
The Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm aims to identify the bitstring encoded in a given function.

For the original source of this algorithm, see this publication.

In this example, we generate a random bitstring and encode it into an inner-product oracle, and define a kernel for the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm. Then, we simulate the kernel and return the most probable bitstring from its execution.

If all goes well, the state measured with the highest probability should be our hidden bitstring!

import cudaq
import random

from typing import List

def random_bits(length: int):
    bitset = []
    for _ in range(length):
        bitset.append(random.randint(0, 1))
    return bitset

# If you have a NVIDIA GPU you can use this example to see
# that the GPU-accelerated backends can easily handle a
# larger number of qubits compared the CPU-only backend.

# Depending on the available memory on your GPU, you can
# set the number of qubits to around 30 qubits, and un-comment
# the `cudaq.set_target(nvidia)` line.

# Note: Without setting the target to the `nvidia` backend,
# there will be a noticeable decrease in simulation performance.
# This is because the CPU-only backend has difficulty handling
# 30+ qubit simulations.

qubit_count = 5  # set to around 30 qubits for `nvidia` target
# ```
# cudaq.set_target("nvidia")
# ```

# Generate a random, hidden bitstring for the oracle
# to encode. Note: we define the bitstring here so
# as to be able to return it for verification.
hidden_bits = random_bits(qubit_count)

def oracle(register: cudaq.qview, auxillary_qubit: cudaq.qubit,
           hidden_bits: List[int]):
    for index, bit in enumerate(hidden_bits):
        if bit == 1:
            # apply a `cx` gate with the current qubit as
            # the control and the auxillary qubit as the target.
            x.ctrl(register[index], auxillary_qubit)

def bernstein_vazirani(hidden_bits: List[int]):
    # Allocate the specified number of qubits - this
    # corresponds to the length of the hidden bitstring.
    qubits = cudaq.qvector(len(hidden_bits))
    # Allocate an extra auxillary qubit.
    auxillary_qubit = cudaq.qubit()

    # Prepare the auxillary qubit.

    # Place the rest of the register in a superposition state.

    # Query the oracle.
    oracle(qubits, auxillary_qubit, hidden_bits)

    # Apply another set of Hadamards to the register.

    # Apply measurement gates to just the `qubits`
    # (excludes the auxillary qubit).

print(cudaq.draw(bernstein_vazirani, hidden_bits))
result = cudaq.sample(bernstein_vazirani, hidden_bits)

print(f"encoded bitstring = {hidden_bits}")
print(f"measured state = {result.most_probable()}")
    f"Were we successful? {''.join([str(i) for i in hidden_bits]) == result.most_probable()}"
#include <cudaq.h>
#include <iostream>

// If you have a NVIDIA GPU you can use this example to see
// that the GPU-accelerated backends can easily handle a
// larger number of qubits compared the CPU-only backend.

// Depending on the available memory on your GPU, you can
// set the number of qubits to around 30 qubits, and set the
// `--target=nvidia` from the command line.

// Note: Without setting the target to the `nvidia` backend,
// there will be a noticeable decrease in simulation performance.
// This is because the CPU-only backend has difficulty handling
// 30+ qubit simulations.

std::vector<int> random_bitstring(int qubit_count) {
  std::vector<int> vector_of_bits;
  for (auto i = 0; i <= qubit_count; i++) {
    // Populate our vector of bits with random binary
    // values (base 2).
    vector_of_bits.push_back(rand() % 2);
  return vector_of_bits;

__qpu__ void oracle(cudaq::qview<> qvector, cudaq::qubit &auxillary_qubit,
                    std::vector<int> &hidden_bitstring) {
  for (auto i = 0; i <= hidden_bitstring.size(); i++) {
    if (hidden_bitstring[i] == 1)
      // Apply a `cx` gate with the current qubit as
      // the control and the auxillary qubit as the target.
      x<cudaq::ctrl>(qvector[i], auxillary_qubit);

__qpu__ void bernstein_vazirani(std::vector<int> &hidden_bitstring) {
  // Allocate the specified number of qubits - this
  // corresponds to the length of the hidden bitstring.
  cudaq::qvector qvector(hidden_bitstring.size());
  // Allocate an extra auxillary qubit.
  cudaq::qubit auxillary_qubit;

  // Prepare the auxillary qubit.

  // Place the rest of the qubits in a superposition state.

  // Query the oracle.
  oracle(qvector, auxillary_qubit, hidden_bitstring);

  // Apply another set of Hadamards to the qubits.

  // Apply measurement gates to just the `qubits`
  // (excludes the auxillary qubit).

int main() {
  auto qubit_count = 5; // set to around 30 qubits for `nvidia` target

  // Generate a bitstring to encode and recover with our algorithm.
  auto hidden_bitstring = random_bitstring(5);

  auto result = cudaq::sample(bernstein_vazirani, hidden_bitstring);

  std::cout << "Encoded bitstring = ";
  for (auto bit : hidden_bitstring)
    std::cout << bit;
  std::cout << "\n";
  std::cout << "Measured bitstring = " << result.most_probable() << "\n";

  return 0;