Source code for utils.utils

# Copyright (c) 2017 NVIDIA Corporation
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import argparse
import ast
import copy
import datetime
import os
import pprint
import runpy
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time

import numpy as np
import six
from six import string_types
from six.moves import range
import tensorflow as tf
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

[docs]def get_available_gpus(): # WARNING: this method will take all the memory on all devices! local_device_protos = device_lib.list_local_devices() return [ for x in local_device_protos if x.device_type == 'GPU']
[docs]def clip_sparse(value, size): dense_shape_clipped = value.dense_shape dense_shape_clipped[0] = size indices_clipped = [] values_clipped = [] for idx_tuple, val in zip(value.indices, value.values): if idx_tuple[0] < size: indices_clipped.append(idx_tuple) values_clipped.append(val) return tf.SparseTensorValue(np.array(indices_clipped), np.array(values_clipped), dense_shape_clipped)
[docs]def collect_if_horovod(value, hvd, mode='sum'): """Collects values from all workers if run on Horovod. Note, that on all workers except first this function will return None. Args: value: value to collect. hvd: horovod.tensorflow module or None mode: could be "sum", "mean" or "gather", indicating reduce_sum or gather. For "sum" and "mean" value has to be numerical, for "gather", value has to be iterable. Returns: collected results if run on Horovod or value otherwise. """ if hvd is None: return value import mpi4py.rc mpi4py.rc.initialize = False from mpi4py import MPI values = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(value) # synchronize all workers MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() != 0: return None if mode == 'sum': return np.sum(values) elif mode == 'mean': return np.mean(values) elif mode == 'gather': return [item for sl in values for item in sl] else: raise ValueError("Incorrect mode: {}".format(mode))
[docs]def clip_last_batch(last_batch, true_size): last_batch_clipped = [] for val in last_batch: if isinstance(val, tf.SparseTensorValue): last_batch_clipped.append(clip_sparse(val, true_size)) else: last_batch_clipped.append(val[:true_size]) return last_batch_clipped
[docs]def iterate_data(model, sess, compute_loss, mode, verbose, num_steps=None): total_time = 0.0 bench_start = model.params.get('bench_start', 10) results_per_batch = [] size_defined = model.get_data_layer().get_size_in_samples() is not None if size_defined: dl_sizes = [] if compute_loss: total_loss = 0.0 total_samples = [] fetches = [] # on horovod num_gpus is 1 for worker_id in range(model.num_gpus): cur_fetches = [ model.get_data_layer(worker_id).input_tensors, model.get_output_tensors(worker_id), ] if compute_loss: cur_fetches.append(model.eval_losses[worker_id]) if size_defined: dl_sizes.append(model.get_data_layer(worker_id).get_size_in_samples()) try: total_objects = 0.0 cur_fetches.append(model.get_num_objects_per_step(worker_id)) except NotImplementedError: total_objects = None deco_print("WARNING: Can't compute number of objects per step, since " "train model does not define get_num_objects_per_step method.") fetches.append(cur_fetches) total_samples.append(0.0)[model.get_data_layer(i).iterator.initializer for i in range(model.num_gpus)]) step = 0 processed_batches = 0 if verbose: if model.on_horovod: ending = " on worker {}".format(model.hvd.rank()) else: ending = "" while True: tm = time.time() fetches_vals = {} if size_defined: fetches_to_run = {} # removing finished data layers for worker_id in range(model.num_gpus): if total_samples[worker_id] < dl_sizes[worker_id]: fetches_to_run[worker_id] = fetches[worker_id] fetches_vals = else: # if size is not defined we have to process fetches sequentially, so not # to lose data when exception is thrown on one data layer for worker_id, one_fetch in enumerate(fetches): try: fetches_vals[worker_id] = except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: continue if step >= bench_start: total_time += time.time() - tm # looping over num_gpus. In Horovod case this loop is "dummy", # since num_gpus = 1 for worker_id, fetches_val in fetches_vals.items(): if compute_loss: inputs, outputs, loss = fetches_val[:3] else: inputs, outputs = fetches_val[:2] if total_objects is not None and step >= bench_start: total_objects += np.sum(fetches_val[-1]) # assuming any element of inputs["source_tensors"] .shape[0] is batch size batch_size = inputs["source_tensors"][0].shape[0] total_samples[worker_id] += batch_size if size_defined: # this data_layer is at the last batch with few more elements, cutting if total_samples[worker_id] > dl_sizes[worker_id]: last_batch_size = dl_sizes[worker_id] % batch_size for key, value in inputs.items(): inputs[key] = model.clip_last_batch(value, last_batch_size) outputs = model.clip_last_batch(outputs, last_batch_size) processed_batches += 1 if compute_loss: total_loss += loss * batch_size if mode == 'eval': results_per_batch.append(model.evaluate(inputs, outputs)) elif mode == 'infer': results_per_batch.append(model.infer(inputs, outputs)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown mode: {}".format(mode)) if verbose: if size_defined: data_size = int(np.sum(np.ceil(np.array(dl_sizes) / batch_size))) if step == 0 or len(fetches_vals) == 0 or \ (data_size > 10 and processed_batches % (data_size // 10) == 0): deco_print("Processed {}/{} batches{}".format( processed_batches, data_size, ending )) else: deco_print("Processed {} batches{}".format(processed_batches, ending), end='\r') if len(fetches_vals) == 0: break step += 1 # break early in the case of INT8 calibration if num_steps is not None and step >= num_steps: break if verbose: if step > bench_start: deco_print( "Avg time per step{}: {:.3}s".format( ending, 1.0 * total_time / (step - bench_start) ), ) if total_objects is not None: avg_objects = 1.0 * total_objects / total_time deco_print("Avg objects per second{}: {:.3f}".format(ending, avg_objects)) else: deco_print("Not enough steps for benchmarking{}".format(ending)) if compute_loss: return results_per_batch, total_loss, np.sum(total_samples) else: return results_per_batch
[docs]def get_results_for_epoch(model, sess, compute_loss, mode, verbose=False): if compute_loss: results_per_batch, total_loss, total_samples = iterate_data( model, sess, compute_loss, mode, verbose, ) else: results_per_batch = iterate_data( model, sess, compute_loss, mode, verbose, ) if compute_loss: total_samples = collect_if_horovod(total_samples, model.hvd, 'sum') total_loss = collect_if_horovod(total_loss, model.hvd, 'sum') results_per_batch = collect_if_horovod(results_per_batch, model.hvd, 'gather') if results_per_batch is None: # returning dummy tuple of correct shape if not in master worker if compute_loss: return None, None else: return None if compute_loss: return results_per_batch, total_loss / total_samples else: return results_per_batch
[docs]def log_summaries_from_dict(dict_to_log, output_dir, step): """ A function that writes values from dict_to_log to a tensorboard log file inside output_dir. Args: dict_to_log (dict): A dictiontary containing the tags and scalar values to log. The dictionary values could also contain tf.Summary.Value objects to support logging of image and audio data. In this mode, the dictionary key is ignored, as tf.Summary.Value already contains a tag. output_dir (str): dir containing the tensorboard file step (int): current training step """ sm_writer = tf.summary.FileWriterCache.get(output_dir) for tag, value in dict_to_log.items(): if isinstance(value, tf.Summary.Value): sm_writer.add_summary( tf.Summary(value=[value]), global_step=step, ) else: sm_writer.add_summary( tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=tag, simple_value=value)]), global_step=step, ) sm_writer.flush()
[docs]def get_git_hash(): try: return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return "{}\n".format(e.output.decode("utf-8"))
[docs]def get_git_diff(): try: return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return "{}\n".format(e.output.decode("utf-8"))
[docs]class Logger(object): def __init__(self, stream, log_file): = stream self.log = log_file
[docs] def write(self, msg): self.log.write(msg)
[docs] def flush(self): self.log.flush()
[docs]def flatten_dict(dct): flat_dict = {} for key, value in dct.items(): if isinstance(value, (int, float, string_types, bool)): flat_dict.update({key: value}) elif isinstance(value, dict): flat_dict.update( {key + '/' + k: v for k, v in flatten_dict(dct[key]).items()} ) return flat_dict
[docs]def nest_dict(flat_dict): nst_dict = {} for key, value in flat_dict.items(): nest_keys = key.split('/') cur_dict = nst_dict for i in range(len(nest_keys) - 1): if nest_keys[i] not in cur_dict: cur_dict[nest_keys[i]] = {} cur_dict = cur_dict[nest_keys[i]] cur_dict[nest_keys[-1]] = value return nst_dict
