Source code for encoders.tacotron2_encoder

# Copyright (c) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from six.moves import range

import inspect

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.cudnn_rnn.python.ops import cudnn_rnn_ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from import conv_bn_actv
from import single_cell
from import attention_layer

from .encoder import Encoder

[docs]class Tacotron2Encoder(Encoder): """Tacotron-2 like encoder. Consists of an embedding layer followed by a convolutional layer followed by a recurrent layer. """
[docs] @staticmethod def get_required_params(): return dict( Encoder.get_required_params(), **{ 'cnn_dropout_prob': float, 'rnn_dropout_prob': float, 'src_emb_size': int, 'conv_layers': list, 'activation_fn': None, # any valid callable 'num_rnn_layers': int, 'rnn_cell_dim': int, 'use_cudnn_rnn': bool, 'rnn_type': None, 'rnn_unidirectional': bool, } )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_optional_params(): return dict( Encoder.get_optional_params(), **{ 'data_format': ['channels_first', 'channels_last'], 'bn_momentum': float, 'bn_epsilon': float, 'zoneout_prob': float, 'style_embedding_enable': bool, 'style_embedding_params': dict, } )
[docs] def __init__(self, params, model, name="tacotron2_encoder", mode='train'): """Tacotron-2 like encoder constructor. See parent class for arguments description. Config parameters: * **cnn_dropout_prob** (float) --- dropout probabilty for cnn layers. * **rnn_dropout_prob** (float) --- dropout probabilty for cnn layers. * **src_emb_size** (int) --- dimensionality of character embedding. * **conv_layers** (list) --- list with the description of convolutional layers. For example:: "conv_layers": [ { "kernel_size": [5], "stride": [1], "num_channels": 512, "padding": "SAME" }, { "kernel_size": [5], "stride": [1], "num_channels": 512, "padding": "SAME" }, { "kernel_size": [5], "stride": [1], "num_channels": 512, "padding": "SAME" } ] * **activation_fn** (callable) --- activation function to use for conv layers. * **num_rnn_layers** --- number of RNN layers to use. * **rnn_cell_dim** (int) --- dimension of RNN cells. * **rnn_type** (callable) --- Any valid RNN Cell class. Suggested class is lstm * **rnn_unidirectional** (bool) --- whether to use uni-directional or bi-directional RNNs. * **zoneout_prob** (float) --- zoneout probability. Defaults to 0. * **use_cudnn_rnn** (bool) --- need to be enabled in rnn_type is a Cudnn class. * **data_format** (string) --- could be either "channels_first" or "channels_last". Defaults to "channels_last". * **bn_momentum** (float) --- momentum for batch norm. Defaults to 0.1. * **bn_epsilon** (float) --- epsilon for batch norm. Defaults to 1e-5. * **style_embedding_enable** (bool) --- Whether to enable GST. Defaults to False. * **style_embedding_params** (dict) --- Parameters for GST layer. See _embed_style documentation. """ super(Tacotron2Encoder, self).__init__(params, model, name, mode)
[docs] def _encode(self, input_dict): """Creates TensorFlow graph for Tacotron-2 like encoder. Args: input_dict (dict): dictionary with inputs. Must define: source_tensors - array containing [ * source_sequence: tensor of shape [batch_size, sequence length] * src_length: tensor of shape [batch_size] ] Returns: dict: A python dictionary containing: * outputs - tensor containing the encoded text to be passed to the attention layer * src_length - the length of the encoded text """ text = input_dict['source_tensors'][0] text_len = input_dict['source_tensors'][1] training = (self._mode == "train") regularizer = self.params.get('regularizer', None) data_format = self.params.get('data_format', 'channels_last') src_vocab_size = self._model.get_data_layer().params['src_vocab_size'] zoneout_prob = self.params.get('zoneout_prob', 0.) # if src_vocab_size % 8 != 0: # src_vocab_size += 8 - (src_vocab_size % 8) # ----- Embedding layer ----------------------------------------------- enc_emb_w = tf.get_variable( name="EncoderEmbeddingMatrix", shape=[src_vocab_size, self.params['src_emb_size']], dtype=self.params['dtype'], # initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer() ) embedded_inputs = tf.cast( tf.nn.embedding_lookup( enc_emb_w, text, ), self.params['dtype'] ) # ----- Style layer --------------------------------------------------- if self.params.get("style_embedding_enable", False): if "style_embedding_params" not in self.params: raise ValueError( "style_embedding_params must be passed if style embedding is", "enabled" ) with tf.variable_scope("style_encoder"): if (self._model.get_data_layer().params.get("style_input", None) == "wav"): style_spec = input_dict['source_tensors'][2] style_len = input_dict['source_tensors'][3] style_embedding = self._embed_style(style_spec, style_len) else: raise ValueError("The data layer's style input parameter must be set.") style_embedding = tf.expand_dims(style_embedding, 1) style_embedding = tf.tile( style_embedding, [1, tf.reduce_max(text_len), 1] ) # ----- Convolutional layers ----------------------------------------------- input_layer = embedded_inputs if data_format == 'channels_last': top_layer = input_layer else: top_layer = tf.transpose(input_layer, [0, 2, 1]) for i, conv_params in enumerate(self.params['conv_layers']): ch_out = conv_params['num_channels'] kernel_size = conv_params['kernel_size'] # [time, freq] strides = conv_params['stride'] padding = conv_params['padding'] if padding == "VALID": text_len = (text_len - kernel_size[0] + strides[0]) // strides[0] else: text_len = (text_len + strides[0] - 1) // strides[0] top_layer = conv_bn_actv( layer_type="conv1d", name="conv{}".format(i + 1), inputs=top_layer, filters=ch_out, kernel_size=kernel_size, activation_fn=self.params['activation_fn'], strides=strides, padding=padding, regularizer=regularizer, training=training, data_format=data_format, bn_momentum=self.params.get('bn_momentum', 0.1), bn_epsilon=self.params.get('bn_epsilon', 1e-5), ) top_layer = tf.layers.dropout( top_layer, rate=self.params["cnn_dropout_prob"], training=training ) if data_format == 'channels_first': top_layer = tf.transpose(top_layer, [0, 2, 1]) # ----- RNN --------------------------------------------------------------- num_rnn_layers = self.params['num_rnn_layers'] if num_rnn_layers > 0: cell_params = {} cell_params["num_units"] = self.params['rnn_cell_dim'] rnn_type = self.params['rnn_type'] rnn_input = top_layer rnn_vars = [] if self.params["use_cudnn_rnn"]: if self._mode == "infer": cell = lambda: tf.contrib.cudnn_rnn.CudnnCompatibleLSTMCell( cell_params["num_units"] ) cells_fw = [cell() for _ in range(1)] cells_bw = [cell() for _ in range(1)] (top_layer, _, _) = tf.contrib.rnn.stack_bidirectional_dynamic_rnn( cells_fw, cells_bw, rnn_input, sequence_length=text_len, dtype=rnn_input.dtype, time_major=False) else: all_cudnn_classes = [ i[1] for i in inspect.getmembers(tf.contrib.cudnn_rnn, inspect.isclass) ] if not rnn_type in all_cudnn_classes: raise TypeError("rnn_type must be a Cudnn RNN class") if zoneout_prob != 0.: raise ValueError( "Zoneout is currently not supported for cudnn rnn classes" ) rnn_input = tf.transpose(top_layer, [1, 0, 2]) if self.params['rnn_unidirectional']: direction = cudnn_rnn_ops.CUDNN_RNN_UNIDIRECTION else: direction = cudnn_rnn_ops.CUDNN_RNN_BIDIRECTION rnn_block = rnn_type( num_layers=num_rnn_layers, num_units=cell_params["num_units"], direction=direction, dtype=rnn_input.dtype, name="cudnn_rnn" ) top_layer, _ = rnn_block(rnn_input) top_layer = tf.transpose(top_layer, [1, 0, 2]) rnn_vars += rnn_block.trainable_variables else: multirnn_cell_fw = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell( [ single_cell( cell_class=rnn_type, cell_params=cell_params, zoneout_prob=zoneout_prob, training=training, residual_connections=False ) for _ in range(num_rnn_layers) ] ) rnn_vars += multirnn_cell_fw.trainable_variables if self.params['rnn_unidirectional']: top_layer, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( cell=multirnn_cell_fw, inputs=rnn_input, sequence_length=text_len, dtype=rnn_input.dtype, time_major=False, ) else: multirnn_cell_bw = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell( [ single_cell( cell_class=rnn_type, cell_params=cell_params, zoneout_prob=zoneout_prob, training=training, residual_connections=False ) for _ in range(num_rnn_layers) ] ) top_layer, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn( cell_fw=multirnn_cell_fw, cell_bw=multirnn_cell_bw, inputs=rnn_input, sequence_length=text_len, dtype=rnn_input.dtype, time_major=False ) # concat 2 tensors [B, T, n_cell_dim] --> [B, T, 2*n_cell_dim] top_layer = tf.concat(top_layer, 2) rnn_vars += multirnn_cell_bw.trainable_variables if regularizer and training: cell_weights = [] cell_weights += rnn_vars cell_weights += [enc_emb_w] for weights in cell_weights: if "bias" not in # print("Added regularizer to {}".format( if weights.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16: tf.add_to_collection( 'REGULARIZATION_FUNCTIONS', (weights, regularizer) ) else: tf.add_to_collection( ops.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, regularizer(weights) ) # -- end of rnn------------------------------------------------------------ top_layer = tf.layers.dropout( top_layer, rate=self.params["rnn_dropout_prob"], training=training ) outputs = top_layer if self.params.get("style_embedding_enable", False): outputs = tf.concat([outputs, style_embedding], axis=-1) return { 'outputs': outputs, 'src_length': text_len }
