Class thrust::system::error_code

#include <thrust/system/error_code.h>
class thrust::system::error_code { public:  error_code();
  error_code(int val,     const error_category & cat);
  template <typename ErrorCodeEnum>   error_code(ErrorCodeEnum e,     typename thrust::detail::enable_if< is_error_code_enum< ErrorCodeEnum >::value >::type * = 0);
  void   assign(int val,     const error_category & cat);
  template <typename ErrorCodeEnum>   thrust::detail::enable_if< is_error_code_enum< ErrorCodeEnum >::value, error_code >::type &   operator=(ErrorCodeEnum e);
  void   clear();
  int   value() const;
  const error_category &   category() const;
  error_condition   default_error_condition() const;
  std::string   message() const;
  operator bool() const; };

Member Functions

Function thrust::system::error_code::error_code

error_code(); Effects: Constructs an object of type error_code.

Postconditions: value() == 0 and category() == &system_category().

Function thrust::system::error_code::error_code

error_code(int val,   const error_category & cat); Effects: Constructs an object of type error_code.

Postconditions: value() == val and category() == &cat.

Function thrust::system::error_code::error_code

template <typename ErrorCodeEnum> error_code(ErrorCodeEnum e,   typename thrust::detail::enable_if< is_error_code_enum< ErrorCodeEnum >::value >::type * = 0); Effects: Constructs an object of type error_code.

Postconditions: *this == make_error_code(e).

Function thrust::system::error_code::assign

void assign(int val,   const error_category & cat); Postconditions: value() == val and category() == &cat.

Function thrust::system::error_code::operator=

template <typename ErrorCodeEnum> thrust::detail::enable_if< is_error_code_enum< ErrorCodeEnum >::value, error_code >::type & operator=(ErrorCodeEnum e); Postconditions: *this == make_error_code(e).

Function thrust::system::error_code::clear

void clear(); Postconditions: value() == 0 and category() == system_category().

Function thrust::system::error_code::value

int value() const; Returns: An integral value of this error_code object.

Function thrust::system::error_code::category

const error_category & category() const; Returns: An error_category describing the category of this error_code object.

Function thrust::system::error_code::default_error_condition

error_condition default_error_condition() const; Returns: category().default_error_condition().

Function thrust::system::error_code::message

std::string message() const; Returns: category().message(value()).

Function thrust::system::error_code::operator bool

operator bool() const; Returns: value() != 0.