# Copyright 2018 MLBenchmark Group. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ==============================================================================
"""Defines Subtokenizer class to encode and decode strings."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import re
import sys
import unicodedata
import numpy as np
import six
from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
import tensorflow as tf
PAD = "<pad>"
PAD_ID = 0
EOS = "<EOS>"
EOS_ID = 1
# Set of characters that will be used in the function _escape_token() (see func
# docstring for more details).
# This set is added to the alphabet list to ensure that all escaped tokens can
# be encoded.
_ESCAPE_CHARS = set(u"\\_u;0123456789")
# Regex for the function _unescape_token(), the inverse of _escape_token().
# This is used to find "\u", "\\", and "\###;" substrings in the token.
_UNESCAPE_REGEX = re.compile(r"\\u|\\\\|\\([0-9]+);")
# Set contains all letter and number characters.
six.unichr(i) for i in xrange(sys.maxunicode)
if (unicodedata.category(six.unichr(i)).startswith("L") or
# min_count is the minimum number of times a subtoken must appear in the data
# before before it is added to the vocabulary. The value is found using binary
# search to obtain the target vocabulary size.
_MIN_MIN_COUNT = 1 # min value to use when binary searching for min_count
_MAX_MIN_COUNT = 1000 # max value to use when binary searching for min_count
[docs]class Subtokenizer(object):
"""Encodes and decodes strings to/from integer IDs."""
[docs] def __init__(self, vocab_file, reserved_tokens=None):
"""Initializes class, creating a vocab file if data_files is provided."""
tf.logging.info("Initializing Subtokenizer from file %s." % vocab_file)
if reserved_tokens is None:
reserved_tokens = RESERVED_TOKENS
self.subtoken_list = _load_vocab_file(vocab_file, reserved_tokens)
self.alphabet = _generate_alphabet_dict(self.subtoken_list)
self.subtoken_to_id_dict = _list_to_index_dict(self.subtoken_list)
self.max_subtoken_length = 0
for subtoken in self.subtoken_list:
self.max_subtoken_length = max(self.max_subtoken_length, len(subtoken))
# Create cache to speed up subtokenization
self._cache_size = 2 ** 20
self._cache = [(None, None)] * self._cache_size
[docs] @staticmethod
def init_from_files(
vocab_file, files, target_vocab_size, threshold, min_count=None,
file_byte_limit=1e6, reserved_tokens=None):
"""Create subtoken vocabulary based on files, and save vocab to file.
vocab_file: String name of vocab file to store subtoken vocabulary.
files: List of file paths that will be used to generate vocabulary.
target_vocab_size: target vocabulary size to generate.
threshold: int threshold of vocabulary size to accept.
min_count: int minimum count to use for generating the vocabulary. The min
count is the minimum number of times a subtoken should appear in the
files before it is added to the vocabulary. If set to none, this value
is found using binary search.
file_byte_limit: (Default 1e6) Maximum number of bytes of sample text that
will be drawn from the files.
reserved_tokens: List of string tokens that are guaranteed to be at the
beginning of the subtoken vocabulary list.
Subtokenizer object
if reserved_tokens is None:
reserved_tokens = RESERVED_TOKENS
if tf.gfile.Exists(vocab_file):
tf.logging.info("Vocab file already exists (%s)" % vocab_file)
tf.logging.info("Begin steps to create subtoken vocabulary...")
token_counts = _count_tokens(files, file_byte_limit)
alphabet = _generate_alphabet_dict(token_counts)
subtoken_list = _generate_subtokens_with_target_vocab_size(
token_counts, alphabet, target_vocab_size, threshold, min_count,
tf.logging.info("Generated vocabulary with %d subtokens." %
_save_vocab_file(vocab_file, subtoken_list)
return Subtokenizer(vocab_file)
[docs] def encode(self, raw_string, add_eos=False):
"""Encodes a string into a list of int subtoken ids."""
