Running your first CUDA Quantum Program

Now that you have defined your first quantum kernel, let’s look at different options for how to execute it.


The cudaq.sample() method takes a kernel and its arguments as inputs, and returns a cudaq.SampleResult. This result dictionary contains the distribution of measured states for the system. Continuing with the GHZ kernel defined in Building Your First CUDA Quantum Program, we will set the concrete value of our qubit_count to be two. The following will assume this code exists in a file named

qubit_count = 2
results = cudaq.sample(kernel, qubit_count)
# Should see a roughly 50/50 distribution between the |00> and
# |11> states. Example: {00: 505  11: 495}

By default, sample produces an ensemble of 1000 shots. This can be changed by specifying an integer argument for the shots_count.

# With an increased shots count, we will still see the same 50/50 distribution,
# but now with 10,000 total measurements instead of the default 1000.
# Example: {00: 5005  11: 4995}
results = cudaq.sample(kernel, qubit_count, shots_count=10000)

A variety of methods can be used to extract useful information from a cudaq.SampleResult. For example, to return the most probable measurement and its respective probability:

print(results.most_probable())  # prints: `00`
print(results.probability(results.most_probable()))  # prints: `0.5005`

We can execute this program as we do any Python file.


See the API specification for further information.

The cudaq.sample() method takes a kernel and its arguments as inputs, and returns a cudaq.SampleResult. This result dictionary contains the distribution of measured states for the system. Continuing with the GHZ kernel defined in Building Your First CUDA Quantum Program, we will set the concrete value of our qubit_count to be two. The following will assume this code exists in a file named sample.cpp.

int main() {

  int qubit_count = 2;
  auto result_0 = cudaq::sample(kernel, /* kernel args */ qubit_count);
  // Should see a roughly 50/50 distribution between the |00> and
  // |11> states. Example: {00: 505  11: 495}

By default, sample produces an ensemble of 1000 shots. This can be changed by specifying an integer argument for the shots_count.

  // With an increased shots count, we will still see the same 50/50
  // distribution, but now with 10,000 total measurements instead of the default
  // 1000. Example: {00: 5005  11: 4995}
  int shots_count = 10000;
  auto result_1 = cudaq::sample(shots_count, kernel, qubit_count);

A variety of methods can be used to extract useful information from a cudaq.SampleResult. For example, to return the most probable measurement and its respective probability:

  std::cout << result_1.most_probable() << "\n"; // prints: `00`
  std::cout << result_1.probability(result_1.most_probable())
            << "\n"; // prints: `0.5005`

We can now compile this file with the nvq++ toolchain, and run it as we do any other C++ executable.

nvq++ sample.cpp

See the API specification for further information.


The cudaq.observe() method takes a kernel and its arguments as inputs, along with a cudaq.SpinOperator. As opposed to cudaq.sample(), observe is primarily used to produce expectation values of a kernel with respect to a provider operator.

Using the cudaq.spin module, operators may be defined as a linear combination of Pauli strings. Functions, such as cudaq.spin.i(), cudaq.spin.x(), cudaq.spin.y(), cudaq.spin.z() may be used to construct more complex spin Hamiltonians on multiple qubits.

Below is an example of a spin operator object consisting of a Z(0) operator, or a Pauli Z-operator on the zeroth qubit. This is followed by the construction of a kernel with a single qubit in an equal superposition. The Hamiltonian is printed to confirm it has been constructed properly.

import cudaq
from cudaq import spin

operator = spin.z(0)
print(operator)  # prints: [1+0j] Z

def kernel():
    qubit = cudaq.qubit()

cudaq::observe takes a kernel, any kernel arguments, and a spin operator as inputs and produces an ObserveResult object. The expectation value can be printed using the expectation method.


It is important to exclude a measurement in the kernel, otherwise the expectation value will be determined from a collapsed classical state. For this example, the expected result of 0.0 is produced.

result = cudaq.observe(kernel, operator)
print(result.expectation())  # prints: 0.0

Unlike sample, the default shots_count for cudaq::observe is 1. This result is deterministic and equivalent to the expectation value in the limit of infinite shots. To produce an approximate expectation value from sampling, shots_count can be specified to any integer.

result = cudaq.observe(kernel, operator, shots_count=1000)
print(result.expectation())  # prints non-zero value

The cudaq.observe() method takes a kernel and its arguments as inputs, along with a cudaq::spin_op. As opposed to cudaq.sample(), observe is primarily used to produce expectation values of a kernel with respect to a provider operator.

