Source code for data.text2speech.text2speech

# Copyright (c) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import six
import librosa
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd

from six import string_types

from import DataLayer
from import load_pre_existing_vocabulary
from .speech_utils import get_speech_features_from_file,\
                          inverse_mel, normalize, denormalize

[docs]class Text2SpeechDataLayer(DataLayer): """ Text-to-speech data layer class """
[docs] @staticmethod def get_required_params(): return dict( DataLayer.get_required_params(), **{ 'dataset_location': str, 'dataset': ['LJ', 'MAILABS'], 'num_audio_features': None, 'output_type': ['magnitude', 'mel', 'both'], 'vocab_file': str, 'dataset_files': list, 'feature_normalize': bool, } )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_optional_params(): return dict( DataLayer.get_optional_params(), **{ 'pad_to': int, 'mag_power': int, 'pad_EOS': bool, 'pad_value': float, 'feature_normalize_mean': float, 'feature_normalize_std': float, 'trim': bool, 'data_min': None, 'duration_min': int, 'duration_max': int, 'mel_type': ['slaney', 'htk'], "exp_mag": bool, 'style_input': [None, 'wav'], 'n_samples_train': int, 'n_samples_eval': int, 'n_fft': int, 'fmax': float, 'max_normalization': bool, 'use_cache': bool } )
[docs] def __init__(self, params, model, num_workers=None, worker_id=None): """Text-to-speech data layer constructor. See parent class for arguments description. Config parameters: * **dataset** (str) --- The dataset to use. Currently 'LJ' for the LJSpeech 1.1 dataset is supported. * **num_audio_features** (int) --- number of audio features to extract. * **output_type** (str) --- could be either "magnitude", or "mel". * **vocab_file** (str) --- path to vocabulary file. * **dataset_files** (list) --- list with paths to all dataset .csv files. File is assumed to be separated by "|". * **dataset_location** (string) --- string with path to directory where wavs are stored. * **feature_normalize** (bool) --- whether to normlize the data with a preset mean and std * **feature_normalize_mean** (bool) --- used for feature normalize. Defaults to 0. * **feature_normalize_std** (bool) --- used for feature normalize. Defaults to 1. * **mag_power** (int) --- the power to which the magnitude spectrogram is scaled to. Defaults to 1. 1 for energy spectrogram 2 for power spectrogram Defaults to 2. * **pad_EOS** (bool) --- whether to apply EOS tokens to both the text and the speech signal. Will pad at least 1 token regardless of pad_to value. Defaults to True. * **pad_value** (float) --- The value we pad the spectrogram with. Defaults to np.log(data_min). * **pad_to** (int) --- we pad such that the resulting datapoint is a multiple of pad_to. Defaults to 8. * **trim** (bool) --- Whether to trim silence via librosa or not. Defaults to False. * **data_min** (float) --- min clip value prior to taking the log. Defaults to 1e-5. Please change to 1e-2 if using htk mels. * **duration_min** (int) --- Minimum duration in steps for speech signal. All signals less than this will be cut from the training set. Defaults to 0. * **duration_max** (int) --- Maximum duration in steps for speech signal. All signals greater than this will be cut from the training set. Defaults to 4000. * **mel_type** (str) --- One of ['slaney', 'htk']. Decides which algorithm to use to compute mel specs. Defaults to htk. * **style_input** (str) --- Can be either None or "wav". Must be set to "wav" for GST. Defaults to None. * **n_samples_train** (int) --- number of the shortest examples to use for training. * **n_samples_eval** (int) --- number of the shortest examples to use for evaluation. * **n_fft** (int) --- FFT window size. * **fmax** (float) --- highest frequency to use. * **max_normalization** (bool) --- whether to divide the final audio signal by its' absolute maximum. * **use_cache** (bool) --- whether to use cache. """ super(Text2SpeechDataLayer, self).