ret = []
tokens = _split_string_to_tokens(_native_to_unicode(raw_string))
for token in tokens:
if add_eos:
return ret
[docs] def _token_to_subtoken_ids(self, token):
"""Encode a single token into a list of subtoken ids."""
cache_location = hash(token) % self._cache_size
cache_key, cache_value = self._cache[cache_location]
if cache_key == token:
return cache_value
ret = _split_token_to_subtokens(
_escape_token(token, self.alphabet), self.subtoken_to_id_dict,
ret = [self.subtoken_to_id_dict[subtoken_id] for subtoken_id in ret]
self._cache[cache_location] = (token, ret)
return ret
[docs] def decode(self, subtokens):
"""Converts list of int subtokens ids into a string."""
if isinstance(subtokens, np.ndarray):
# Note that list(subtokens) converts subtokens to a python list, but the
# items remain as np.int32. This converts both the array and its items.
subtokens = subtokens.tolist()
if not subtokens:
return ""
assert isinstance(subtokens, list) and isinstance(subtokens[0], int), (
"Subtokens argument passed into decode() must be a list of integers.")
return _unicode_to_native(
[docs] def _subtoken_ids_to_tokens(self, subtokens):
"""Convert list of int subtoken ids to a list of string tokens."""
escaped_tokens = "".join([
self.subtoken_list[s] for s in subtokens
if s < len(self.subtoken_list)])
escaped_tokens = escaped_tokens.split("_")
# All tokens in the vocabulary list have been escaped (see _escape_token())
# so each token must be unescaped when decoding.
ret = []
for token in escaped_tokens:
if token:
return ret
[docs]def _save_vocab_file(vocab_file, subtoken_list):
"""Save subtokens to file."""
with tf.gfile.Open(vocab_file, mode="w") as f:
for subtoken in subtoken_list:
f.write("'%s'\n" % _unicode_to_native(subtoken))
[docs]def _load_vocab_file(vocab_file, reserved_tokens=None):
"""Load vocabulary while ensuring reserved tokens are at the top."""
if reserved_tokens is None:
reserved_tokens = RESERVED_TOKENS
subtoken_list = []
with tf.gfile.Open(vocab_file, mode="r") as f:
for line in f:
subtoken = _native_to_unicode(line.strip())
subtoken = subtoken[1:-1] # Remove surrounding single-quotes
if subtoken in reserved_tokens:
return reserved_tokens + subtoken_list
[docs]def _native_to_unicode(s):
"""Convert string to unicode (required in Python 2)."""
if six.PY2:
return s if isinstance(s, unicode) else s.decode("utf-8")
return s
[docs]def _unicode_to_native(s):
"""Convert string from unicode to native format (required in Python 2)."""
if six.PY2:
return s.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(s, unicode) else s
return s
[docs]def _split_string_to_tokens(text):
"""Splits text to a list of string tokens."""
if not text:
return []
ret = []
token_start = 0
# Classify each character in the input string
is_alnum = [c in _ALPHANUMERIC_CHAR_SET for c in text]
for pos in xrange(1, len(text)):
if is_alnum[pos] != is_alnum[pos - 1]:
token = text[token_start:pos]
if token != u" " or token_start == 0:
token_start = pos
final_token = text[token_start:]
return ret
[docs]def join_tokens_to_string(tokens):
"""Join a list of string tokens into a single string."""
token_is_alnum = [t[0] in _ALPHANUMERIC_CHAR_SET for t in tokens]
ret = []
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
if i > 0 and token_is_alnum[i - 1] and token_is_alnum[i]:
ret.append(u" ")
return "".join(ret)
[docs]def _escape_token(token, alphabet):
r"""Replace characters that aren't in the alphabet and append "_" to token.
Apply three transformations to the token:
1. Replace underline character "_" with "\u", and backslash "\" with "\\".
2. Replace characters outside of the alphabet with "\###;", where ### is the
character's Unicode code point.