[docs] def _embed_style(self, style_spec, style_len): """ Code that implements the reference encoder as described in "Towards end-to-end prosody transfer for expressive speech synthesis with Tacotron", and "Style Tokens: Unsupervised Style Modeling, Control and Transfer in End-to-End Speech Synthesis" Config parameters: * **conv_layers** (list) --- See the conv_layers parameter for the Tacotron-2 model. * **num_rnn_layers** (int) --- Number of rnn layers in the reference encoder * **rnn_cell_dim** (int) --- Size of rnn layer * **rnn_unidirectional** (bool) --- Uni- or bi-directional rnn. * **rnn_type** --- Must be a valid tf rnn cell class * **emb_size** (int) --- Size of gst * **attention_layer_size** (int) --- Size of linear layers in attention * **num_tokens** (int) --- Number of tokens for gst * **num_heads** (int) --- Number of attention heads """ training = (self._mode == "train") regularizer = self.params.get('regularizer', None) data_format = self.params.get('data_format', 'channels_last') batch_size = style_spec.get_shape().as_list()[0] top_layer = tf.expand_dims(style_spec, -1) params = self.params['style_embedding_params'] if "conv_layers" in params: for i, conv_params in enumerate(params['conv_layers']): ch_out = conv_params['num_channels'] kernel_size = conv_params['kernel_size'] # [time, freq] strides = conv_params['stride'] padding = conv_params['padding'] if padding == "VALID": style_len = (style_len - kernel_size[0] + strides[0]) // strides[0] else: style_len = (style_len + strides[0] - 1) // strides[0] top_layer = conv_bn_actv( layer_type="conv2d", name="conv{}".format(i + 1), inputs=top_layer, filters=ch_out, kernel_size=kernel_size, activation_fn=self.params['activation_fn'], strides=strides, padding=padding, regularizer=regularizer, training=training, data_format=data_format, bn_momentum=self.params.get('bn_momentum', 0.1), bn_epsilon=self.params.get('bn_epsilon', 1e-5), ) if data_format == 'channels_first': top_layer = tf.transpose(top_layer, [0, 2, 1]) top_layer = tf.concat(tf.unstack(top_layer, axis=2), axis=-1) num_rnn_layers = params['num_rnn_layers'] if num_rnn_layers > 0: cell_params = {} cell_params["num_units"] = params['rnn_cell_dim'] rnn_type = params['rnn_type'] rnn_input = top_layer rnn_vars = [] multirnn_cell_fw = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell( [ single_cell( cell_class=rnn_type, cell_params=cell_params, training=training, residual_connections=False ) for _ in range(num_rnn_layers) ] ) rnn_vars += multirnn_cell_fw.trainable_variables if params['rnn_unidirectional']: top_layer, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( cell=multirnn_cell_fw, inputs=rnn_input, sequence_length=style_len, dtype=rnn_input.dtype, time_major=False, ) final_state = final_state[0] else: multirnn_cell_bw = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell( [ single_cell( cell_class=rnn_type, cell_params=cell_params, training=training, residual_connections=False ) for _ in range(num_rnn_layers) ] ) top_layer, final_state = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn( cell_fw=multirnn_cell_fw, cell_bw=multirnn_cell_bw, inputs=rnn_input, sequence_length=style_len, dtype=rnn_input.dtype, time_major=False ) # concat 2 tensors [B, T, n_cell_dim] --> [B, T, 2*n_cell_dim] final_state = tf.concat((final_state[0][0].h, final_state[1][0].h), 1) rnn_vars += multirnn_cell_bw.trainable_variables top_layer = final_state # Apply linear layer top_layer = tf.layers.dense( top_layer, 128, activation=tf.nn.tanh, kernel_regularizer=regularizer, name="reference_activation" ) if regularizer and training: cell_weights = rnn_vars for weights in cell_weights: if "bias" not in # print("Added regularizer to {}".format( if weights.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16: tf.add_to_collection( 'REGULARIZATION_FUNCTIONS', (weights, regularizer) ) else: tf.add_to_collection( ops.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, regularizer(weights) ) num_units = params["num_tokens"] att_size = params["attention_layer_size"] # Randomly initilized tokens gst_embedding = tf.get_variable( "token_embeddings", shape=[num_units, params["emb_size"]], dtype=self.params["dtype"], initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer( minval=-1., maxval=1., dtype=self.params["dtype"] ), trainable=False ) attention = attention_layer.Attention( params["attention_layer_size"], params["num_heads"], 0., training, mode="bahdanau" ) top_layer = tf.expand_dims(top_layer, 1) gst_embedding = tf.nn.tanh(gst_embedding) gst_embedding = tf.expand_dims(gst_embedding, 0) gst_embedding = tf.tile(gst_embedding, [batch_size, 1, 1]) token_embeddings = attention(top_layer, gst_embedding, None) token_embeddings = tf.squeeze(token_embeddings, 1) return token_embeddings