__init__( params, model, num_workers, worker_id ) self.use_cache = self.params.get('use_cache', False) self._cache = {} names = ['wav_filename', 'raw_transcript', 'transcript'] sep = '\x7c' header = None if self.params["dataset"] == "LJ": self._sampling_rate = 22050 self._n_fft = self.params.get("n_fft", 1024) elif self.params["dataset"] == "MAILABS": self._sampling_rate = 16000 self._n_fft = 800 # Character level vocab self.params['char2idx'] = load_pre_existing_vocabulary( self.params['vocab_file'], min_idx=3, read_chars=True, ) # Add the pad, start, and end chars self.params['char2idx']['<p>'] = 0 self.params['char2idx']['<s>'] = 1 self.params['char2idx']['</s>'] = 2 self.params['idx2char'] = {i: w for w, i in self.params['char2idx'].items()} self.params['src_vocab_size'] = len(self.params['char2idx']) self.max_normalization = self.params.get('max_normalization', False) n_feats = self.params['num_audio_features'] if "both" in self.params["output_type"]: self._both = True if self.params["feature_normalize"]: raise ValueError( "feature normalize is not currently enabled for both mode" ) if not isinstance(n_feats, dict): raise ValueError( "num_audio_features must be a dictionary for both mode" ) else: if ("mel" not in n_feats and "magnitude" not in n_feats): raise ValueError( "num_audio_features must contain mel and magnitude keys" ) elif (not isinstance(n_feats["mel"], int) or not isinstance(n_feats["magnitude"], int)): raise ValueError( "num_audio_features must be a int" ) n_mels = n_feats['mel'] data_min = self.params.get("data_min", None) if data_min is not None: if not isinstance(data_min, dict): raise ValueError( "data_min must be a dictionary for both mode" ) else: if "mel" not in data_min and "magnitude" not in data_min: raise ValueError( "data_min must contain mel and magnitude keys" ) elif (not isinstance(data_min["mel"], float) or not isinstance(data_min["magnitude"], float)): raise ValueError( "data_min must be a float" ) self._exp_mag = self.params.get("exp_mag", True) else: if not isinstance(n_feats, int): raise ValueError( "num_audio_features must be a float for mel or magnitude mode" ) if not isinstance(self.params.get("data_min",1.0), float): raise ValueError( "data_min must be a float for mel or magnitude mode" ) self._both = False self._exp_mag = False n_mels = n_feats self._mel = "mel" in self.params["output_type"] if self._mel or self._both: htk = True norm = None if self.params.get('mel_type', 'htk') == 'slaney': htk = False norm = 1 self._mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel( sr=self._sampling_rate, n_fft=self._n_fft, n_mels=n_mels, htk=htk, norm=norm, fmax=self.params.get('fmax', None) ) else: self._mel_basis = None if self.params["interactive"]: return # Load csv files self._files = None for csvs in params['dataset_files']: files = pd.read_csv( csvs, encoding='utf-8', sep=sep, header=header, names=names, quoting=3 ) if self._files is None: self._files = files else: self._files = self._files.append(files) if self.params['mode'] == 'train' and 'n_samples_train' in self.params: indices = self._files['transcript'].str.len().sort_values().index self._files = self._files.reindex(indices) n_samples = self.params.get('n_samples_train') print('Using just the {} shortest samples'.format(n_samples)) self._files = self._files.iloc[:n_samples] if self.params['mode'] == 'eval': indices = self._files['transcript'].str.len().sort_values().index self._files = self._files.reindex(indices) if 'n_samples_eval' in self.params: n_samples = self.params['n_samples_eval'] self._files = self._files.iloc[:n_samples] if (self.params['mode'] != 'infer' or self.params.get("style_input", None) == "wav"): cols = ['wav_filename', 'transcript'] else: cols = 'transcript' all_files = self._files.loc[:, cols].values self._files = self.split_data(all_files) self._size = self.get_size_in_samples() self._dataset = None self._iterator = None self._input_tensors = None