[docs]def nested_update(org_dict, upd_dict): for key, value in upd_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): if key in org_dict: if not isinstance(org_dict[key], dict): raise ValueError( "Mismatch between org_dict and upd_dict at node {}".format(key) ) nested_update(org_dict[key], value) else: org_dict[key] = value else: org_dict[key] = value
[docs]def mask_nans(x): x_zeros = tf.zeros_like(x) x_mask = tf.is_finite(x) y = tf.where(x_mask, x, x_zeros) return y
[docs]def deco_print(line, offset=0, start="*** ", end='\n'): if six.PY2: print((start + " " * offset + line).encode('utf-8'), end=end) else: print(start + " " * offset + line, end=end)
[docs]def array_to_string(row, vocab, delim=' '): n = len(vocab) return delim.join(map(lambda x: vocab[x], [r for r in row if 0 <= r < n]))
[docs]def text_ids_to_string(row, vocab, S_ID, EOS_ID, PAD_ID, ignore_special=False, delim=' '): """For _-to-text outputs this function takes a row with ids, target vocabulary and prints it as a human-readable string """ n = len(vocab) if ignore_special: f_row = [] for char_id in row: if char_id == EOS_ID: break if char_id != PAD_ID and char_id != S_ID: f_row += [char_id] return delim.join(map(lambda x: vocab[x], [r for r in f_row if 0 < r < n])) else: return delim.join(map(lambda x: vocab[x], [r for r in row if 0 < r < n]))
[docs]def check_params(config, required_dict, optional_dict): if required_dict is None or optional_dict is None: return for pm, vals in required_dict.items(): if pm not in config: raise ValueError("{} parameter has to be specified".format(pm)) else: if vals == str: vals = string_types if vals and isinstance(vals, list) and config[pm] not in vals: raise ValueError("{} has to be one of {}".format(pm, vals)) if vals and not isinstance(vals, list) and not isinstance(config[pm], vals): raise ValueError("{} has to be of type {}".format(pm, vals)) for pm, vals in optional_dict.items(): if vals == str: vals = string_types if pm in config: if vals and isinstance(vals, list) and config[pm] not in vals: raise ValueError("{} has to be one of {}".format(pm, vals)) if vals and not isinstance(vals, list) and not isinstance(config[pm], vals): raise ValueError("{} has to be of type {}".format(pm, vals)) for pm in config: if pm not in required_dict and pm not in optional_dict: raise ValueError("Unknown parameter: {}".format(pm))
[docs]def cast_types(input_dict, dtype): cast_input_dict = {} for key, value in input_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, tf.Tensor): if value.dtype == tf.float16 or value.dtype == tf.float32: if value.dtype.base_dtype != dtype.base_dtype: cast_input_dict[key] = tf.cast(value, dtype) continue if isinstance(value, dict): cast_input_dict[key] = cast_types(input_dict[key], dtype) continue if isinstance(value, list): cur_list = [] for nest_value in value: if isinstance(nest_value, tf.Tensor): if nest_value.dtype == tf.float16 or nest_value.dtype == tf.float32: if nest_value.dtype.base_dtype != dtype.base_dtype: cur_list.append(tf.cast(nest_value, dtype)) continue cur_list.append(nest_value) cast_input_dict[key] = cur_list continue cast_input_dict[key] = input_dict[key] return cast_input_dict
[docs]def get_interactive_infer_results(model, sess, model_in): fetches = [ model.get_data_layer().input_tensors, model.get_output_tensors(), ] feed_dict = model.get_data_layer().create_feed_dict(model_in) inputs, outputs =, feed_dict=feed_dict) return model.infer(inputs, outputs)
[docs]def get_base_config(args): """This function parses the command line arguments, reads the config file, and gets the base_model from the config. Args: args (str): The command line arugments Returns args (dict): The arguments parsed into a dictionary base_config (dict): The config read from the file and ammended with the command line arguments base_model (OpenSeq2Seq model): The model specified in the config file config_module (dict): The raw config file processed by runpy """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Experiment parameters') parser.add_argument("--config_file", required=True, help="Path to the configuration file") parser.add_argument("--mode", default='train', help="Could be \"train\", \"eval\", " "\"train_eval\" or \"infer\"") parser.add_argument("--infer_output_file", default='infer-out.txt', help="Path to the output of inference") parser.add_argument('--continue_learning', dest='continue_learning', action='store_true', help="whether to continue learning") parser.add_argument('--no_dir_check', dest='no_dir_check', action='store_true', help="whether to check that everything is correct " "with log