Source code for parts.transformer.embedding_layer

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"""Implementation of embedding layer with shared weights."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import tensorflow as tf

from . import utils as model_utils

[docs]class EmbeddingSharedWeights(tf.layers.Layer): """Calculates input embeddings and pre-softmax linear with shared weights.""" def __init__(self, vocab_size, hidden_size, pad_vocab_to_eight=False, init_var=None, embed_scale=True, pad_sym=0, mask_paddings=True, regularizer=None): super(EmbeddingSharedWeights, self).__init__() self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.embed_scale = embed_scale self.pad_sym = pad_sym self.mask_paddings = mask_paddings self.regularizer = regularizer padf = lambda x: x if x % 8 == 0 else x + 8 - x % 8 if pad_vocab_to_eight: self.vocab_size = padf(vocab_size) else: self.vocab_size = vocab_size if init_var is None: self.init_var = hidden_size ** -0.5 else: self.init_var = init_var
[docs] def build(self, _): with tf.variable_scope("embedding_and_softmax", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): # Create and initialize weights. The random normal initializer was chosen # randomly, and works well. self.shared_weights = tf.get_variable("weights", [self.vocab_size, self.hidden_size], initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(0., self.init_var), \ regularizer=self.regularizer) self.built = True
[docs] def call(self, x): """Get token embeddings of x. Args: x: An int64 tensor with shape [batch_size, length] Returns: embeddings: float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, length, embedding_size] padding: float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, length] indicating the locations of the padding tokens in x. """ with tf.name_scope("embedding"): # fills out of bound values with padding symbol out_bound_mask = tf.cast(x > (self.vocab_size - 1), dtype=tf.int32) x *= 1 - out_bound_mask x += out_bound_mask * tf.cast(self.pad_sym, dtype=tf.int32) embeddings = tf.gather(self.shared_weights, x) if self.embed_scale: # Scale embedding by the sqrt of the hidden size embeddings *= self.hidden_size ** 0.5 if self.mask_paddings: # Create binary array of size [batch_size, length] # where 1 = padding, 0 = not padding padding = model_utils.get_padding(x, padding_value=self.pad_sym) # Set all padding embedding values to 0 #embeddings *= tf.expand_dims(1 - padding, -1) embeddings *= tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(1.0 - padding, -1), dtype=embeddings.dtype) return embeddings
[docs] def linear(self, x): """Computes logits by running x through a linear layer. Args: x: A float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, length, hidden_size] Returns: float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, length, vocab_size]. """ with tf.name_scope("presoftmax_linear"): batch_size = tf.shape(x)[0] length = tf.shape(x)[1] x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, self.hidden_size]) logits = tf.matmul(x, self.shared_weights, transpose_b=True) return tf.reshape(logits, [batch_size, length, self.vocab_size])