[docs] def split_data(self, data): if self.params['mode'] != 'train' and self._num_workers is not None: size = len(data) start = size // self._num_workers * self._worker_id if self._worker_id == self._num_workers - 1: end = size else: end = size // self._num_workers * (self._worker_id + 1) return data[start:end] return data
@property def iterator(self): return self._iterator
[docs] def build_graph(self): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): """Builds data reading graph.""" self._dataset = if self.params['shuffle']: self._dataset = self._dataset.shuffle(self._size) self._dataset = self._dataset.repeat() if self._both: num_audio_features = self.params['num_audio_features']['mel'] num_audio_features += self.params['num_audio_features']['magnitude'] else: num_audio_features = self.params['num_audio_features'] if (self.params['mode'] != 'infer' or self.params.get("style_input", None) == "wav"): self._dataset = lambda line: tf.py_func( self._parse_audio_transcript_element, [line], [tf.int32, tf.int32, self.params['dtype'], self.params['dtype'],\ tf.int32], stateful=False, ), num_parallel_calls=8, ) if (self.params.get("duration_max", None) or self.params.get("duration_max", None)): self._dataset = self._dataset.filter( lambda txt, txt_len, spec, stop, spec_len: tf.logical_and( tf.less_equal( spec_len, self.params.get("duration_max", 4000) ), tf.greater_equal( spec_len, self.params.get("duration_min", 0) ) ) ) if self._both: default_pad_value = 0. else: default_pad_value = np.log(self.params.get("data_min", 1e-5)) pad_value = self.params.get("pad_value", default_pad_value) if self.params["feature_normalize"]: pad_value = self._normalize(pad_value) self._dataset = self._dataset.padded_batch( self.params['batch_size'], padded_shapes=( [None], 1, [None, num_audio_features], [None], 1 ), padding_values=( 0, 0, tf.cast(pad_value, dtype=self.params['dtype']), tf.cast(1., dtype=self.params['dtype']), 0 ) ) else: self._dataset = lambda line: tf.py_func( self._parse_transcript_element, [line], [tf.int32, tf.int32], stateful=False, ), num_parallel_calls=8, ) self._dataset = self._dataset.padded_batch( self.params['batch_size'], padded_shapes=([None], 1) ) self._iterator = self._dataset.prefetch(\ .make_initializable_iterator() if (self.params['mode'] != 'infer' or self.params.get("style_input", None) == "wav"): text, text_length, spec, stop_token_target, spec_length = self._iterator\ .get_next() # need to explicitly set batch size dimension # (it is employed in the model) spec.set_shape( [self.params['batch_size'], None, num_audio_features] ) stop_token_target.set_shape([self.params['batch_size'], None]) spec_length = tf.reshape(spec_length, [self.params['batch_size']]) else: text, text_length = self._iterator.get_next() text.set_shape([self.params['batch_size'], None]) text_length = tf.reshape(text_length, [self.params['batch_size']]) self._input_tensors = {} self._input_tensors["source_tensors"] = [text, text_length] if self.params.get("style_input", None) == "wav": # mag - not supported currently if not self._mel and not self._both: raise ValueError( "GST is currently only supported on mel and both output modes.") # mel mel_spec = spec if self._both: mel_spec, _ = tf.split( mel_spec, [self.params['num_audio_features']['mel'], self.params['num_audio_features']['magnitude']], axis=2 ) self._input_tensors["source_tensors"].extend([mel_spec, spec_length]) # both if self.params['mode'] != 'infer': self._input_tensors['target_tensors'] = [ spec, stop_token_target, spec_length ]
