Source code for parts.centaur.prenet

# Copyright (c) 2019 NVIDIA Corporation
import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class Prenet: """ Centaur decoder pre-net. """
[docs] def __init__(self, n_layers, hidden_size, activation_fn, dropout=0.5, regularizer=None, training=True, dtype=None, name="prenet"): """ Pre-net constructor. Args: n_layers: number of fully-connected layers to use. hidden_size: number of units in each pre-net layer. activation_fn: activation function to use. dropout: dropout rate. Defaults to 0.5. regularizer: regularizer for the convolution kernel. Defaults to None. training: whether it is training mode. Defaults to None. dtype: dtype of the layer's weights. Defaults to None. name: name of the block. """ = name self.layers = [] self.dropout = dropout = training for i in range(n_layers): layer = tf.layers.Dense( name="layer_%d" % i, units=hidden_size, use_bias=True, activation=activation_fn, kernel_regularizer=regularizer, dtype=dtype ) self.layers.append(layer)
def __call__(self, x): with tf.variable_scope( for layer in self.layers: x = tf.layers.dropout( layer(x), rate=self.dropout, ) return x