directory") parser.add_argument('--benchmark', dest='benchmark', action='store_true', help='automatic config change for benchmarking') parser.add_argument('--bench_steps', type=int, default='20', help='max_steps for benchmarking') parser.add_argument('--bench_start', type=int, help='first step to start counting time for benchmarking') parser.add_argument('--debug_port', type=int, help='run TensorFlow in debug mode on specified port') parser.add_argument('--enable_logs', dest='enable_logs', action='store_true', help='whether to log output, git info, cmd args, etc.') parser.add_argument('--use_xla_jit', dest='use_xla_jit', action='store_true', help='whether to use XLA_JIT to compile and run the model.') args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(args) if args.mode not in [ 'train', 'eval', 'train_eval', 'infer', 'interactive_infer' ]: raise ValueError("Mode has to be one of " "['train', 'eval', 'train_eval', 'infer', " "'interactive_infer']") config_module = runpy.run_path(args.config_file, init_globals={'tf': tf}) base_config = config_module.get('base_params', None) if base_config is None: raise ValueError('base_config dictionary has to be ' 'defined in the config file') base_config['use_xla_jit'] = args.use_xla_jit or base_config.get('use_xla_jit', False) base_model = config_module.get('base_model', None) if base_model is None: raise ValueError('base_config class has to be defined in the config file') # after we read the config, trying to overwrite some of the properties # with command line arguments that were passed to the script parser_unk = argparse.ArgumentParser() for pm, value in flatten_dict(base_config).items(): if type(value) == int or type(value) == float or \ isinstance(value, string_types): parser_unk.add_argument('--' + pm, default=value, type=type(value)) elif type(value) == bool: parser_unk.add_argument('--' + pm, default=value, type=ast.literal_eval) config_update = parser_unk.parse_args(unknown) nested_update(base_config, nest_dict(vars(config_update))) return args, base_config, base_model, config_module
[docs]def get_calibration_config(arguments): """This function parses the command line arguments, reads the config file, and gets the base_model from the config. Args: args (str): The command line arguments Returns args (dict): The arguments parsed into a dictionary base_config (dict): The config read from the file and ammended with the command line arguments base_model (OpenSeq2Seq model): The model specified in the config file config_module (dict): The raw config file processed by runpy """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calibration parameters') parser.add_argument("--config_file", required=True, help="Path to the configuration file") parser.add_argument("--infer_output_file", default="calibration/sample.pkl", help="Path to the output of inference") parser.add_argument("--calibration_out", default = "calibration.txt", help="Path to calibration output") class CustomSpace(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): for name in kwargs: setattr(self, name, kwargs[name]) __hash__ = None def __repr__(self): type_name = type(self).__name__ arg_strings = [] for arg in self._get_args(): arg_strings.append(repr(arg)) for name, value in self._get_kwargs(): arg_strings.append('%s=%r' % (name, value)) return '%s(%s)' % (type_name, ', '.join(arg_strings)) def _get_kwargs(self): return sorted(self.__dict__.items()) def _get_args(self): return [] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, CustomSpace): return NotImplemented return vars(self) == vars(other) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, CustomSpace): return NotImplemented return not (self == other) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.__dict__ custom_dict = {"benchmark":False, "enable_logs":False, "mode":"infer", "continue_learning":False, } args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(arguments,namespace=CustomSpace(**custom_dict)) config_module = runpy.run_path(args.config_file, init_globals={'tf': tf}) base_config = config_module.get('base_params', None) if base_config is None: raise ValueError('base_config dictionary has to be ' 'defined in the config file') base_model = config_module.get('base_model', None) if base_model is None: raise ValueError('base_config class has to be defined in the config file') # after we read the config, trying to overwrite some of the properties # with command line arguments that were passed to the script parser_unk = argparse.ArgumentParser() for pm, value in flatten_dict(base_config).items(): if type(value) == int or type(value) == float or \ isinstance(value, string_types): parser_unk.add_argument('--' + pm, default=value, type=type(value)) elif type(value) == bool: parser_unk.add_argument('--' + pm, default=value, type=ast.literal_eval) config_update = parser_unk.parse_args(unknown) nested_update(base_config, nest_dict(vars(config_update))) return args, base_config, base_model, config_module