[docs] def _parse_audio_transcript_element(self, element): """Parses element from TextLineDataset into audio and text. Args: element: element from TextLineDataset. Returns: tuple: text_input text as `np.array` of ids, text_input length, target audio features as `np.array`, stop token targets as `np.array`, length of target sequence. """ audio_filename, transcript = element transcript = transcript.lower() if six.PY2: audio_filename = unicode(audio_filename, "utf-8") transcript = unicode(transcript, "utf-8") elif not isinstance(transcript, string_types): audio_filename = str(audio_filename, "utf-8") transcript = str(transcript, "utf-8") text_input = np.array( [self.params['char2idx'][c] for c in transcript] ) pad_to = self.params.get('pad_to', 8) if self.params.get("pad_EOS", True): num_pad = pad_to - ((len(text_input) + 2) % pad_to) text_input = np.pad( text_input, ((1, 1)), "constant", constant_values=( (self.params['char2idx']["<s>"], self.params['char2idx']["</s>"]) ) ) text_input = np.pad( text_input, ((0, num_pad)), "constant", constant_values=self.params['char2idx']["<p>"] ) # Mainly used for GST if "wavs" in audio_filename: file_path = os.path.join( self.params['dataset_location'], audio_filename + ".wav" ) # Default path for LJ and MAILABS else: file_path = os.path.join( self.params['dataset_location'], "wavs", audio_filename + ".wav" ) if self._mel: features_type = "mel_htk" if self.params.get('mel_type', 'htk') == 'slaney': features_type = "mel_slaney" else: features_type = self.params['output_type'] if self.use_cache and audio_filename in self._cache: spectrogram = self._cache[audio_filename] else: spectrogram = get_speech_features_from_file( file_path, self.params['num_audio_features'], features_type=features_type, n_fft=self._n_fft, mag_power=self.params.get('mag_power', 2), feature_normalize=self.params["feature_normalize"], mean=self.params.get("feature_normalize_mean", 0.), std=self.params.get("feature_normalize_std", 1.), trim=self.params.get("trim", False), data_min=self.params.get("data_min", 1e-5), mel_basis=self._mel_basis ) if self.use_cache: self._cache[audio_filename] = spectrogram if self._both: mel_spectrogram, spectrogram = spectrogram if self._exp_mag: spectrogram = np.exp(spectrogram) stop_token_target = np.zeros( [len(spectrogram)], dtype=self.params['dtype'].as_numpy_dtype() ) if self.params.get("pad_EOS", True): num_pad = pad_to - ((len(spectrogram) + 1) % pad_to) + 1 data_min = self.params.get("data_min", 1e-5) if isinstance(data_min, dict): pad_value_mel = self.params.get("pad_value", np.log(data_min["mel"])) if self._exp_mag: pad_value_mag = self.params.get("pad_value", data_min["magnitude"]) else: pad_value_mag = self.params.get("pad_value", np.log(data_min["magnitude"])) else: pad_value = self.params.get("pad_value", np.log(data_min)) if self.params["feature_normalize"]: pad_value = self._normalize(pad_value) pad_value_mel = pad_value_mag = pad_value if self._both: mel_spectrogram = np.pad( mel_spectrogram, # ((8, num_pad), (0, 0)), ((0, num_pad), (0, 0)), "constant", constant_values=pad_value_mel ) spectrogram = np.pad( spectrogram, # ((8, num_pad), (0, 0)), ((0, num_pad), (0, 0)), "constant", constant_values=pad_value_mag ) spectrogram = np.concatenate((mel_spectrogram, spectrogram), axis=1) else: spectrogram = np.pad( spectrogram, # ((8, num_pad), (0, 0)), ((0, num_pad), (0, 0)), "constant", constant_values=pad_value ) stop_token_target = np.pad( stop_token_target, ((0, num_pad)), "constant", constant_values=1 ) else: stop_token_target[-1] = 1. assert len(text_input) % pad_to == 0 assert len(spectrogram) % pad_to == 0 return np.int32(text_input), \ np.int32([len(text_input)]), \ spectrogram.astype(self.params['dtype'].as_numpy_dtype()), \ stop_token_target.astype(self.params['dtype'].as_numpy_dtype()), \ np.int32([len(spectrogram)])
[docs] def _parse_transcript_element(self, transcript): """Parses text from file and returns array of text features. Args: transcript: the string to parse. Returns: tuple: target text as `np.array` of ids, target text length. """ if six.PY2: transcript = unicode(transcript, "utf-8") elif not isinstance(transcript, string_types): transcript = str(transcript, "utf-8") transcript = transcript.lower() text_input = np.array( [self.params['char2idx'].get(c,3) for c in transcript] ) pad_to = self.params.get('pad_to', 8) if self.params.get("pad_EOS", True): num_pad = pad_to - ((len(text_input) + 2) % pad_to) text_input = np.pad( text_input, ((1, 1)), "constant", constant_values=( (self.params['char2idx']["<s>"], self.params['char2idx']["</s>"]) ) ) text_input = np.pad( text_input, ((0, num_pad)), "constant", constant_values=self.params['char2idx']["<p>"] ) return np.int32(text_input), \ np.int32([len(text_input)])