Within the cudaq::spin namespace, operators may be defined as a linear combination of Pauli strings. Functions, such as cudaq::spin::i, cudaq::spin::x, cudaq::spin::y, cudaq::spin::z may be used to construct more complex spin Hamiltonians on multiple qubits.

Below is an example of a spin operator object consisting of a Z(0) operator, or a Pauli Z-operator on the zeroth qubit. This is followed by the construction of a kernel with a single qubit in an equal superposition. The Hamiltonian is printed to confirm it has been constructed properly.

#include <cudaq.h>
#include <cudaq/algorithm.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace cudaq::spin;

__qpu__ void kernel() {
  cudaq::qubit qubit;

int main() {
  cudaq::spin_op spin_operator = z(0);
  // Prints: [1+0j] Z
  std::cout << spin_operator.to_string() << "\n";

cudaq::observe takes a kernel, any kernel arguments, and a spin operator as inputs and produces an ObserveResult object. The expectation value can be printed using the expectation method.


It is important to exclude a measurement in the kernel, otherwise the expectation value will be determined from a collapsed classical state. For this example, the expected result of 0.0 is produced.

  auto result_0 = cudaq::observe(kernel, spin_operator);
  // Expectation value of kernel with respect to single `Z` term
  // should print: 0.0
  std::cout << "<kernel | spin_operator | kernel> = " << result_0.expectation()
            << "\n";

Unlike sample, the default shots_count for cudaq::observe is 1. This result is deterministic and equivalent to the expectation value in the limit of infinite shots. To produce an approximate expectation value from sampling, shots_count can be specified to any integer.

  auto result_1 = cudaq::observe(1000, kernel, spin_operator);
  // Expectation value of kernel with respect to single `Z` term,
  // but instead of a single deterministic execution of the kernel,
  // we sample over 1000 shots. We should now print an expectation
  // value that is close to, but not quite, zero.
  // Example: 0.025
  std::cout << "<kernel | spin_operator | kernel> = " << result_1.expectation()
            << "\n";

Running on a GPU

Using cudaq.set_target(), different targets can be specified for kernel execution.

If a local GPU is detected, the target will default to nvidia. Otherwise, the CPU-based simulation target, qpp-cpu, will be selected.

We will demonstrate the benefits of using a GPU by sampling our GHZ kernel with 25 qubits and a shots_count of 1 million. Using a GPU accelerates this task by more than 35x. To learn about all of the available targets and ways to accelerate kernel execution, visit the Backends page.

import sys
import timeit

# Will time the execution of our sample call.
code_to_time = 'cudaq.sample(kernel, qubit_count, shots_count=1000000)'
qubit_count = int(sys.argv[1]) if 1 < len(sys.argv) else 25

# Execute on CPU backend.
print('CPU time')  # Example: 27.57462 s.
print(timeit.timeit(stmt=code_to_time, globals=globals(), number=1))

if cudaq.num_available_gpus() > 0:
    # Execute on GPU backend.
    print('GPU time')  # Example: 0.773286 s.
    print(timeit.timeit(stmt=code_to_time, globals=globals(), number=1))

Using the --target argument to nvq++, different targets can be specified for kernel execution.

If a local GPU is detected, the target will default to nvidia. Otherwise, the CPU-based simulation target, qpp-cpu, will be selected.

We will demonstrate the benefits of using a GPU by sampling our GHZ kernel with 25 qubits and a shots_count of 1 million. Using a GPU accelerates this task by more than 35x. To learn about all of the available targets and ways to accelerate kernel execution, visit the Backends page.

To compare the performance, we can create a simple timing script that isolates just the call to cudaq.sample(). We are still using the same GHZ kernel as earlier, but the following modification made to the main function:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  auto qubit_count = 1 < argc ? atoi(argv[1]) : 25;
  auto shots_count = 1000000;
  auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

  // Timing just the sample execution.
  auto result = cudaq::sample(shots_count, kernel, qubit_count);

  auto stop = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  auto duration = std::chrono::duration<double>(stop - start);
  std::cout << "It took " << duration.count() << " seconds.\n";

First we execute on the CPU backend:

nvq++ --target=qpp-cpu sample.cpp

seeing an output of the order: It took 22.8337 seconds.

Now we can execute on the GPU enabled backend:

nvq++ --target=nvidia sample.cpp

seeing an output of the order: It took 3.18988 seconds.