig self.end_index = num_chars_orig + 1 self.params['char2idx']['<S>'] = self.start_index self.params['char2idx']['</S>'] = self.end_index self.target_pad_value = self.end_index self.params['idx2char'] = {i: w for w, i in self.params['char2idx'].items()} self.target_pad_value = 0 self._files = None if self.params["interactive"]: return for csv in params['dataset_files']: files = pd.read_csv(csv, encoding='utf-8') if self._files is None: self._files = files else: self._files = self._files.append(files) if self.params['mode'] != 'infer': cols = ['wav_filename', 'transcript'] else: cols = 'wav_filename' self.all_files = self._files.loc[:, cols].values self._files = self.split_data(self.all_files) self._size = self.get_size_in_samples() self._dataset = None self._iterator = None self._input_tensors = None self.params['min_duration'] = self.params.get('min_duration', -1.0) self.params['max_duration'] = self.params.get('max_duration', -1.0) self.params['window_size'] = self.params.get('window_size', 20e-3) self.params['window_stride'] = self.params.get('window_stride', 10e-3) mel_basis = None if (self.params.get("precompute_mel_basis", False) and self.params["input_type"] == "logfbank"): num_fft = ( self.params.get("num_fft", None) or 2**math.ceil(math.log2( self.params['window_size']*self.params["sample_freq"]) ) ) mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel( self.params["sample_freq"], num_fft, n_mels=self.params["num_audio_features"], fmin=0, fmax=int(self.params["sample_freq"]/2) ) self.params['mel_basis'] = mel_basis if 'n_freq_mask' in self.params.get('augmentation', {}): width_freq_mask = self.params['augmentation'].get('width_freq_mask', 10) if width_freq_mask > self.params['num_audio_features']: raise ValueError( "'width_freq_mask'={} should be smaller ".format(width_freq_mask)+ "than 'num_audio_features'={}".format( self.params['num_audio_features'] ) ) if 'time_stretch_ratio' in self.params.get('augmentation', {}): print("WARNING: Please update time_stretch_ratio to speed_perturbation_ratio") self.params['augmentation']['speed_perturbation_ratio'] = self.params['augmentation']['time_stretch_ratio']
[docs] def split_data(self, data): if self.params['mode'] != 'train' and self._num_workers is not None: size = len(data) start = size // self._num_workers * self._worker_id if self._worker_id == self._num_workers - 1: end = size else: end = size // self._num_workers * (self._worker_id + 1) return data[start:end] else: return data
@property def iterator(self): """Underlying iterator.""" return self._iterator
[docs] def build_graph(self): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): """Builds data processing graph using ```` API.""" if self.params['mode'] != 'infer': self._dataset = if self.params['shuffle']: self._dataset = self._dataset.shuffle(self._size) self._dataset = self._dataset.repeat() self._dataset = self._dataset.prefetch( self._dataset = lambda line: tf.py_func( self._parse_audio_transcript_element, [line], [self.params['dtype'], tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.float32], stateful=False, ), num_parallel_calls=8, ) if self.params['max_duration'] > 0: self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda x, x_len, y, y_len, duration: tf.less_equal(duration, self.params['max_duration']) ) if self.params['min_duration'] > 0: self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda x, x_len, y, y_len, duration: tf.greater_equal(duration, self.params['min_duration']) ) self._dataset = lambda x, x_len, y, y_len, duration: [x, x_len, y, y_len], num_parallel_calls=8, ) self._dataset = self._dataset.padded_batch( self.params['batch_size'], padded_shapes=([None, self.params['num_audio_features']], 1, [None], 1), padding_values=( tf.cast(0, self.params['dtype']), 0, self.target_pad_value, 0), ) else: indices = self.split_data( np.array(list(map(str, range(len(self.all_files))))) ) self._dataset = np.hstack((indices[:, np.newaxis], self._files[:, np.newaxis])) ) self._dataset = self._dataset.repeat() self._dataset = self._dataset.prefetch( self._dataset = lambda line: tf.py_func( self._parse_audio_element, [line], [self.params['dtype'], tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.float32], stateful=False, ), num_parallel_calls=8, ) if self.params['max_duration'] > 0: self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda x, x_len, idx, duration: tf.less_equal(duration, self.params['max_duration']) ) if self.params['min_duration'] > 0: self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda x, x_len, y, y_len, duration: tf.greater_equal(duration, self.params['min_duration']) ) self._dataset = lambda x, x_len, idx, duration: [x, x_len, idx], num_parallel_calls=16, ) self._dataset = self._dataset.padded_batch( self.params['batch_size'], padded_shapes=([None, self.params['num_audio_features']], 1, 1) ) self._iterator = self._dataset.prefetch(\ .make_initializable_iterator() if self.params['mode'] != 'infer': x, x_length, y, y_length = self._iterator.get_next() # need to explicitly set batch size dimension # (it is employed in the model) y.set_shape([self.params['batch_size'], None]) y_length = tf.reshape(y_length, [self.params['batch_size']]) else: x, x_length, x_id = self._iterator.get_next() x_id = tf.reshape(x_id, [self.params['batch_size']]) x.set_shape([self.params['batch_size'], None, self.params['num_audio_features']]) x_length = tf.reshape(x_length, [self.params['batch_size']]) pad_to = self.params.get("pad_to", 8) if pad_to > 0 and self.params.get('backend') == 'librosa': # we do padding with TF for librosa backend num_pad = tf.mod(pad_to - tf.mod(tf.reduce_max(x_length), pad_to), pad_to) x = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [0, num_pad], [0, 0]]) self._input_tensors = {} self._input_tensors["source_tensors"] = [x, x_length] if self.params['mode'] != 'infer': self._input_tensors['target_tensors'] = [y, y_length] else: self._input_tensors['source_ids'] = [x_id]
