Source code for parts.rnns.glstm

"""Module for constructing RNN Cells."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from six.moves import range

from tensorflow.contrib.rnn.python.ops import core_rnn_cell
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import init_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import rnn_cell_impl
from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope as vs

# pylint: disable=protected-access
_Linear = core_rnn_cell._Linear  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: enable=protected-access

# TODO: must implement all abstract methods
[docs]class GLSTMCell(rnn_cell_impl.RNNCell): """Group LSTM cell (G-LSTM). The implementation is based on: O. Kuchaiev and B. Ginsburg "Factorization Tricks for LSTM Networks", ICLR 2017 workshop. """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_units, initializer=None, num_proj=None, number_of_groups=1, forget_bias=1.0, activation=math_ops.tanh, reuse=None): """Initialize the parameters of G-LSTM cell. Args: num_units: int, The number of units in the G-LSTM cell initializer: (optional) The initializer to use for the weight and projection matrices. num_proj: (optional) int, The output dimensionality for the projection matrices. If None, no projection is performed. number_of_groups: (optional) int, number of groups to use. If `number_of_groups` is 1, then it should be equivalent to LSTM cell forget_bias: Biases of the forget gate are initialized by default to 1 in order to reduce the scale of forgetting at the beginning of the training. activation: Activation function of the inner states. reuse: (optional) Python boolean describing whether to reuse variables in an existing scope. If not `True`, and the existing scope already has the given variables, an error is raised. Raises: ValueError: If `num_units` or `num_proj` is not divisible by `number_of_groups`. """ super(GLSTMCell, self).__init__(_reuse=reuse) self._num_units = num_units self._initializer = initializer self._num_proj = num_proj self._forget_bias = forget_bias self._activation = activation self._number_of_groups = number_of_groups if self._num_units % self._number_of_groups != 0: raise ValueError("num_units must be divisible by number_of_groups") if self._num_proj: if self._num_proj % self._number_of_groups != 0: raise ValueError("num_proj must be divisible by number_of_groups") self._group_shape = [int(self._num_proj / self._number_of_groups), int(self._num_units / self._number_of_groups)] else: self._group_shape = [int(self._num_units / self._number_of_groups), int(self._num_units / self._number_of_groups)] if num_proj: self._state_size = rnn_cell_impl.LSTMStateTuple(num_units, num_proj) self._output_size = num_proj else: self._state_size = rnn_cell_impl.LSTMStateTuple(num_units, num_units) self._output_size = num_units self._linear1 = [None] * self._number_of_groups self._linear2 = None
@property def state_size(self): return self._state_size @property def output_size(self): return self._output_size
[docs] def _get_input_for_group(self, inputs, group_id, group_size): """Slices inputs into groups to prepare for processing by cell's groups Args: inputs: cell input or it's previous state, a Tensor, 2D, [batch x num_units] group_id: group id, a Scalar, for which to prepare input group_size: size of the group Returns: subset of inputs corresponding to group "group_id", a Tensor, 2D, [batch x num_units/number_of_groups] """ return array_ops.slice(input_=inputs, begin=[0, group_id * group_size], size=[self._batch_size, group_size], name=("GLSTM_group%d_input_generation" % group_id))
# TODO: does not match signature of the base method
[docs] def call(self, inputs, state): """Run one step of G-LSTM. Args: inputs: input Tensor, 2D, [batch x num_units]. state: this must be a tuple of state Tensors, both `2-D`, with column sizes `c_state` and `m_state`. Returns: A tuple containing: - A `2-D, [batch x output_dim]`, Tensor representing the output of the G-LSTM after reading `inputs` when previous state was `state`. Here output_dim is: num_proj if num_proj was set, num_units otherwise. - LSTMStateTuple representing the new state of G-LSTM cell after reading `inputs` when the previous state was `state`. Raises: ValueError: If input size cannot be inferred from inputs via static shape inference. """ (c_prev, m_prev) = state self._batch_size = inputs.shape[0].value or array_ops.shape(inputs)[0] input_size = inputs.shape[-1].value or array_ops.shape(inputs)[-1] dtype = inputs.dtype scope = vs.get_variable_scope() with vs.variable_scope(scope, initializer=self._initializer): i_parts = [] j_parts = [] f_parts = [] o_parts = [] for group_id in range(self._number_of_groups): with vs.variable_scope("group%d" % group_id): x_g_id = array_ops.concat( [self._get_input_for_group(inputs, group_id, int(input_size / self._number_of_groups)), # self._group_shape[0]), # this is only correct if inputs dim = num_units!!! self._get_input_for_group(m_prev, group_id, int(self._output_size / self._number_of_groups))], axis=1) # self._group_shape[0])], axis=1) if self._linear1[group_id] is None: self._linear1[group_id] = _Linear( x_g_id, 4 * self._group_shape[1], False, ) R_k = self._linear1[group_id](x_g_id) # pylint: disable=invalid-name i_k, j_k, f_k, o_k = array_ops.split(R_k, 4, 1) i_parts.append(i_k) j_parts.append(j_k) f_parts.append(f_k) o_parts.append(o_k) bi = vs.get_variable( name="bias_i", shape=[self._num_units], dtype=dtype, initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(0.0, dtype=dtype), ) bj = vs.get_variable( name="bias_j", shape=[self._num_units], dtype=dtype, initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(0.0, dtype=dtype), ) bf = vs.get_variable( name="bias_f", shape=[self._num_units], dtype=dtype, initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(0.0, dtype=dtype), ) bo = vs.get_variable( name="bias_o", shape=[self._num_units], dtype=dtype, initializer=init_ops.constant_initializer(0.0, dtype=dtype), ) i = nn_ops.bias_add(array_ops.concat(i_parts, axis=1), bi) j = nn_ops.bias_add(array_ops.concat(j_parts, axis=1), bj) f = nn_ops.bias_add(array_ops.concat(f_parts, axis=1), bf) o = nn_ops.bias_add(array_ops.concat(o_parts, axis=1), bo) c = (math_ops.sigmoid(f + self._forget_bias) * c_prev + math_ops.sigmoid(i) * math_ops.tanh(j)) m = math_ops.sigmoid(o) * self._activation(c) if self._num_proj is not None: with vs.variable_scope("projection"): if self._linear2 is None: self._linear2 = _Linear(m, self._num_proj, False) m = self._linear2(m) new_state = rnn_cell_impl.LSTMStateTuple(c, m) return m, new_state