[docs]def check_logdir(args, base_config, restore_best_checkpoint=False): """A helper function that ensures the logdir is setup correctly Args: args (dict): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() base_config (dict): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() restore_best_checkpoint (bool): If True, will look for ckpt_dir + /best_models Returns: checkpoint: Either None if continue-learning is not set and training, or the name of the checkpoint used to restore the model """ # checking that everything is correct with log directory logdir = base_config['logdir'] if args.benchmark: args.no_dir_check = True try: if args.enable_logs: ckpt_dir = os.path.join(logdir, 'logs') else: ckpt_dir = logdir if args.mode == 'train' or args.mode == 'train_eval': if os.path.isfile(logdir): raise IOError("There is a file with the same name as \"logdir\" " "parameter. You should change the log directory path " "or delete the file to continue.") # check if "logdir" directory exists and non-empty if os.path.isdir(logdir) and os.listdir(logdir) != []: if not args.continue_learning: raise IOError("Log directory is not empty. If you want to continue " "learning, you should provide " "\"--continue_learning\" flag") checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(ckpt_dir) if checkpoint is None: raise IOError( "There is no valid TensorFlow checkpoint in the " "{} directory. Can't load model".format(ckpt_dir) ) else: if args.continue_learning: raise IOError("The log directory is empty or does not exist. " "You should probably not provide " "\"--continue_learning\" flag?") checkpoint = None elif (args.mode == 'infer' or args.mode == 'eval' or args.mode == 'interactive_infer'): if os.path.isdir(logdir) and os.listdir(logdir) != []: # if os.path.isdir(logdir) and 'checkpoint' in os.listdir(logdir): best_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(ckpt_dir, 'best_models') if restore_best_checkpoint and os.path.isdir(best_ckpt_dir): deco_print("Restoring from the best checkpoint") checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(best_ckpt_dir) ckpt_dir = best_ckpt_dir else: deco_print("Restoring from the latest checkpoint") checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(ckpt_dir) if checkpoint is None: raise IOError( "There is no valid TensorFlow checkpoint in the " "{} directory. Can't load model".format(ckpt_dir) ) else: raise IOError( "{} does not exist or is empty, can't restore model".format( ckpt_dir ) ) except IOError as e: if args.no_dir_check: print("Warning: {}".format(e)) print("Resuming operation since no_dir_check argument was provided") else: raise return checkpoint
[docs]def check_base_model_logdir(base_logdir, args, restore_best_checkpoint=False): """A helper function that ensures the logdir is setup correctly Args: args (dict): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() base_config (dict): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() restore_best_checkpoint (bool): If True, will look for ckpt_dir + /best_models Returns: checkpoint: Either None if continue-learning is not set and training, or the name of the checkpoint used to restore the model """ # checking that everything is correct with log directory if not base_logdir: return '' if (not os.path.isdir(base_logdir)) or len(os.listdir(base_logdir)) == 0: raise IOError("The log directory for the base model is empty or does not exist.") if args.enable_logs: ckpt_dir = os.path.join(base_logdir, 'logs') if not os.path.isdir(ckpt_dir): raise IOError("There's no folder 'logs' in the base model logdir. \ If checkpoints exist, put them in the 'logs' folder.") else: ckpt_dir = base_logdir if restore_best_checkpoint and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ckpt_dir, 'best_models')): ckpt_dir = os.path.join(ckpt_dir, 'best_models') checkpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(ckpt_dir) if checkpoint is None: raise IOError( "There is no valid TensorFlow checkpoint in the \ {} directory. Can't load model".format(ckpt_dir)) return ckpt_dir
