Machine Translation

Toy task - reversing sequences

You can tests how things work on the following end-to-end toy task. First, execute:


This should create toy_text_data folder on disk. This is a data for the toy machine translation problem where the task is to learn to reverse sequences.

For example, if src=``α α ζ ε ε κ δ ε κ α ζ`` then, “correct” translation is tgt=``ζ α κ ε δ κ ε ε ζ α α``.

To train a simple, RNN-based encoder-decoder model with attention, execute the following command:

python --config_file=example_configs/text2text/ --mode=train_eval

This will train a model and perform evaluation on the “dev” dataset in parallel. To view the progress of training, start Tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir=.

To run “inference” mode on the “test” execute the following command:

python --config_file=example_configs/text2text/ --mode=infer --infer_output_file=output.txt --num_gpus=1

Once, finished, you will get inference results in output.txt file. You can measure how well it did by launching Mosses’s script:

./multi-bleu.perl toy_text_data/test/target.txt < output.txt

You should get above 0.9 (which corresponds to BLEU score of 90). To train a “Transformer”-based model (see Attention Is All You Need paper) use example_configs/ configuration file.

Feeling adventurous?

One of the main goals of OpenSeq2Seq is to allow you easily experiment with different architectures. Try out these configurations:

  1. example_configs/ - a model which uses Convolutional encoder and RNN decoder with attention
  2. example_configs/ - a model which uses RNN-based encoder and Convolutional decoder
  3. example_configs/ - a model which uses Transformer-based encoder and Transformer-based decoder

Creating English-to-German translator

Execute the following script to get WMT data:


This will take a while as a lot of data needs to be downloaded and pre-processed. After, this is is finished you can try training a “real” model very much like you did above for the toy task:

python --config_file=example_configs/text2text/ --mode=train_eval

Before you execute this script, make sure that you’ve changed data_root inside to point to the correct WMT data location. This configuration will take a while to train on a single system. If your GPU does not have enough memory try reducing the batch_size_per_gpu parameter. Also, you might want to disable parallel evaluation by using --mode=train. You can adjusted num_gpus parameter to train on more than one GPU if available.

Run inference

Once training is done, you can run inference:

python --config_file=example_configs/text2text/ --mode=infer --infer_output_file=file_with_BPE_segmentation.txt --num_gpus=1

Note that because BPE-based vocabularies were used during training, the results will contain BPE segmentation. Also, make sure you use only 1 GPU for inference (-num_gpus=1) because otherwise the order of lines in output file is not defined.

Cleaning BPE segmentation

Before computing BLEU scores you need to remove BPE segmentation:

cat file_with_BPE_segmentation.txt | sed -r 's/(@@ )|(@@ ?$)//g' > cleaned_file.txt

Computing BLEU scores

Run `multi-blue.perl` script on cleaned data:

./multi-bleu.perl < cleaned_file.txt

You should get a BLEU score above 20 for this small model on