3. Appends "_" to mark the end of a token.
token: unicode string to be escaped
alphabet: list of all known characters
escaped string
token = token.replace(u"\\", u"\\\\").replace(u"_", u"\\u")
ret = [c if c in alphabet and c != u"\n" else r"\%d;" % ord(c) for c in token]
return u"".join(ret) + "_"
[docs]def unescape_token(token):
r"""Replaces escaped characters in the token with their unescaped versions.
Applies inverse transformations as _escape_token():
1. Replace "\u" with "_", and "\\" with "\".
2. Replace "\###;" with the unicode character the ### refers to.
token: escaped string
unescaped string
def match(m):
r"""Returns replacement string for matched object.
Matched objects contain one of the strings that matches the regex pattern:
The strings can be '\u', '\\', or '\###;' (### is any digit number).
m.group(0) refers to the entire matched string ('\u', '\\', or '\###;').
m.group(1) refers to the first parenthesized subgroup ('###').
m.group(0) exists for all match objects, while m.group(1) exists only for
the string '\###;'.
This function looks to see if m.group(1) exists. If it doesn't, then the
matched string must be '\u' or '\\' . In this case, the corresponding
replacement ('_' and '\') are returned. Note that in python, a single
backslash is written as '\\', and double backslash as '\\\\'.
If m.goup(1) exists, then use the integer in m.group(1) to return a
unicode character.
m: match object
String to replace matched object with.
# Check if the matched strings are '\u' or '\\'.
if m.group(1) is None:
return u"_" if m.group(0) == u"\\u" else u"\\"
# If m.group(1) exists, try and return unicode character.
return six.unichr(int(m.group(1)))
except (ValueError, OverflowError) as _:
# Use match function to replace escaped substrings in the token.
return _UNESCAPE_REGEX.sub(match, token)
[docs]def _count_tokens(files, file_byte_limit=1e6):
"""Return token counts of words in the files.
Samples file_byte_limit bytes from each file, and counts the words that appear
in the samples. The samples are semi-evenly distributed across the file.
files: List of filepaths
file_byte_limit: Max number of bytes that will be read from each file.
Dictionary mapping tokens to the number of times they appear in the sampled
lines from the files.
token_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for filepath in files:
with tf.gfile.Open(filepath, mode="r") as reader:
file_byte_budget = file_byte_limit
counter = 0
lines_to_skip = int(reader.size() / (file_byte_budget * 2))
for line in reader:
if counter < lines_to_skip:
counter += 1
if file_byte_budget < 0:
line = line.strip()
file_byte_budget -= len(line)
counter = 0
# Add words to token counts
for token in _split_string_to_tokens(_native_to_unicode(line)):
token_counts[token] += 1
return token_counts
[docs]def _list_to_index_dict(lst):
"""Create dictionary mapping list items to their indices in the list."""
return {item: n for n, item in enumerate(lst)}
[docs]def _split_token_to_subtokens(token, subtoken_dict, max_subtoken_length):
"""Splits a token into subtokens defined in the subtoken dict."""
ret = []
start = 0
token_len = len(token)
while start < token_len:
# Find the longest subtoken, so iterate backwards.
for end in xrange(min(token_len, start + max_subtoken_length), start, -1):
subtoken = token[start:end]
if subtoken in subtoken_dict:
start = end
else: # Did not break
# If there is no possible encoding of the escaped token then one of the
# characters in the token is not in the alphabet. This should be
# impossible and would be indicative of a bug.
raise ValueError("Was unable to split token \"%s\" into subtokens." %
return ret
[docs]def _generate_subtokens_with_target_vocab_size(
token_counts, alphabet, target_size, threshold, min_count=None,
"""Generate subtoken vocabulary close to the target size."""
