Source code for data.speech2text.speech_utils

# Copyright (c) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import math
import os

import h5py
import numpy as np
import resampy as rs
import as wave
  import python_speech_features as psf
except ImportError:
  import librosa
except ImportError:

WINDOWS_FNS = {"hanning": np.hanning, "hamming": np.hamming, "none": None}

[docs]class PreprocessOnTheFlyException(Exception): """ Exception that is thrown to not load preprocessed features from disk; recompute on-the-fly. This saves disk space (if you're experimenting with data input formats/preprocessing) but can be slower. The slowdown is especially apparent for small, fast NNs.""" pass
[docs]class RegenerateCacheException(Exception): """ Exception that is thrown to force recomputation of (preprocessed) features """ pass
[docs]def load_features(path, data_format): """ Function to load (preprocessed) features from disk Args: :param path: the path where the features are stored :param data_format: the format in which the features are stored :return: tuple of (features, duration) """ if data_format == 'hdf5': with h5py.File(path + '.hdf5', "r") as hf5_file: features = hf5_file["features"][:] duration = hf5_file["features"].attrs["duration"] elif data_format == 'npy': features, duration = np.load(path + '.npy') elif data_format == 'npz': data = np.load(path + '.npz') features = data['features'] duration = data['duration'] else: raise ValueError("Invalid data format for caching: ", data_format, "!\n", "options: hdf5, npy, npz") return features, duration
[docs]def save_features(features, duration, path, data_format, verbose=False): """ Function to save (preprocessed) features to disk Args: :param features: features :param duration: metadata: duration in seconds of audio file :param path: path to store the data :param data_format: format to store the data in ('npy', 'npz', 'hdf5') """ if verbose: print("Saving to: ", path) if data_format == 'hdf5': with h5py.File(path + '.hdf5', "w") as hf5_file: dset = hf5_file.create_dataset("features", data=features) dset.attrs["duration"] = duration elif data_format == 'npy': + '.npy', [features, duration]) elif data_format == 'npz': np.savez(path + '.npz', features=features, duration=duration) else: raise ValueError("Invalid data format for caching: ", data_format, "!\n", "options: hdf5, npy, npz")
[docs]def get_preprocessed_data_path(filename, params): """ Function to convert the audio path into the path to the preprocessed version of this audio Args: :param filename: WAVE filename :param params: dictionary containing preprocessing parameters :return: path to new file (without extension). The path is generated from the relevant preprocessing parameters. """ if isinstance(filename, bytes): # convert binary string to normal string filename = filename.decode('ascii') filename = os.path.realpath(filename) # decode symbolic links ## filter relevant parameters # TODO is there a cleaner way of doing this? # print(list(params.keys())) ignored_params = ["cache_features", "cache_format", "cache_regenerate", "vocab_file", "dataset_files", "shuffle", "batch_size", "max_duration", "mode", "interactive", "autoregressive", "char2idx", "tgt_vocab_size", "idx2char", "dtype"] def fix_kv(text): """ Helper function to shorten length of filenames to get around filesystem path length limitations""" text = str(text) text = text.replace("speed_perturbation_ratio", "sp") \ .replace("noise_level_min", "nlmin", ) \ .replace("noise_level_max", "nlmax") \ .replace("add_derivatives", "d") \ .replace("add_second_derivatives", "dd") return text # generate the identifier by simply concatenating preprocessing key-value # pairs as strings. preprocess_id = "-".join( [fix_kv(k) + "_" + fix_kv(v) for k, v in params.items() if k not in ignored_params]) preprocessed_dir = os.path.dirname(filename).replace("wav", "preprocessed-" + preprocess_id) preprocessed_path = os.path.join(preprocessed_dir, os.path.basename(filename).replace(".wav", "")) # create dir if it doesn't exist yet if not os.path.exists(preprocessed_dir): os.makedirs(preprocessed_dir) return preprocessed_path
