module nemoguardrails.rails.llm.config
Module for the configuration of rails.
class Model
Configuration of a model used by the rails engine.
Typically, the main model is configured e.g.: { “type”: “main”, “engine”: “openai”, “model”: “gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct” }
class Instruction
Configuration for instructions in natural language that should be passed to the LLM.
class Document
Configuration for documents that should be used for question answering.
class SensitiveDataDetectionOptions
class SensitiveDataDetection
Configuration of what sensitive data should be detected.
class MessageTemplate
Template for a message structure.
class TaskPrompt
Configuration for prompts that will be used for a specific task.
classmethod TaskPrompt.check_fields
class EmbeddingSearchProvider
Configuration of a embedding search provider.
class KnowledgeBaseConfig
class CoreConfig
Settings for core internal mechanics.
class InputRails
Configuration of input rails.
class OutputRails
Configuration of output rails.
class RetrievalRails
Configuration of retrieval rails.
class SingleCallConfig
Configuration for the single LLM call option for topical rails.
class UserMessagesConfig
Configuration for how the user messages are interpreted.
class DialogRails
Configuration of topical rails.
class FactCheckingRailConfig
Configuration data for the fact-checking rail.
class RailsConfigData
Configuration data for specific rails that are supported out-of-the-box.
class Rails
Configuration of specific rails.
class RailsConfig
Configuration object for the models and the rails.
TODO: add typed config for user_messages, bot_messages, and flows.
property RailsConfig.streaming_supported#
Whether the current config supports streaming or not.
Currently, we don’t support streaming if there are output rails.
method RailsConfig.from_content
colang_content: Optional[str] = None,
yaml_content: Optional[str] = None,
config: Optional[dict] = None
Loads a configuration from the provided colang/YAML content/config dict.
method RailsConfig.from_path
config_path: str,
test_set_percentage: Optional[float] = 0.0,
test_set: Optional[Dict[str, List]] = {},
max_samples_per_intent: Optional[int] = 0
Loads a configuration from a given path.
Supports loading a from a single file, or from a directory.
Also used for testing Guardrails apps, in which case the test_set is randomly created from the intent samples in the config files. In this situation test_set_percentage should be larger than 0.
If we want to limit the number of samples for an intent, set the max_samples_per_intent to a positive number. It is useful for testing apps, but also for limiting the number of samples for an intent in some scenarios. The chosen samples are selected randomly for each intent.
classmethod RailsConfig.parse_object
Parses a configuration object from a given dictionary.