Source code for data.text2speech.speech_utils

# Copyright (c) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import librosa
import librosa.filters
import resampy as rs

[docs]def get_speech_features_from_file( filename, num_features, features_type='magnitude', n_fft=1024, hop_length=None, mag_power=2, feature_normalize=False, mean=0., std=1., trim=False, data_min=1e-5, return_raw_audio=False, return_audio_duration=False, augmentation=None, mel_basis=None ): """ Helper function to retrieve spectrograms from wav files Args: filename (string): WAVE filename. num_features (int): number of speech features in frequency domain. features_type (string): 'magnitude' or 'mel'. n_fft (int): size of analysis window in samples. hop_length (int): stride of analysis window in samples. mag_power (int): power to raise magnitude spectrograms (prior to dot product with mel basis) 1 for energy spectrograms 2 fot power spectrograms feature_normalize (bool): whether to normalize the data with mean and std mean (float): if normalize is enabled, the mean to normalize to std (float): if normalize is enabled, the deviation to normalize to trim (bool): Whether to trim silence via librosa or not data_min (float): min clip value prior to taking the log. Returns: np.array: np.array of audio features with shape=[num_time_steps, num_features]. """ # load audio signal signal, fs = librosa.core.load(filename, sr=None) if hop_length is None: hop_length = int(n_fft / 4) if trim: signal, _ = librosa.effects.trim( signal, frame_length=int(n_fft/2), hop_length=int(hop_length/2) ) if augmentation is not None: if 'pitch_shift_steps' in augmentation: pitch_shift_steps = (2.0 * augmentation['pitch_shift_steps'] * \ np.random.rand()) - augmentation['pitch_shift_steps'] signal = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(signal, fs, pitch_shift_steps) if augmentation['time_stretch_ratio'] > 0: # time stretch stretch_amount = 1.0 + (2.0 * np.random.rand() - 1.0) * \ augmentation['time_stretch_ratio'] signal = rs.resample( signal, fs, int(fs * stretch_amount), filter='kaiser_fast', ) # noise noise_level_db = np.random.randint( low=augmentation['noise_level_min'], high=augmentation['noise_level_max'] ) signal += np.random.randn(signal.shape[0]) * \ 10.0 ** (noise_level_db / 20.0) speech_features = get_speech_features( signal, fs, num_features, features_type, n_fft, hop_length, mag_power, feature_normalize, mean, std, data_min, mel_basis ) if return_raw_audio: return signal, speech_features elif return_audio_duration: return speech_features, len(signal) * 1.0 / fs else: return speech_features
[docs]def get_speech_features( signal, fs, num_features, features_type='magnitude', n_fft=1024, hop_length=256, mag_power=2, feature_normalize=False, mean=0., std=1., data_min=1e-5, mel_basis=None ): """ Helper function to retrieve spectrograms from loaded wav Args: signal: signal loaded with librosa. fs (int): sampling frequency in Hz. num_features (int): number of speech features in frequency domain. features_type (string): 'magnitude' or 'mel'. n_fft (int): size of analysis window in samples. hop_length (int): stride of analysis window in samples. mag_power (int): power to raise magnitude spectrograms (prior to dot product with mel basis) 1 for energy spectrograms 2 fot power spectrograms feature_normalize(bool): whether to normalize the data with mean and std mean(float): if normalize is enabled, the mean to normalize to std(float): if normalize is enabled, the deviation to normalize to data_min (float): min clip value prior to taking the log. Returns: np.array: np.array of audio features with shape=[num_time_steps, num_features]. """ if isinstance(data_min, dict): data_min_mel = data_min["mel"] data_min_mag = data_min["magnitude"] else: data_min_mel = data_min_mag = data_min if isinstance(num_features, dict): num_features_mel = num_features["mel"] num_features_mag = num_features["magnitude"] else: num_features_mel = num_features_mag = num_features complex_spec = librosa.stft(y=signal, n_fft=n_fft) mag, _ = librosa.magphase(complex_spec, power=mag_power) if features_type == 'magnitude' or features_type == "both": features = np.log(np.clip(mag, a_min=data_min_mag, a_max=None)).T assert num_features_mag <= n_fft // 2 + 1, \ "num_features for spectrogram should be <= (fs * window_size // 2 + 1)" # cut high frequency part features = features[:, :num_features_mag] if 'mel' in features_type or features_type == "both": if features_type == "both": mag_features = features if mel_basis is None: htk = True norm = None if 'slaney' in features_type: htk = False norm = 1 mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel( sr=fs, n_fft=n_fft, n_mels=num_features_mel, htk=htk, norm=norm ) features =, mag) features = np.log(np.clip(features, a_min=data_min_mel, a_max=None)).T if feature_normalize: features = normalize(features, mean, std) if features_type == "both": return [features, mag_features] return features
[docs]def get_mel( log_mag_spec, fs=22050, n_fft=1024, n_mels=80, power=2., feature_normalize=False, mean=0, std=1, mel_basis=None, data_min=1e-5, htk=True, norm=None ): """ Method to get mel spectrograms from magnitude spectrograms Args: log_mag_spec (np.array): log of the magnitude spec fs (int): sampling frequency in Hz n_fft (int): size of fft window in samples n_mels (int): number of mel features power (float): power of the mag spectrogram feature_normalize (bool): whether the mag spec was normalized mean (float): normalization param of mag spec std (float): normalization param of mag spec mel_basis (np.array): optional pre-computed mel basis to save computational time if passed. If not passed, it will call librosa to construct one data_min (float): min clip value prior to taking the log. htk (bool): whther to compute the mel spec with the htk or slaney algorithm norm: Should be None for htk, and 1 for slaney Returns: np.array: mel_spec with shape [time, n_mels] """ if mel_basis is None: mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel( fs, n_fft, n_mels=n_mels, htk=htk, norm=norm ) log_mag_spec = log_mag_spec * power mag_spec = np.exp(log_mag_spec) mel_spec =, mel_basis.T) mel_spec = np.log(np.clip(mel_spec, a_min=data_min, a_max=None)) if feature_normalize: mel_spec = normalize(mel_spec, mean, std) return mel_spec
[docs]def inverse_mel( log_mel_spec, fs=22050, n_fft=1024, n_mels=80, power=2., feature_normalize=False, mean=0, std=1, mel_basis=None, htk=True, norm=None ): """ Reconstructs magnitude spectrogram from a mel spectrogram by multiplying it with the transposed mel basis. Args: log_mel_spec (np.array): log of the mel spec fs (int): sampling frequency in Hz n_fft (int): size of fft window in samples n_mels (int): number of mel features power (float): power of the mag spectrogram that was used to generate the mel spec feature_normalize (bool): whether the mel spec was normalized mean (float): normalization param of mel spec std (float): normalization param of mel spec mel_basis (np.array): optional pre-computed mel basis to save computational time if passed. If not passed, it will call librosa to construct one htk (bool): whther to compute the mel spec with the htk or slaney algorithm norm: Should be None for htk, and 1 for slaney Returns: np.array: mag_spec with shape [time, n_fft/2 + 1] """ if mel_basis is None: mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel( fs, n_fft, n_mels=n_mels, htk=htk, norm=norm ) if feature_normalize: log_mel_spec = denormalize(log_mel_spec, mean, std) mel_spec = np.exp(log_mel_spec) mag_spec =, mel_basis) mag_spec = np.power(mag_spec, 1. / power) return mag_spec
[docs]def normalize(features, mean, std): """ Normalizes features with the specificed mean and std """ return (features - mean) / std
[docs]def denormalize(features, mean, std): """ Normalizes features with the specificed mean and std """ return features * std + mean