[docs]def get_speech_features_from_file(filename, params): """Function to get a numpy array of features, from an audio file. if params['cache_features']==True, try load preprocessed data from disk, or store after preprocesseng. else, perform preprocessing on-the-fly. Args: filename (string): WAVE filename. params (dict): the following parameters num_features (int): number of speech features in frequency domain. features_type (string): 'mfcc' or 'spectrogram'. window_size (float): size of analysis window in milli-seconds. window_stride (float): stride of analysis window in milli-seconds. augmentation (dict, optional): dictionary of augmentation parameters. See :func:`augment_audio_signal` for specification and example. window (str): window function to apply dither (float): weight of Gaussian noise to apply to input signal for dithering/preventing quantization noise num_fft (int): size of fft window to use if features require fft, defaults to smallest power of 2 larger than window size norm_per_feature (bool): if True, the output features will be normalized (whitened) individually. if False, a global mean/std over all features will be used for normalization Returns: np.array: np.array of audio features with shape=[num_time_steps, num_features]. """ cache_features = params.get('cache_features', False) cache_format = params.get('cache_format', 'hdf5') cache_regenerate = params.get('cache_regenerate', False) try: if not cache_features: raise PreprocessOnTheFlyException( "on-the-fly preprocessing enforced with 'cache_features'==True") if cache_regenerate: raise RegenerateCacheException("regenerating cache...") preprocessed_data_path = get_preprocessed_data_path(filename, params) features, duration = load_features(preprocessed_data_path, data_format=cache_format) except PreprocessOnTheFlyException: sample_freq, signal = features, duration = get_speech_features(signal, sample_freq, params) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError, RegenerateCacheException): sample_freq, signal = features, duration = get_speech_features(signal, sample_freq, params) preprocessed_data_path = get_preprocessed_data_path(filename, params) save_features(features, duration, preprocessed_data_path, data_format=cache_format) return features, duration
[docs]def normalize_signal(signal): """ Normalize float32 signal to [-1, 1] range """ return signal / (np.max(np.abs(signal)) + 1e-5)
[docs]def augment_audio_signal(signal, sample_freq, augmentation): """Function that performs audio signal augmentation. Args: signal (np.array): np.array containing raw audio signal. sample_freq (float): frames per second. augmentation (dict, optional): None or dictionary of augmentation parameters. If not None, has to have 'speed_perturbation_ratio', 'noise_level_min', or 'noise_level_max' fields, e.g.:: augmentation={ 'speed_perturbation_ratio': 0.2, 'noise_level_min': -90, 'noise_level_max': -46, } 'speed_perturbation_ratio' can either be a list of possible speed perturbation factors or a float. If float, a random value from U[1-speed_perturbation_ratio, 1+speed_perturbation_ratio]. Returns: np.array: np.array with augmented audio signal. """ signal_float = normalize_signal(signal.astype(np.float32)) if 'speed_perturbation_ratio' in augmentation: stretch_amount = -1 if isinstance(augmentation['speed_perturbation_ratio'], list): stretch_amount = np.random.choice(augmentation['speed_perturbation_ratio']) elif augmentation['speed_perturbation_ratio'] > 0: # time stretch (might be slow) stretch_amount = 1.0 + (2.0 * np.random.rand() - 1.0) * \ augmentation['speed_perturbation_ratio'] if stretch_amount > 0: signal_float = rs.resample( signal_float, sample_freq, int(sample_freq * stretch_amount), filter='kaiser_best', ) # noise if 'noise_level_min' in augmentation and 'noise_level_max' in augmentation: noise_level_db = np.random.randint(low=augmentation['noise_level_min'], high=augmentation['noise_level_max']) signal_float += np.random.randn(signal_float.shape[0]) * \ 10.0 ** (noise_level_db / 20.0) return normalize_signal(signal_float)
[docs]def preemphasis(signal, coeff=0.97): return np.append(signal[0], signal[1:] - coeff * signal[:-1])