[docs]def create_logdir(args, base_config): """A helper function that ensures the logdir and log files are setup corretly. Only called in --enable_logs is set. Args: args (dict): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() base_config (dict): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() Returns: Some objects that need to be cleaned up in """ logdir = base_config['logdir'] if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) tm_suf ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') shutil.copy( args.config_file, os.path.join(logdir, 'config_{}.py'.format(tm_suf)), ) with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'cmd-args_{}.log'.format(tm_suf)), 'w') as f: f.write(" ".join(sys.argv)) with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'git-info_{}.log'.format(tm_suf)), 'w') as f: f.write('commit hash: {}'.format(get_git_hash())) f.write(get_git_diff()) old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr stdout_log = open( os.path.join(logdir, 'stdout_{}.log'.format(tm_suf)), 'a', 1 ) stderr_log = open( os.path.join(logdir, 'stderr_{}.log'.format(tm_suf)), 'a', 1 ) sys.stdout = Logger(sys.stdout, stdout_log) sys.stderr = Logger(sys.stderr, stderr_log) return old_stdout, old_stderr, stdout_log, stderr_log
[docs]def create_model(args, base_config, config_module, base_model, hvd, checkpoint=None): """A helpful function that creates the train, eval, and infer models as needed. Args: args (dict): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() base_config (dict): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() config_module: config_module as returned from get_base_config() base_model (OpenSeq2Seq model): Dictionary as returned from get_base_config() hvd: Either None if Horovod is not enabled, or the Horovod library checkpoint (str): checkpoint path as returned from tf.train.latest_checkpoint Returns: model: A compiled model. For the 'train_eval' mode, a tuple containing the (train_model, eval_model) is returned. """ train_config = copy.deepcopy(base_config) eval_config = copy.deepcopy(base_config) infer_config = copy.deepcopy(base_config) if args.mode == 'train' or args.mode == 'train_eval': if 'train_params' in config_module: nested_update(train_config, copy.deepcopy(config_module['train_params'])) if hvd is None or hvd.rank() == 0: deco_print("Training config:") pprint.pprint(train_config) if args.mode == 'eval' or args.mode == 'train_eval': if 'eval_params' in config_module: nested_update(eval_config, copy.deepcopy(config_module['eval_params'])) if hvd is None or hvd.rank() == 0: deco_print("Evaluation config:") pprint.pprint(eval_config) if args.mode == "infer": if args.infer_output_file is None: raise ValueError("\"infer_output_file\" command line parameter is " "required in inference mode") if "infer_params" in config_module: nested_update(infer_config, copy.deepcopy(config_module['infer_params'])) if hvd is None or hvd.rank() == 0: deco_print("Inference config:") pprint.pprint(infer_config) if args.mode == "interactive_infer": if "interactive_infer_params" in config_module: nested_update( infer_config, copy.deepcopy(config_module['interactive_infer_params']) ) if hvd is None or hvd.rank() == 0: deco_print("Inference config:") pprint.pprint(infer_config) if args.benchmark: deco_print("Adjusting config for benchmarking") train_config['print_samples_steps'] = None train_config['print_loss_steps'] = 1 train_config['save_summaries_steps'] = None train_config['save_checkpoint_steps'] = None train_config['logdir'] = str("") if 'num_epochs' in train_config: del train_config['num_epochs'] train_config['max_steps'] = args.bench_steps if args.bench_start: train_config['bench_start'] = args.bench_start elif 'bench_start' not in train_config: train_config['bench_start'] = 10 # default value if hvd is None or hvd.rank() == 0: deco_print("New benchmarking config:") pprint.pprint(train_config) args.mode = "train" if args.mode == 'train_eval': train_model = base_model(params=train_config, mode="train", hvd=hvd) train_model.compile() eval_model = base_model(params=eval_config, mode="eval", hvd=hvd) eval_model.compile(force_var_reuse=True) model = (train_model, eval_model) elif args.mode == 'train': model = base_model(params=train_config, mode="train", hvd=hvd) model.compile() elif args.mode == 'eval': model = base_model(params=eval_config, mode="eval", hvd=hvd) model.compile(force_var_reuse=False) else: model = base_model(params=infer_config, mode=args.mode, hvd=hvd) model.compile(checkpoint=checkpoint) return model