
We have 2 models based on RNNs:
  • small NMT (config ) model:
    • the embedding size for source and target is 512
    • 2 birectional LSTM layers in encoder, and 2 LSTM layers in decoder with state 512
    • the attention mechanism with size 512
  • GNMT-like model based on Google NMT (config ):
    • the embedding size for source and target is 1024
    • 8 LSTM layers in encoder, and 8 LSTM layers in decoder with state 1024
    • residual connections in encoders and decoders
    • first layer of encoder is bi-directional
    • GNMTv2 attention mechanism
    • the attention layer size 1024


Both models have been trained with Adam. The small model has following training parameters:
  • intial learning rate to 0.001
  • Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Clipping (LARC) for gradient clipping.
  • dropout 0.2
The large model was trained with following parameters:
  • learning rate starting from 0.0008 with staircase decay 0.5 (aka Luong10 scheme)
  • dropout 0.2

Mixed Precision

GNMT-like model convergense in float32 and Mixed Precision is almost exactly the same.