[docs] def parse_text_output(self, text): text = "".join([self.params['idx2char'][k] for k in text]) return text
[docs] def create_interactive_placeholders(self): self._text = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.int32, shape=[self.params["batch_size"], None] ) self._text_length = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.int32, shape=[self.params["batch_size"]] ) self._input_tensors = {} self._input_tensors["source_tensors"] = [self._text, self._text_length]
[docs] def create_feed_dict(self, model_in): """ Creates the feed dict for interactive infer Args: model_in (str): The string to be spoken. Returns: feed_dict (dict): Dictionary with values for the placeholders. """ text = [] text_length = [] for line in model_in: if not isinstance(line, string_types): raise ValueError( "Text2Speech's interactive inference mode only supports string.", "Got {}". format(type(line)) ) text_a, text_length_a = self._parse_transcript_element(line) text.append(text_a) text_length.append(text_length_a) max_len = np.max(text_length) for i, line in enumerate(text): line = np.pad( line, ((0, max_len-len(line))), "constant", constant_values=self.params['char2idx']["<p>"] ) text[i] = line text = np.reshape(text, [self.params["batch_size"], -1]) text_length = np.reshape(text_length, [self.params["batch_size"]]) feed_dict = { self._text: text, self._text_length: text_length, } return feed_dict
@property def input_tensors(self): return self._input_tensors @property def sampling_rate(self): return self._sampling_rate @property def n_fft(self): return self._n_fft
[docs] def get_size_in_samples(self): """Returns the number of audio files.""" return len(self._files)
[docs] def get_magnitude_spec(self, spectrogram, is_mel=False): """Returns an energy magnitude spectrogram. The processing depends on the data layer params. Args: spectrogram: output spec from model Returns: mag_spec: mag spec """ spectrogram = spectrogram.astype(float) if self._mel or (is_mel and self._both): htk = True norm = None if self.params.get('mel_type', 'htk') == 'slaney': htk = False norm = 1 n_feats = self.params['num_audio_features'] if self._both: n_feats = n_feats["mel"] return inverse_mel( spectrogram, fs=self._sampling_rate, n_fft=self._n_fft, n_mels=n_feats, power=self.params.get('mag_power', 2), feature_normalize=self.params["feature_normalize"], mean=self.params.get("feature_normalize_mean", 0.), std=self.params.get("feature_normalize_std", 1.), mel_basis=self._mel_basis, htk=htk, norm=norm ) # Else it is a mag spec else: if self.params["feature_normalize"]: spectrogram = self._denormalize(spectrogram) n_feats = self.params['num_audio_features'] data_min = self.params.get("data_min", 1e-5) if self._both: n_feats = n_feats["magnitude"] if isinstance(data_min, dict): data_min = data_min["magnitude"] if not self._exp_mag: data_min = np.log(data_min) else: data_min = np.log(data_min) # Ensure that num_features is consistent with n_fft if n_feats < self._n_fft // 2 + 1: num_pad = (self._n_fft // 2 + 1) - spectrogram.shape[1] spectrogram = np.pad( spectrogram, ((0, 0), (0, num_pad)), "constant", constant_values=data_min ) mag_spec = spectrogram * 1.0 / self.params.get('mag_power', 2) if not self._both and not self._exp_mag: mag_spec = np.exp(mag_spec) return mag_spec
def _normalize(self, spectrogram): return normalize( spectrogram, mean=self.params.get("feature_normalize_mean", 0.), std=self.params.get("feature_normalize_std", 1.) ) def _denormalize(self, spectrogram): return denormalize( spectrogram, mean=self.params.get("feature_normalize_mean", 0.), std=self.params.get("feature_normalize_std", 1.) )