[docs]def get_speech_features(signal, sample_freq, params): """ Get speech features using either librosa (recommended) or python_speech_features Args: signal (np.array): np.array containing raw audio signal sample_freq (float): sample rate of the signal params (dict): parameters of pre-processing Returns: np.array: np.array of audio features with shape=[num_time_steps, num_features]. audio_duration (float): duration of the signal in seconds """ backend = params.get('backend', 'psf') features_type = params.get('input_type', 'spectrogram') num_features = params['num_audio_features'] window_size = params.get('window_size', 20e-3) window_stride = params.get('window_stride', 10e-3) augmentation = params.get('augmentation', None) if backend == 'librosa': window_fn = WINDOWS_FNS[params.get('window', "hanning")] dither = params.get('dither', 0.0) num_fft = params.get('num_fft', None) norm_per_feature = params.get('norm_per_feature', False) mel_basis = params.get('mel_basis', None) if mel_basis is not None and sample_freq != params["sample_freq"]: raise ValueError( ("The sampling frequency set in params {} does not match the " "frequency {} read from file {}").format(params["sample_freq"], sample_freq, filename) ) features, duration = get_speech_features_librosa( signal, sample_freq, num_features, features_type, window_size, window_stride, augmentation, window_fn=window_fn, dither=dither, norm_per_feature=norm_per_feature, num_fft=num_fft, mel_basis=mel_basis ) else: pad_to = params.get('pad_to', 8) features, duration = get_speech_features_psf( signal, sample_freq, num_features, pad_to, features_type, window_size, window_stride, augmentation ) return features, duration
[docs]def get_speech_features_librosa(signal, sample_freq, num_features, features_type='spectrogram', window_size=20e-3, window_stride=10e-3, augmentation=None, window_fn=np.hanning, num_fft=None, dither=0.0, norm_per_feature=False, mel_basis=None): """Function to convert raw audio signal to numpy array of features. Backend: librosa Args: signal (np.array): np.array containing raw audio signal. sample_freq (float): frames per second. num_features (int): number of speech features in frequency domain. pad_to (int): if specified, the length will be padded to become divisible by ``pad_to`` parameter. features_type (string): 'mfcc' or 'spectrogram'. window_size (float): size of analysis window in milli-seconds. window_stride (float): stride of analysis window in milli-seconds. augmentation (dict, optional): dictionary of augmentation parameters. See :func:`augment_audio_signal` for specification and example. Returns: np.array: np.array of audio features with shape=[num_time_steps, num_features]. audio_duration (float): duration of the signal in seconds """ if augmentation: signal = augment_audio_signal(signal.astype(np.float32), sample_freq, augmentation) else: signal = normalize_signal(signal.astype(np.float32)) audio_duration = len(signal) * 1.0 / sample_freq n_window_size = int(sample_freq * window_size) n_window_stride = int(sample_freq * window_stride) num_fft = num_fft or 2**math.ceil(math.log2(window_size*sample_freq)) if dither > 0: signal += dither*np.random.randn(*signal.shape) if features_type == 'spectrogram': # ignore 1/n_fft multiplier, since there is a post-normalization powspec = np.square(np.abs(librosa.core.stft( signal, n_fft=n_window_size, hop_length=n_window_stride, win_length=n_window_size, center=True, window=window_fn))) # remove small bins powspec[powspec <= 1e-30] = 1e-30 features = 10 * np.log10(powspec.T) assert num_features <= n_window_size // 2 + 1, \ "num_features for spectrogram should be <= (sample_freq * window_size // 2 + 1)" # cut high frequency part features = features[:, :num_features] elif features_type == 'mfcc': signal = preemphasis(signal, coeff=0.97) S = np.square( np.abs( librosa.core.stft(signal, n_fft=num_fft, hop_length=int(window_stride * sample_freq), win_length=int(window_size * sample_freq), center=True, window=window_fn ) ) ) features = librosa.feature.mfcc(sr=sample_freq, S=S, n_mfcc=num_features, n_mels=2*num_features).T elif features_type == 'logfbank': signal = preemphasis(signal,coeff=0.97) S = np.abs(librosa.core.stft(signal, n_fft=num_fft, hop_length=int(window_stride * sample_freq), win_length=int(window_size * sample_freq), center=True, window=window_fn))**2.0 if mel_basis is None: # Build a Mel filter mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel(sample_freq, num_fft, n_mels=num_features, fmin=0, fmax=int(sample_freq/2)) features = np.log(, S) + 1e-20).T else: raise ValueError('Unknown features type: {}'.format(features_type)) norm_axis = 0 if norm_per_feature else None mean = np.mean(features, axis=norm_axis) std_dev = np.std(features, axis=norm_axis) features = (features - mean) / std_dev if augmentation: n_freq_mask = augmentation.get('n_freq_mask', 0) n_time_mask = augmentation.get('n_time_mask', 0) width_freq_mask = augmentation.get('width_freq_mask', 10) width_time_mask = augmentation.get('width_time_mask', 50) for idx in range(n_freq_mask): freq_band = np.random.randint(width_freq_mask + 1) freq_base = np.random.randint(0, features.shape[1] - freq_band) features[:, freq_base:freq_base+freq_band] = 0 for idx in range(n_time_mask): time_band = np.random.randint(width_time_mask + 1) if features.shape[0] - time_band > 0: time_base = np.random.randint(features.shape[0] - time_band) features[time_base:time_base+time_band, :] = 0 # now it is safe to pad # if pad_to > 0: # if features.shape[0] % pad_to != 0: # pad_size = pad_to - features.shape[0] % pad_to # if pad_size != 0: # features = np.pad(features, ((0,pad_size), (0,0)), mode='constant') return features, audio_duration
[docs]def get_speech_features_psf(signal, sample_freq, num_features, pad_to=8, features_type='spectrogram', window_size=20e-3, window_stride=10e-3, augmentation=None): """Function to convert raw audio signal to numpy array of features. Backend: python_speech_features Args: signal (np.array): np.array containing raw audio signal. sample_freq (float): frames per second. num_features (int): number of speech features in frequency domain. pad_to (int): if specified, the length will be padded to become divisible by ``pad_to`` parameter. features_type (string): 'mfcc' or 'spectrogram'. window_size (float): size of analysis window in milli-seconds. window_stride (float): stride of analysis window in milli-seconds. augmentation (dict, optional): dictionary of augmentation parameters. See :func:`augment_audio_signal` for specification and example. apply_window (bool): whether to apply Hann window for mfcc and logfbank. python_speech_features version should accept winfunc if it is True. Returns: np.array: np.array of audio features with shape=[num_time_steps, num_features]. audio_duration (float): duration of the signal in seconds """ if augmentation is not None: signal = augment_audio_signal(signal, sample_freq, augmentation) else: signal = (normalize_signal(signal.astype(np.float32)) * 32767.0).astype( np.int16) audio_duration = len(signal) * 1.0 / sample_freq n_window_size = int(sample_freq * window_size) n_window_stride = int(sample_freq * window_stride) # making sure length of the audio is divisible by 8 (fp16 optimization) length = 1 + int(math.ceil( (1.0 * signal.shape[0] - n_window_size) / n_window_stride )) if pad_to > 0: if length % pad_to != 0: pad_size = (pad_to - length % pad_to) * n_window_stride signal = np.pad(signal, (0, pad_size), mode='constant') if features_type == 'spectrogram': frames = psf.sigproc.framesig(sig=signal, frame_len=n_window_size, frame_step=n_window_stride, winfunc=np.hanning) # features = np.log1p(psf.sigproc.powspec(frames, NFFT=N_window_size)) features = psf.sigproc.logpowspec(frames, NFFT=n_window_size) assert num_features <= n_window_size // 2 + 1, \ "num_features for spectrogram should be <= (sample_freq * window_size // 2 + 1)" # cut high frequency part features = features[:, :num_features] elif features_type == 'mfcc': features = psf.mfcc(signal=signal, samplerate=sample_freq, winlen=window_size, winstep=window_stride, numcep=num_features, nfilt=2 * num_features, nfft=512, lowfreq=0, highfreq=None, preemph=0.97, ceplifter=2 * num_features, appendEnergy=False) elif features_type == 'logfbank': features = psf.logfbank(signal=signal, samplerate=sample_freq, winlen=window_size, winstep=window_stride, nfilt=num_features, nfft=512, lowfreq=0, highfreq=sample_freq / 2, preemph=0.97) else: raise ValueError('Unknown features type: {}'.format(features_type)) if pad_to > 0: assert features.shape[0] % pad_to == 0 mean = np.mean(features) std_dev = np.std(features) features = (features - mean) / std_dev return features, audio_duration