[docs] def create_interactive_placeholders(self): self._x = tf.placeholder( dtype=self.params['dtype'], shape=[ self.params['batch_size'], None, self.params['num_audio_features'] ] ) self._x_length = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.int32, shape=[self.params['batch_size']] ) self._x_id = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.int32, shape=[self.params['batch_size']] ) self._input_tensors = {} self._input_tensors["source_tensors"] = [self._x, self._x_length] self._input_tensors['source_ids'] = [self._x_id]
[docs] def create_feed_dict(self, model_in): """ Creates the feed dict for interactive infer Args: model_in (str or np.array): Either a str that contains the file path of the wav file, or a numpy array containing 1-d wav file. Returns: feed_dict (dict): Dictionary with values for the placeholders. """ audio_arr = [] audio_length_arr = [] x_id_arr = [] for line in model_in: if isinstance(line, string_types): audio, audio_length, x_id, _ = self._parse_audio_element([0, line]) elif isinstance(line, np.ndarray): audio, audio_length, x_id, _ = self._get_audio(line) else: raise ValueError( "Speech2Text's interactive inference mode only supports string or", "numpy array as input. Got {}". format(type(line)) ) audio_arr.append(audio) audio_length_arr.append(audio_length) x_id_arr.append(x_id) max_len = np.max(audio_length_arr) pad_to = self.params.get("pad_to", 8) if pad_to > 0 and self.params.get('backend') == 'librosa': max_len += (pad_to - max_len % pad_to) % pad_to for i, audio in enumerate(audio_arr): audio = np.pad( audio, ((0, max_len-len(audio)), (0, 0)), "constant", constant_values=0. ) audio_arr[i] = audio audio = np.reshape( audio_arr, [self.params['batch_size'], -1, self.params['num_audio_features']] ) audio_length = np.reshape(audio_length_arr, [self.params['batch_size']]) x_id = np.reshape(x_id_arr, [self.params['batch_size']]) feed_dict = { self._x: audio, self._x_length: audio_length, self._x_id: x_id, } return feed_dict
[docs] def _parse_audio_transcript_element(self, element): """Parses element from TextLineDataset into audio and text. Args: element: element from TextLineDataset. Returns: tuple: source audio features as ``np.array``, length of source sequence, target text as `np.array` of ids, target text length. """ audio_filename, transcript = element if not six.PY2: transcript = str(transcript, 'utf-8') audio_filename = str(audio_filename, 'utf-8') if self.params['bpe']: target_indices = self.sp.EncodeAsIds(transcript) else: target_indices = [self.params['char2idx'][c] for c in transcript] if self.autoregressive: target_indices = target_indices + [self.end_index] target = np.array(target_indices) if self.params.get("syn_enable", False): audio_filename = audio_filename.format(np.random.choice(self.params["syn_subdirs"])) source, audio_duration = get_speech_features_from_file( audio_filename, params=self.params ) return source.astype(self.params['dtype'].as_numpy_dtype()), \ np.int32([len(source)]), \ np.int32(target), \ np.int32([len(target)]), \ np.float32([audio_duration])
[docs] def _get_audio(self, wav): """Parses audio from wav and returns array of audio features. Args: wav: numpy array containing wav Returns: tuple: source audio features as ``np.array``, length of source sequence, sample id. """ source, audio_duration = get_speech_features( wav, 16000., self.params ) return source.astype(self.params['dtype'].as_numpy_dtype()), \ np.int32([len(source)]), np.int32([0]), \ np.float32([audio_duration])
[docs] def _parse_audio_element(self, id_and_audio_filename): """Parses audio from file and returns array of audio features. Args: id_and_audio_filename: tuple of sample id and corresponding audio file name. Returns: tuple: source audio features as ``np.array``, length of source sequence, sample id. """ idx, audio_filename = id_and_audio_filename source, audio_duration = get_speech_features_from_file( audio_filename, params=self.params ) return source.astype(self.params['dtype'].as_numpy_dtype()), \ np.int32([len(source)]), np.int32([idx]), \ np.float32([audio_duration])
@property def input_tensors(self): """Dictionary with input tensors. ``input_tensors["source_tensors"]`` contains: * source_sequence (shape=[batch_size x sequence length x num_audio_features]) * source_length (shape=[batch_size]) ``input_tensors["target_tensors"]`` contains: * target_sequence (shape=[batch_size x sequence length]) * target_length (shape=[batch_size]) """ return self._input_tensors
[docs] def get_size_in_samples(self): """Returns the number of audio files.""" return len(self._files)