if reserved_tokens is None:
reserved_tokens = RESERVED_TOKENS
if min_count is not None:
tf.logging.info("Using min_count=%d to generate vocab with target size %d" %
(min_count, target_size))
return _generate_subtokens(
token_counts, alphabet, min_count, reserved_tokens=reserved_tokens)
def bisect(min_val, max_val):
"""Recursive function to binary search for subtoken vocabulary."""
cur_count = (min_val + max_val) // 2
tf.logging.info("Binary search: trying min_count=%d (%d %d)" %
(cur_count, min_val, max_val))
subtoken_list = _generate_subtokens(
token_counts, alphabet, cur_count, reserved_tokens=reserved_tokens)
val = len(subtoken_list)
tf.logging.info("Binary search: min_count=%d resulted in %d tokens" %
(cur_count, val))
within_threshold = abs(val - target_size) < threshold
if within_threshold or min_val >= max_val or cur_count < 2:
return subtoken_list
if val > target_size:
other_subtoken_list = bisect(cur_count + 1, max_val)
other_subtoken_list = bisect(min_val, cur_count - 1)
# Return vocabulary dictionary with the closest number of tokens.
other_val = len(other_subtoken_list)
if abs(other_val - target_size) < abs(val - target_size):
return other_subtoken_list
return subtoken_list
tf.logging.info("Finding best min_count to get target size of %d" %
return bisect(_MIN_MIN_COUNT, _MAX_MIN_COUNT)
[docs]def _generate_alphabet_dict(iterable, reserved_tokens=None):
"""Create set of characters that appear in any element in the iterable."""
if reserved_tokens is None:
reserved_tokens = RESERVED_TOKENS
alphabet = {c for token in iterable for c in token}
alphabet |= {c for token in reserved_tokens for c in token}
alphabet |= _ESCAPE_CHARS # Add escape characters to alphabet set.
return alphabet
[docs]def _count_and_gen_subtokens(
token_counts, alphabet, subtoken_dict, max_subtoken_length):
"""Count number of times subtokens appear, and generate new subtokens.
token_counts: dict mapping tokens to the number of times they appear in the
original files.
alphabet: list of allowed characters. Used to escape the tokens, which
guarantees that all tokens can be split into subtokens.
subtoken_dict: dict mapping subtokens to ids.
max_subtoken_length: maximum length of subtoken in subtoken_dict.
A defaultdict mapping subtokens to the number of times they appear in the
tokens. The dict may contain new subtokens.
subtoken_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for token, count in six.iteritems(token_counts):
token = _escape_token(token, alphabet)
subtokens = _split_token_to_subtokens(
token, subtoken_dict, max_subtoken_length)
# Generate new subtokens by taking substrings from token.
start = 0
for subtoken in subtokens:
for end in xrange(start + 1, len(token) + 1):
new_subtoken = token[start:end]
subtoken_counts[new_subtoken] += count
start += len(subtoken)
return subtoken_counts
[docs]def _filter_and_bucket_subtokens(subtoken_counts, min_count):
"""Return a bucketed list of subtokens that are filtered by count.
subtoken_counts: defaultdict mapping subtokens to their counts
min_count: int count used to filter subtokens
List of subtoken sets, where subtokens in set i have the same length=i.
# Create list of buckets, where subtokens in bucket i have length i.
subtoken_buckets = []
for subtoken, count in six.iteritems(subtoken_counts):
if count < min_count: # Filter out subtokens that don't appear enough
while len(subtoken_buckets) <= len(subtoken):
return subtoken_buckets
[docs]def _gen_new_subtoken_list(
subtoken_counts, min_count, alphabet, reserved_tokens=None):
"""Generate candidate subtokens ordered by count, and new max subtoken length.
Add subtokens to the candiate list in order of length (longest subtokens
first). When a subtoken is added, the counts of each of its prefixes are
decreased. Prefixes that don't appear much outside the subtoken are not added
to the candidate list.
For example:
subtoken being added to candidate list: 'translate'
subtoken_counts: {'translate':10, 't':40, 'tr':16, 'tra':12, ...}
min_count: 5
When 'translate' is added, subtoken_counts is updated to:
{'translate':0, 't':30, 'tr':6, 'tra': 2, ...}
The subtoken 'tra' will not be added to the candidate list, because it appears
twice (less than min_count) outside of 'translate'.
subtoken_counts: defaultdict mapping str subtokens to int counts
min_count: int minumum count requirement for subtokens
alphabet: set of characters. Each character is added to the subtoken list to
guarantee that all tokens can be encoded.
reserved_tokens: list of tokens that will be added to the beginning of the
returned subtoken list.
List of candidate subtokens in decreasing count order, and maximum subtoken
if reserved_tokens is None:
reserved_tokens = RESERVED_TOKENS
# Create a list of (count, subtoken) for each candidate subtoken.
subtoken_candidates = []
# Use bucketted list to iterate through subtokens in order of length.
# subtoken_buckets[i] = set(subtokens), where each subtoken has length i.
subtoken_buckets = _filter_and_bucket_subtokens(subtoken_counts, min_count)
max_subtoken_length = len(subtoken_buckets) - 1
# Go through the list in reverse order to consider longer subtokens first.
for subtoken_len in xrange(max_subtoken_length, 0, -1):
for subtoken in subtoken_buckets[subtoken_len]:
count = subtoken_counts[subtoken]
# Possible if this subtoken is a prefix of another token.
if count < min_count:
# Ignore alphabet/reserved tokens, which will be added manually later.
if subtoken not in alphabet and subtoken not in reserved_tokens:
subtoken_candidates.append((count, subtoken))
# Decrement count of the subtoken's prefixes (if a longer subtoken is
# added, its prefixes lose priority to be added).
for end in xrange(1, subtoken_len):
subtoken_counts[subtoken[:end]] -= count
# Add alphabet subtokens (guarantees that all strings are encodable).
subtoken_candidates.extend((subtoken_counts.get(a, 0), a) for a in alphabet)
# Order subtoken candidates by decreasing count.
subtoken_list = [t for _, t in sorted(subtoken_candidates, reverse=True)]
# Add reserved tokens to beginning of the list.
subtoken_list = reserved_tokens + subtoken_list
return subtoken_list, max_subtoken_length
[docs]def _generate_subtokens(
token_counts, alphabet, min_count, num_iterations=4,
"""Create a list of subtokens in decreasing order of frequency.
token_counts: dict mapping str tokens -> int count
alphabet: set of characters
min_count: int minimum number of times a subtoken must appear before it is
added to the vocabulary.
num_iterations: int number of iterations to generate new tokens.
reserved_tokens: list of tokens that will be added to the beginning to the
returned subtoken list.
Sorted list of subtokens (most frequent first)
if reserved_tokens is None:
reserved_tokens = RESERVED_TOKENS
# Use alphabet set to create initial list of subtokens
subtoken_list = reserved_tokens + list(alphabet)
max_subtoken_length = 1
# On each iteration, segment all words using the subtokens defined in
# subtoken_dict, count how often the resulting subtokens appear, and update
# the dictionary with subtokens w/ high enough counts.
for i in xrange(num_iterations):
tf.logging.info("\tGenerating subtokens: iteration %d" % i)
# Generate new subtoken->id dictionary using the new subtoken list.
subtoken_dict = _list_to_index_dict(subtoken_list)
# Create dict mapping subtoken->count, with additional subtokens created
# from substrings taken from the tokens.
subtoken_counts = _count_and_gen_subtokens(
token_counts, alphabet, subtoken_dict, max_subtoken_length)
# Generate new list of subtokens sorted by subtoken count.
subtoken_list, max_subtoken_length = _gen_new_subtoken_list(
subtoken_counts, min_count, alphabet, reserved_tokens)
tf.logging.info("\tVocab size: %d" % len(subtoken_list))
return subtoken_list